Chapter 18: Pain of the Past and Present

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DANTE POV I heald onto Elizabeth as she layed unconscious. I had ran up here as soon as I could. I held her close holding back tears. I could hear my demon wolf Cerberus growl in my head. I took all of me to keep both me and him calm. I looked around as I layed Luna on the bed. I sniffed around the room picking up a second scent. one I've smelled recently I just don't know where. I looked at a dagger that had a bit of blood on it. it reeked of the scent. I sighed then sat by her bed. shortly after I sat down her door busted open revealing Zeke, Mark, ans Justin all looking worried. Ace and Ray ran in behind them then grabed Mark as he tried attacking me. I looked not being phased or bothered by him. Mark: "what the f**k did you do to her" Ray: "Mark calm down it wasn't him" Me: "I came in and saw her on the ground after I heard her screaming I then picked her up as she cried and she passed out." Justin: "she's in so much pain." Me: "someone was here before us though. I smelled an extra scent it was faint but that dagger on the wall smells of it." I looked as justin walked to the blade and picked it up and sniffed it. JUSTIN POV I looked at the blade and sniffed it. my eyes widdened as I smiled Alester. I looked at Elizabeth and that's when it hit me. he was here. he wouldn't would he. if he did I need to know why. I looked up as I heard yelling and screaming. I knew those voices anywhere I looked as Celestia and Jacob busted in the room. Celestia then ran to her sister pushing past Dante and sat on the bed holding her hand. Jacob sat on the other side with a hate burning in his eye's for whoever hurt his sister. Celestia: "Elizabeth" Jacob: "she's in so much pain" Celestia: "Luna? who did this" Jacob: "what happened to my sister" Me: "we don't know yet Jacob. but we will tell you when we figure it out" Celestia: "Jacob yall better find who did this to my sister" Zeke: "we will we promise" me and my brothers talked over our mind link keeping eavryone out. I looked at Elizabeth as I talked with them. Me: "guys this smells of Al" Zeke: "what. how?" Mark: "why was here?" Me: "I don't know but I think eavryone in this room can feel how much pain and sadness she has." Zeke: "you don't think he would would he?" Me: "what an chose that b***h over our mate. he's an i***t if he did" Mark: "but he wouldn't he said himself she's the best thing to happen to him why would he reject her." Zeke: "I don't know what to think" I got up and walked out of the mansion and to my car. I heard Jax growling as I speed to Alester house. Jax was pissed sure we didn't like Sharing but to just flatly reject your mate like that and chose some random b***h. this was the girl that was made for him and he Chose that b***h over Elizabeth. I got out parking my car as I arrived. I knocked on the door then was greeted by Ashley. I growled and she screamed slammed the door in my face. the door opened and I looked down seeing Abby. I smiled then huged her as she smiled. Abby: "Mom Justin's here Justin's here" me: "yes I am here" Luna Carmen: "Justin sweetie it's soo good to see you" I smiled and set Abby down then went and huged Luna Carmen. Abby looked around me then pouted and looked up at me. Abby: "where is the pretty girl that was really nice?" Me: "Elizabeth isn't feeling to well sweetie. but I'll bring her by when she feels better" Abby: "ooh mommy can we make her something so she feels better faster" Luna Carmen: "of course dear go upstairs and ask your sister to help you ok?" Abby: "ok" I smiled as Abby ran upstairs to her sister. I let my smile fall then heard Luna Carmen signs. Luna Carmen: "so what brings you here. and in such a state of anger and sadness." Me: "I believe Alester has rejected Elizabeth as his mate." Luna Carmen: "what?!" I looked as her eyes turned red then glossed over. next thing I know Alester and Alpha Diego. I love at Alester as he came downstairs shirtless I help back a growl as Jax wanted to come to the surface and Alester. Luna Carmen: "what did you do boy." ALESTERS POV I looked at how mad my mom looked. I looked at her. how did she know. I looked at Justin then it dawned on me. they found her after she screamed but they have no proof I was there right. Justin: "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER" Me: "I don't know what you mean" Justin: "you were there when she screamed. Elizabeth is laying on her bed cold because of you so what did you do" Me: "I wasn't there Justin" Justin: "Alester you lier" I looked wide eyes as Elizabeths dagger I got her went flying past me. it had blood on it. my blood at that. I sighed and looked Justin in the eye. Me: "I did whatbsge asked me to do the night of the dance and when I saw her last week. I rejected her." Justin: "she didn't want that you ass. she was pissed and you chose that b***h over your destined one. you gave her up for some rotten b***h. all Eliza does is talk about you. after all the pain you put her through she still loved you. me and my brothers grew tired of it and your name Rolling off her tongue. she asked aboutyiu eavry day. and f*****g rejected her the one made forn you when you thought there was no one and you reject the gift the goddess blesses us with." I looked as I stayed calm. judging by how black Justin's normal red eye were when Jax is in control. I'm f****d. he growled louder. and anyone on Justin bad side is better of facing an angry pack of wolves and some blood hungry vampires. i looked at him and next thing I know I'm being hit in my gut and am sliding against my floor. I winced slightly then looked up at Justin. I bowed to my mom then left the house. my mom sighed then left leaving me and my dad together in the kitchen. Dad: "this is all my fault. I'm sorry bud. of only I could have swallowed my pride and asked for help instead of singing you away to the man's daughter." Me: "its also my fault dad I should have tried harder and not said yes to ashley." Dad: "you can fix this my boy. but yiu shouldn't give up your mate" me: "how dad" Dad: "don't worry you'll figure it out bud" I smiled as my sad walked away smiling slightly. I looked as I slowly got up and went to my room. I entered my room and saw Ashley pleasuring herself. I sighed as she waved me over. I wanted to give in but I wanted Elizabeth more. I looked at Ashley then shook my head. she looked at me in disbelief. Me: "get out and go sleep in the guest room now" Ashley: "I am your wife no" Me: "fine" I left and went to sleep in the guest room I needed to figure out a way to win Elizabeth back I just didn't know how to. not yet anyway. I layed on the bed and fell asleep thinking about Elizabeth. ZEKES POV I looked as justin walked in pissed. I looked at him and he popped down on the edge of the bed signing. Dante had fallen asleep holding Elizabeth's hand. Mark looked at Justin a worried look on his face. I looked at his hand and saw there was blood on it then sighed. Mark: "what happened?" Justin: "that basterd rejected her" Me: "that explains the busted knuckles" Mark: "did he say why?" Me: "who cares why he f*****g rejected her as if it was nothing" Justin: "he didn't even seem regretful" Me: "I'll kill him" I clenched my fist in rage. I could feel Zander scratching under the surface wanting to be let out. If I did let him out I'll end up hurting Alester probably killing him. Elizabeth has had enough worry for the month. I don't wish to cause her more. I don't want her in anymore pain either. I got up then looked at my brothers. Me: "let's go get some sleep im sure baby girl will be up in the morning. the nurse said she shouldn't be out for more then a day." Mark: "He's right beside we have to be well rested so that we can help our mate we all do. Dante is here with her. if anything happens the demon will protect her. Justin: "where's Azrael?" Mark: "He's in his room next door said he would keep an eye out for a bit before Goin to sleep" Justin: "ok we'll let's go to our rooms. I'm sure she'll be ok. I may stay up I can't sleep rn so." Me: "ok understood. I know we do.t need sleep but please don't stay up to long" Justin: "I won't" me and Mark walked out the room. Justin walked out Shortly after then went downstairs. I went to my room and saw my brother run off in his wolf form to the woods. I sighed then sat down on my bed. I needed to sleep. I leaned on the wall as I sat in my bed falling asleep. MARK POV I took deep breaths as I let the water run over my body. I felt useless. I was trying my hardest not to get mad. Rex was fumming and I couldn't blame him but I couldn't let him out. I wouldn't. he would kill anything to stop from being angry including if they hurt Elizabeth. I got out the shower once Rex was calmed a lil. he was no longer clawing for control. Rex: "Mark he deserves to die for what he's done" Me: "Rex he's our best friend" Rex: "he was before he rejected the greatest thing the moon goddess Selena could give him. she makes eavryone their perfect half. he has been hurting her for so long and you want this to slide what is your problem boy." Me: "I'm not letting this slide I am far from done with this. but I need no we need to make sure our mate is ok first. we can't live a sane life without her and you know it. we will deal with Alester later." Rex: "as you wish you are the one in control after all. but have yall discussed who will Mark her so we can keep her safe at all times." Me: "you know we haven't but we'll figure it out until then let's rest" I saw Rex nod in my head. I sighed then went to bed in a pair of sweatpants from earlier. ELIZABETHS POV I looked around as everything was so dark. I felt so much pain and it still hurts. is this what if feels like when the one you trust most betrayed you. I feel like someone riped my heart out and crushed it then burnt the remains. I looked around then saw a girl with purple eyes and small red horns sticking out her head. her hair was long and white with purple tips. her hair reached just below her waist. I got such a familiar feeling from her I wasn't scared it was quite relaxing. I then looked as she started to speak Zoe: "hi I'm Zoe your demon" Me: "your the new voice I was hearing when I meet Dante and Azrael." Zoe: "that is right" Me: "why am I here? and where am I" Zoe: "one you are in yiur head space along with me, Angel, Kia, and Sophie. two you were rejected and passed put from the pain." Me: "that explains why it hurts so much" Zoe: "yes rejection and betrayal does hurt more than anyone can imagine. but it's time you know the truth and remember what's important." Me: "and that is?" Zoe: "look behind you and see." I turned and looked at all the pictures playing on the wall like a bunch of filmes. I looked as I felt Kia nudge me. she was sad. I pet her head softly. angel then sat on my other side smiling slightly. i looked at Sophie walked over and layed her head on my lap. I admit it was weird being able to see all my different sides but it wasn't bad. Zoe: "these are from the last we were alive. this is what we had with Dante and the life we had" Me: "realy? they all look so happy. well most of them" I looked at one that stuck out it was me and Dante fighting. I tried reading lip and all I could pick up was small bits. PREVIOUS LIFE Past me: "what the f**k Dante" Dante: "what. now Zoe" Past me: "you kicked me out of our room" Dante: "yea I did because you kissed my right hand man yes I kicked yiu out" past Me: "I didn't kiss James. I told you this already your sister pushed me into him. how many times must I say she hates me" Dante: "why should I believe you" Past Me: "because I am your mate. unless that means nothing to you" Dante: "baby don't say that please. I love you. just please look me in the eye and tell the truth" I looked at Dante and stared him straight in his eyes. as tears threatened to fall from mine. Past Me: "I didn't kiss James. Ashley pushed me into him. she hates me." Dante: "you were telling the truth." Past Me: "I've been saying this for the past three weeks" PRESENT DAY I looked as the pictures faded. Ashley has hated me from day one. why though. I never did anything to her. I turned and looked at Zoe. she looked at me and tilted her head. Me: "why did she hate us. and why or how did we die?" Zoe: "a whole battle broke out because of Ashley. she wanted us dead. because of who we were. back then we were the daughter of king Amadeus. he was one of the most powerful kings. the marriage of you and Dante would make an alience unlike any other. Ashley didn't want that she would be next in line as the second hand and not Dante." Me: "she was a greedy b***h? and I take it we died during the battle. I want to see that. I need to know for myself how we died." Zoe: "as you wish" Me: "thank you" I turned and looked as the memory started playing. I looked as I saw me fighting along side with Dante. THE BATTLE OF HELL 500 YEAR'S AGO I fought of four demons as Dante was fighting his own manipulation all the shadows of his enemies making sure they couldn't move or turned them against each other. I smiled as I set enemie after enamie on fire burning them to ash. I whiped the blood off my cheek then smiled running to Dante. he smiled then huged and kissed me. I smiled killing a demon behind him. he let me go then went off to help his brother. I went back to fighting making a blade appear. I continued fighting as I slashed through different demons with my blade. I yelped holding back a scream as I felt a bullet go through my chest. I then felt a blade of straight through my gut. I looked seeing James as he smiled evily. his eyes were red. I looked as his eyes turned their normal orange and he looked horrified. I heard Dante yell then fell back gasping for air. I landed in Dantes arms and held onto him. Dante: "no Luna my love please don't leave me. please" Past me: "I love you Dante. f-find me when I come back. no m...matter what I will always love you.... if I don't remember please.... don't .... don't give up on me. I coughed up blood as I felt my lungs and throat filled with blood. I looked at him then smiled. he pressed his forehead to mine I then said a spell and took Dante hand putting my necklace in it. I kissed him sweetly. DANTE POV (500 YEAR'S AGO DURING THE BATTLE) I kissed Luna sweetly. I held her in my arms as she went limp in my arms I screamed yelling at the top of my lungs. I had lost my mate ELIZABETHS POV (PRESENT DAY) I looked at the memory as it faded. I held back tears and cries then looked at Zoe, then Kia and Angel then lastly Sophie. we went through that. I sighed then looked. Me: "so we were rejected?" Sophie: "yea we were" Kia: "Alester rejected us" Angel: "he chose that demon winch over us. of all people THAT b***h" I looked as the air around us started to fizz and burn with electricity and power. I looked at Angel. Me: "Angel calm down please we can't be to mad yet. please relax. Kia: "we will figure this out" I looked as Angel fell to the ground crying. after a good thirty minutes of crying we all relaxed. next thing I know my vision went balck. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~☆Aunthor here☆~ thank you guys do much for the reads. I really do appreciate it. yall are amazing and I do adore yall I will try to get three more characters up for yall. I'll also toss in a special chapter in there for yall. until next time my loves.
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