Chapter 19: Realization

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ELIZABETHS POV I woke up and slowly looked around the room. I looked and saw Dante resting beside me. I slowly got up and got dressed into a purple pleated skirt and a black off the shoulder crop top. my heart felt heavy as I walked to the window. I smiled and looked at Dante and ran my fingers through his soft white hair. I smiled and then got dressed in my purple pleated skirt and a black off the shoulder crop top with black stockings. I smiled and walked out of the room. I was gonna get over Alester he did what he did and he Chose her so I can care less. but I refuse to let her think she won. I smiled and walked to the kitchen then started cooking. it was about 5am so not many people were up the omegas were even still sleep. I grabed things out for pancakes, waffles, sausage, bacon, ham and eggs. I smiled and cleaned my area then started Makin pancakes when the head chief lily came in. Lily: "princess what are you doing. no you don't have to cook that I'd me and the other omegas job." me: "lily I love cooking and I would love to help. just let me cook today and you and the others can help. please. I need some normalcy. between a forced move and a rejection I need something I used to do just because." I smiled looking at her. she sighed then noded. Lily: "ok princess luna as you wish" I smiled and huged her as a thank you. she smiled and huged me back. we started cooking the pancakes and waffles like I used to back when I was living with the fangs. after 30 minutes the other omegas came in and started helping cook. we all chatted and smiled. at around 7:30 we had made enough waffles, pancakes, bacon, egg and ham for the whole pack as well as having leftovers. I looked as the door opened and Ace and Ray came in arguing. Lily sighed and rolled her eyes. Lily: "eavry morning they have the same debate" Ray: "im telling you Ace that girl likes you and like I've said every time we talk just ask her out." Ace: "that's so easy for you to say I'm saving myself for my mate thank you beside we have social standings for a reason. she's a delta and I'm an alpha prince." Ray: "social class my ass. when will you get over that stuff and go for it I know you like her. after all I saw your journal" Ace: "what?" I looked and saw a journal appear in Ray's hands and he flipped to a page in it. then started reading. Ray: "oh Paige how I could draw you all day. your skin soft like silk and your eyes bright then sapphires. how I wish I could kiss yiur rose lips." Ace: "GIVE THAT BACK YOU LIL ASS HOLE." me and lily looked as Ace chased after Ray as he kept reading. Lily stuck her leg out as they ran by and tripped them both. I then picked up the book as it fell to my feet and closed it. I smiled looking at the two then looked at lily who was looking mad. the boys sat up and held their heads down. Lily: "eavryday I swear. act yalls age for once or at least not run into the kitchen." Ray: "sorry lily. but the kitchen was the first stop when we smelled something new." Ace: "were sorry please don't be mad at us" Me: "I see the mornings are very interesting." I smiled and handed lily the book. she then handed it to Ace. Ace smiled taking the book then got up and looked at me. Ace: "hey baby sis what ya doing in here. you should be resting. ya know considering last night." me: "I am fine I need something normal to do anyway" Ray: "are you sure. besides they should be cooking not you." me: "no stop that. I wanted to cook and they are helping its just some of my own recipes that I liked doing back at the old pack." Ray: "ok then well were in the dinning hall helping mom with the kitchen. well tell her your up. Me: "thanks RayRay" Ace: "food smells good by the way" me: "thanks big bro. now go so we can finish I smiled as they walked to the dining room. It was about 8am when we has finished cooking eavrything. me and lily's then set the table and smiled. as I walked out the kitchen with the last plate of food then set it on the table I heard running coming down the stairs. I smiled and turned and saw my boys. Justin stoped and looked at me. Zeke then ran over and tackled me to the ground. I laughed smiling as they all huged me. I smiled kissing all their cheeks. they smiled letting me go then sat down at the table. I smiled and saw Dante. he looked at me then ran over and kissed me deeply. Dante: "I thought I was going to lose you again" Me: "I died once dosent mean I'll die again" Dante: "I hope not I'll miss ya to much" I smiled and huged Dante. he smiled hugging me back then went to the table. we all went to the table as the whole pack arrived and started eating after king Louis started eating. 4 HOURS LATER I smiled as I was packing a few bags for my tip with the guys and I were going on. I smiled as Mark walked in while I finished packing the last of my stuff. we were going to be away for two weeks. I smiled and leaned into mark as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck softly. Mark: "can we talk" me: "mmm sure what about" Mark: "so we need to figure out who will Mark you so we can keep better watch and make sure your always safe." I turned in his arms and looked at him. I smiled and put my arms around his neck. Me: "what did tall guys have in mind." Mark: "I can Mark you, or Zeke can or Justin. it depends on you. we'll all be able to mark you later but this will be so we know when ever you need help or something. we do want that figured out before we leave in the next few days ya know?" Me: "yea I know." I looked as Zeke and Justin walked in then looked. Zeke: "Mark did you tell her" Mark: "yea I told her" i smiled looking at them. and looked as Dante appeared on my bed. I went to my closet grabbing some things and Josie layed amher caller on my luggage. I smiled and picked her up. Zeke: "did she say who" Justin: "no she didn't Zeke. we can't rush this in her" Zeke: "I want her to be safe though. including after last night" Mark: "we all want her safe Zeke. but this isn't a simple decision" Dante: "whatbuf I just mark her. after all I'm her mate to" Zeke: "hell no" Dante: "why not" Zeke: "because I don't trust you and I'm not going to not considering who your sister is. for all I know you could be like her." Dante: "im Nothing like my sister I would never even phantom ever hurting her she's my mate." Mark: "come on zeke we have to trust him believe it or not he is one of her mates. he has to trust her with us so we can trust her with him. just come on" me: "guys stop. I will figure out who to mark me but not now" Justine: "we just want you to be safe and one of us marking you means we will know when you're in danger and come to your side sooner." Mark: "guys let her think about who ok?" Justin: "you're right mark" I smiled and looked at them as I held Josie. Josie licked my hand then looked at me and tapped happily. I smiled as I pet her cream head. she was easy to hold she was only the size of a full grown Shiba inu. I smiled. Me: "well if we want me to be safer how about we bring Josie Hope along on the trip." Zeke: "no we are not bringing her on the trip" Me: "but Zeke come on I don't want to leave her here alone" Mark: "come on bro she's got a point besides look at these faces. Josie could provide more protection for Liza when we aren't around" I looked at Zeke as I gave him the puppy eyes and poked my bottom lip out some. Josie also gave him the puppy eyes as I held her. zeke looked at me as his expression turned soft and he sighed. Zeke: "fine the dog can come" Me: "yay" Justin: "see this is how we want her" Mark: "such a beautiful smile" I smiled as I sat down. I jumped as the door busted open and sarah ran in with Max behind her. she smiled and huged me tight as I held Josie. I smiled and set Josie on the bed and she curled up her four tails wrapped around her. I smiled and huged Sarah. Sarah: "I heard what happened last night are you ok?" Me: "im fine hurt but I'm ok I promise" Sarah: "are you sure?" Me: "yea I'm sure" Sarah: "tell me what happened hun" I smiled shaking my head and she looked at the guys then got up she smiled sweetly like always then turned serious. Sarah: "get out all four of you now" Justin: "what about Max" Sarah: "he's my mate and your friends second hand" Dante: "come on guys she's with Sarah I'm sure Elizabeth will be safe. the guys looked at me slightly hesitant. I smiled at them then nodded. Justin sighed and motioned to the door. I smiled looking at them as they left the room. I let my smile fall once the door closed. I looked at Sarah and she pulled me into a hug. Sarah: " hun what happened" Me: "Alester rejected me last night" Sarah: "HE DID WHAT. THAT f*****g NO GOOD MAN HOE" Max: "that explains why Justin was at the pack house so late last night. I can't believe he ignored everything his mom taught us." Sarah: "well then we'll show that asshole exactly what he's missing then put on your most drop dead gorgeous outfit you have and we are all marching over there." I smiled looking at her then went to my closed to get charged. I smiled and put on my purple pleated mini skirt and a black of the shoulder crop top that reached my elbows. I smiled putting my black and read hair into a high up ponytail with a dark purple ribbon. I asked out then looked at Sarah as I put on my black chocker that a rose shaped ruby pendant. Sarah smiled then ran over to me. Sarah: "love you look beautiful. now to do some makeup and highlight all your features." Me: "Sarah are you sure about this?" Max: "well you want Abby to know your ok so let Sarah work her magic. not much can go wrong." Me: "ok lets do this" Sarah: "that's my girl" I smiled and put on my lace up hells then sat down at my vanity facing Sarah. she smiled and got all the makeup out then got to work. MARKS POV I looked at my siblings arguing over who will mark Elizabeth yes I admit I wanted to do it more that anything but it's her choice, not mine. I looked as Dante gave up with trying to reason with and calm my older brothers on the who will mark Elizabeth situation. I looked as Dante walked over to me. I'm surprised he lasted this long with my siblings if I'm being honest. Dante: "are they always like this?" Me: "most of the time." Dante: "how do you deal with it." Me: "just let them at it they'll tire out eventually." Dante: "I could never deal with it without losing my mind. but what do you think about this whole who marks Elizabeth situation?" Me: "I'm leaving it up to her. yeah I wanna mark her but it's up to her really. I know no matter who she chooses the rest will be a lil sad but we'll all get to mark her in due time. Dante: " your a really smart guy Mark. your hot a well leveled head to including with being this calm about this whole situation." I smiled nodding. if only he knew I was on the verge of killing Alester for dumping and rejecting our mate. I looked and smiled as Liza walked down the stairs smiling slightly. I got of the counter and walked to her as my anger for Alester subsided. I smiled looking at her beautiful eyes. her outfit was drop dead gorgeous on her. I took a strand of her curly hair twirling it around my finger then kissed her deeply. Mark: "baby you look beyond amazing." Elizabeth: "thank you mark" Dante: "beautiful as ever" Justin: "baby doll you look so out standing." Zeke: "so where are we going beautiful." Max: "baby you wanna tell them" Sarah: "we are going to go confront Alester and let him now what he's missing. being a rotten no good i***t that he is." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Authors Note so I know this chapter may be a bit short but I will make it up in the next with a fight and maybe something steamy just please stay tuned and keep supporting you guys I read do appreciate it. love y'all and see y'all in the next chapter

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