Chapter 1: Goodbye

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Maureen's POV I taped up the last box to our bedroom. I sat on the floor of our empty room just taking it all in. This was it. We were all heading to the palace. Somehow, they managed to build a brand new pack house in two months. I think Landyn owning a construction company and most of the pack helping out made it move a little quicker, but it still is really impressive that it got done that fast. Everything seemed to change the day Charles died. Lily changed. She got distant and cold. Much like I did when I found out about my mother being alive, but this was different. She blamed herself. She didn't understand what the point or being banshee was if she couldn't save them in the end. What I've learned about it is that it doesn't tell you who dies, just that it's someone you love and care about. It could have been any of us. Myles decided it was best that she stay in the pack house with everyone. He doesn't think her living in the palace with me is what's best for her right now. She had a hard time and blamed herself when Ben was in a coma. I guess this is far worse since Charles actually died. I think what hurts her the most is that she never got the chance to make things right with him in the end. There will never be an opportunity to get to know him the way she hoped and wanted to. She was angry, we both were. But she never had a dad. She wanted that love and bond more than anything. For the first few weeks, she barely got out of bed. Now she's just fueling on anger and spite. She wants nothing more than to find our grandmother and to make her pay. She's out for revenge, and I don't think she will let this go until she gets it. Seeing her like this made me realize we were more a like than I realized. I kind of got a taste of my own medicine. She wouldn't talk to anyone about anything and avoiding everyone like the plague. She really learned from the best. I hate to say that it's me. She learned it from me. I don't think there's much we can do for her. Other than finding our grandmother, and even then, i dont think it would make Lily feel any better. She just thinks it will. No one has any clue where she could be hiding or who she's involved with other than the hunters. She's continued to surprise us all with what she's capable of. Even out grandpa has been struggling to cope. He had no idea he was mated to such a monster for so many years, and it cost him his only child. Lily feels like he blames her. But that's truly not the case. He's just so consumed with grief and loneliness. My hope is that when Ben and I move in that he will come out of the funk he's in. My fear is that he will be even more consumed in making sure his granddaughter is safe. He feels like he failed Lily and Charles. I guess it's just in our genes. I'm afraid he will obsess over my babies safety. I heard a knock on the door. I didn't even get a chance to answer when Brody came in. "Have you seen Lil?" "She's not downstairs? Her and Myles were going to follow Landyn and Ella to the pack house." "No, I was hoping she was with you. We can't find her again." "Damn it." He looked at me with a concerned expression. "You know where she keeps going, don't you?" I gave a guilty look. "Yes....I'll get her." I went to teleport when I felt him grab my arm, taking him with me. Brody seems to be doing alright. I think he's mostly in denial. Deep down, I know he's really hurt that his mother left without saying a word to him or has tried to reach out. He seems to think that she wants nothing to do with him, but if that was true, why would she come and expose herself and her life to set him free? That was done out of love. If she truly didn't care, why would she come at all? Brody tried to get answers from his dad. But he seems to think his dad is being honest about not knowing the truth about his mother. He had no idea she was immortal or in that kind of danger when they met. Sure, he thought her wolf was unique, but he never heard of golden wolves before or what it meant. But he did say it explained why she didn't shift often or in front of anyone but him. Landyn agrees that we need to find the golden wolves before our grandmother does. I don't see how we could. She didn't even know where they kept hidden. She had to use Brody to lure them out. I think it's safe to say she probably won't find them. One thing I think Landyn is right about is that it probably won't be the last time we see her. She's out for blood now more than ever, and I think Lily and I are her targets. Especially since she learned we're both halfbreeds. We landed in the old rogue camp. Brody looked pissed. "Lily keeps coming here?.. Alone? Does she have a f*****g death wish?" He took a look around. "Does Myles and Landyn know?" "No, they don't. Let's just go take her home, please." We headed into the old run-down building where they kept the prisoners. Lily was sitting on the cot like she always was when I would find her here. She's only done it a couple of times. She didn't even seem surprised to see us. "Lily, you have to quit coming here. It's not safe." "I know. I just wanted to one last time before we left. I promise I won't come back." Brody linked me. "I didn't realize this was hitting her this bad." I linked back. "She's doing better. Let's just get her and go." I really do hate this place. I came here when Charles was killed. I needed to see this place for myself, and I'm glad I did. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to keep coming to get Lily. Brody linked me back. "Should you even be teleporting? I'm guessing Ben doesn't know about that either?" "He doesn't know. The doctor said it's perfectly safe until the later months. The doctor also said I would be carrying around seven months like my mother did. She's either all witch or has both genes." "You really need to tell Ben about all of this." "Brody, just stop. Let me deal with it." Lily looked back and forth at us. "You don't have to link. I know you're talking about me. I really am fine. I'm just saying goodbye. I was coming right back." I sighed. "You should have at least told me. I would have come with you. Lily, this really is stupid dangerous." She stood up abruptly, knocking over the cot. Her voice was harsh. "Don't act like you've never done anything impulsive. I'm pretty sure I've gone with you a time or two on your stupid impulse witchy trips." Brody yelled. "Lily, was that really called for it to be said like that." She put her head down. "Let's just get out of here. Are we running or teleporting?" I heard the sound of faint voices in the distance. "Shit." Brody peaked out around one of the doors. "Rogues. We are teleporting." Lily went to walk towards us when she tripped over a loose floorboard, bringing the wood with her. I could tell something caught her eyes because she bent down immediately with a confused expression. The voices were getting closer, and Brody started to panic. "Lily, we need to go now." She stuck her hand into the floorboard, pulling out a thick, beaten book. I heard a voice shout. "In here." When Lily came and grabbed onto my arm. I teleported the three of us outside of the packhouse near the tree lines. Lily looked down at me. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I shouldn't have been putting you and your pup in danger. I knew you would come after me." She walked to the pack house, not saying another word. Myles and Conner were waiting outside one of the cars for her. It looked like they both were chewing her ass out. Even Conner looked completely serious. I forget how close she is to him. She put her hands up in surrender and went inside to change before we headed out. Conner met me halfway. "What is going on? She won't tell us where you guys were at." "It's not my place to say Conner." "Listen, I know most of the time you guys get, Mr. Joker, but Lily is one of the closest people to me. If she's putting herself in danger, I need to know, and so does Myles. They have the twins to think about." It was weird seeing this side to him. It's not very often. "She's fine. It's never going to happen again. " His eyebrows scrunched together and then relaxed like he just figured out the missing piece to the puzzle. "She went back there, didn't she?" I gave a guilty nod. "I took her there once shortly after his death. I never thought she would go back again. " He rubbed his hands over his face in frustration. "I'll look after her while you're at the palace. I do think Myles or Landyn needs to know." "She was saying goodbye. I don't think she will go back. "
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