Chapter 17: Truths, Miracles and Rejection

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ZEKES POV I woke up and smiled as I got dressed. me and my brothers were going to go ask Elizabeth if she wanted to join us on our Christmas trip. me, Justin and Mark were going to see our mom. I smiled as I drove to Elizabeth's pack house. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Celestia. she smiled then let me in. we walked inside to the kitchen where I saw Jacob sitting at the table. I wanted to come and get Elizabeth for school and ask if she wanted to joined the trip I know our parents really wanted to meet her. Me: "hey Tia. is Liza up?" Celestia: "I thought she was with you." Jacob: "she's not here" Me: "What do you mean and are you feeling better" Jacob: "yea I'll be better If my baby sis was here" I looked as alpha fang and luna Nadia tensed up. they looked at each other then to us. Me: "where's my mate?" Celestia: "mom dad" Jacob: "what did yall do?" Luna Nadia: "we... we" Alpha Fang: "we kicked her out she lives with her family now and not here" Jacob: "did she chose to leave" Celestia: "she hasn't called us in days Because yall kicked her out." Me: "where is she now?" Luna Nadia: "the alpha king and luna queen pack house on the blue moon pack territory." I looked at the hurt and heartbreak in both the luna and alphas eyes. I looked then left as I shook my head. I hope in to my car and started it. I was about to pull out until I felt my car shake. I looked back to see Jacob and Celestia. Jacob: "we coming with" Celestia: "we have to see our sister" Me: "ok" I drove to the Blue moon pack as I called my brothers telling me to meet them there. ELIZABETHS POV I was sitting at my desk drawing and reading as I pet Josie who was sitting in my lap with her two tails hanging off the edge. I smiled as I finished drawing then heard someone yelling Luna. i smiled as I smiled as I started coloring in the picture. I then heard someone yell Elizabeth. I picked up Josie and mad my way downstairs to the kitchen. I wasn't used to being called luna but I have to get used to it. I had been attending school while living here for a week but no one knew who I was or that they moved thy just know the long lost princess is back. and during my coronation tomorrow I will announce it at school then to all the packs. once I got downstairs insaw the mama and papa with Celestia and Jacob. I then saw Zeke. why were they here no one knew who I was. Me: "hi" Celestia: "why are you here" Jacob: "why did you leave without goodbye" Zeke: "what happened baby girl." Me: "im the long lost princess and mom and dad kicked me out and disowned me saying I wasn't there daughter. they already had my stuf packed and I... I couldn't say bye if I wanted to. but I'm glad to see your better Jacob." Jacob: "yea some how I am as if someone very powerful is looking out for you and me huh?" I smiled and giggled then noded I loved my siblings I was still getting used to my older brothers though and having a twin its been to many times me and Ray had said the exact same thing at the exact same time it was freaky but cool. I smiled then looked down Celestia then ran over and huged me tight Jacob also huged me. I looked at them in shock then huged them both back. once they let me go I explained eavrything and how I wasn't going to go back home. I couldn't go back there anymore I couldn't face the alpha and luna anymore. also my place was now here so. after we all talked and ate Jacob and Celestia were drove back home by one of the driver's. I told him to make sure they got home safe at all cost. I smiled then turned to Zeke and huged him. I had miss him soo much I also missed the other two and break would start up in the next 3 days. Me: "what drinks you here" Zeke: "well me and my brothers are going to see out parents do you want to come?. it'll be a two week long trip and you can spend the other two weeks with your family. what ua say" Me: "I would love to just tell me when we're leaving and I can meet you guys or yall can pick me up or something." Zeke: "that's awsome I would love that. I mean well tell yiu the details tomorrow?" Me: "ok got it" Zeke: "wait we have school Today you want a ride. I know we're like an hour late and judging by your outfit you've been up for a while." I smiled as nodded. I smiled and waved by to my parents and brothers that Zeke would drive me and that I'll wait for Ray on the steps. I fixed my skinny jeans and shirt I then grabed my bag and got into the back of zeke car. Zeke: "why are you" Me: "I'll crawl to the front later baby just get in and let's go please" Zeke shruged then got in the car and started driving to school. I took off my top revealing my bra then put on my black quater sleeve wrap crop top and tied the center. I then slid my pants off and put on a red pleated skirt with a white line going down the sides. I smiled slipping on my dance shorts then crawled to the front seat. Zeke smiled then put his hand on my thigh. after talking and what not we pulled into the school parking lot. we got out the car and I was instantly greeted by whistles. I rolled my eyes then smiled as I walked up the steps to mark and Justin. Justin: "looking fine as ever baby" Mark: "beyond gorgeous" I smiled at the guys and we all talked about what's been going on. I smiled as we talked then looked as Alesters car parked. me and the guys looked as he got out with ashley right beside him like always. Alester smiled softly at me. I held back a smile then looked as Ashley stopped towards me. I walked down the steps and stood at the foot of them. Ashley: "what the guck are looking at slut." Me: "the trash that isn't where it belongs" Ashley: "you can't have him ya know I won't let ya" Me: "Ashley your not as bad as you let on ya know" Ashley: "why do yiu say that" Me: "because you feel threatened by me. it's the only reason you come at me like you do" Ashley: "why you lil" I stood my ground and growled at her. I wasn't gonna let some wannabe push me around. I braced myself as she was about to hit me. I looked as her hand was stopped. I looked behind her and saw a guy with snow white hair that had dark blue almost black streaks and white eyes standing behind her. I was almost taken aback by his presence. it was like he appeared out of nowhere. I jumped as he threw Ashley into a car. he then walked up to me. I wanted to run but something was telling me not to. I looked as he put his hand on my cheek and I felt a heat rise in my chest. Me: "who... who are you" Dante: "my name is Dante and I'm your mate well one of them apparently" Me: "you seem very familiar" Dante: "that is a long story but you will remember soon enough I promise. I am the demon prince and I'm sorry about my i***t sister. Me: "its fine" I looked and saw Alester helping Ashley up. I thwn looked at Dante dissappear. I turned and saw him standing at the top of the steps where he smiled and nodded. I was in complete shock. Justin and them then ran over to me. I looked and saw Ray running over. I was still trying to process what the f**k just happened. I smiled at eavryone and told them I was fine I smiled and we all went inside I waved my hand fixing the car that Ashley broke. we all walked inside to gymnasium me and the guys sat down talking. Justin was holding my left hand while Mark sat on my right with his arm around my shoulder and Zeke was leaning against my legs as I ran my free hand through his hair. we were Makin plans for a winter party this year. I smiled then looked as Dante came in the gymnasium. a guy with Midnight blue hair and red almost black eyes that looked similar to him. I smiled as we watched them. they radiated a familiar yet foreign power. the whole gymnasium went quite. I then heard a voice in my head that I didn't recognize. ???: "My mate. and I'm finally awake" Me: "who the f**k are you" Angel: "Zoe. your alive." Zoe: "yup I've been in a dormant sleep for so long" Me: "what's going on" Sophia: "you have a past life and she is your demon your a hybrid of 4. and all you don't remember will come back to you all of us but you know and remember." Me: "ok then I'll let yall catch up" I cut of my mind link then got up and walked off the bleachers and to the principle. we stood by the principle he then announced how we have 3 new royals in school. Principle: "welcome the prince and king of the demons relms Dante and Azrael." Ray: "it is very nice to meet yall I'm prince ray" Me: "im princess luna but I go by Elizabeth" Dante: "why Elizabeth" me: "I'll explain later" Principle: "and now welcome our long lost princess luna" I smiled and waved to eavryone. I ignored the gasp and whispers then looked at the guys. I smiled at Dante and Azrael. Ray: "as guests to our school and territories me and my sisters would love to show you around." Me: "I think yall will like it here." Dante: "I think I will" Azrael: "can we hurry this up" Dante: "be patient. I would loved if yall showed us around" Ray: "awsome let's introduce to some close friends and then we can go" Azrael: "awsome" I smiled as I walked over to the boys. they had stayed behind to wait on me and Ray. Zeke ran over and huged me as mark kissed my cheek and Justine kissed my head. I laughed as they all huged me. they let go after a bit then Justine put his arm around me looking at Dante then Azrael. Dante didn't look to pleased either. Ray cleared his throat breaking the tension between the two. Ray: "this is Azrael the demon king and Dante the demon prince." Azrael: "yall may know our sister" Justine: "who is your sister" Just as Dante was about to answer Ashley busted through the doors with Alester running behind her. I sighed then looked at Ashley as justin let me go. I met her halfway and she stoped a couple feet away. Ashley: "why does my husband smell like you. you were with him last night weren't you" Me: "your delusional" Ashley: "I saw you with him" Me: "then you know what happened" Ashley: "your such a f*****g w***e" Me: "don't throw a tantrum. we only talked beside he found me" Ashley: "you lier" Alester: "baby come on lets go" Ashley: "are you defending her" Me: "I don't know why he chose you over me" Alester: "liza doll. I had no choice" Me: "you had a f*****g choice. I looked at that contract. you could have broke it and asked for help. my family will gladly help. you chose her because you weren't thinking. it was just a bunch of money" Ashley: "dont talk s**t because your bitter" Me: "im not f*****g bitter. get it through your thinck skull and put what I'm about to say somewhere in that small brain of yours. I. Don't. Give. A. Flying. f**k. ok you can have him. any mate should fight for what's there's. not pass it up for whatever you are." Ashley: "why you lil" I walked past Ashley not caring. I then felt my hair get pulled back. next thing I know I'm being slammed against the wall. I gasped for air then growled. I was soo done with this princess. I charged at Ashley then punched her. she went flying and I looked smiling. I've wanted to do that for soo long. I looked at the guys as they tried to walk over. they stoped when they looked then noded. they knew I didn't want them involved. I looked as Ashley got up then came at me. I dodged to the left then elbowed her in the back. she fell to the ground then got up. she then grabbed my ankle and flung me. I was making sure not to break skin on her her on the other hand wanted me dead. I felt my head hit the ground. I then felt my head and looked at the blood on my fingers. that was gonna leav a mark. I fell slightly limp as I let Ashley pin me. I whimpered as she dug her shap nails into my arms. I gasped slightly as she clawed at my chest. I then pushed Ashley off me and slowed my healing. I gasped as I held my arms and Dante and Azrael grabbed Ashley as she tried charging at me again. there were no cameras in the gym so with this scene she's the one in trouble I only did defensive moves and I made sure of not leaving a mark. I looked as the principle and a nurse ran in. I looked at Zeke. Zeke: "Mark contacted them" Me: "ok. this really hurts" Mark: "are you ok" Justin: "you'll be ok I promise" Me: "boys I'll be fine" I looked over at Dante and the principle scolding Ashley. Azrael was also scolding her. so I took it that was their sister. Alester ran over to me with Dante behind him as Azrael continued to scolding and lecture Ashley. the nurse was cleaning my wounds. I whimpered slightly eavrytime I felt the sting of the alcohol on my wounds. Dante sat by me then looked at me with worry. Alester looked trying to keep q straight face. I could see and feel the guilt in his eyes though. Alester: "im soo sorry Elizabeth" Dante: "are you ok" Me: "I'm in pain" Dante: "me and my brother will handle our no good sister. she wasn't always like this." Me: "I find that hard to believe. no offense" Dante: "none taken I wouldn't believe me either. has she been like this to you the whole time she's been here?" Me: "yea" Justin: "yup" Zeke: "you have no clue" Mark: "its been since she's got here" Alester: "I'm soo sorry Eliza" Me: "Al we will talk later. please just go be with your wife" Alester nodded then left. the nurse had finished my wounds then looked at me. I smiled and noded telling her I was ok. she smiled and got up then went to check Ashley for wounds. the principle then came over and I told her my side of the story and the guys told her the same. Ashley pulled my hair and attacked I was dodging and defending myself until she slamed me to the ground. and I didn't want the guys getting involved or hurting Ashley trying to protect me. the principle is the only person that knows that the triplets are my mates so far. if they got involved we be hosting a funeral or three. Justin helped me up and looked at me slightly worried. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I smiled as the principle and nurse left with Ashley. Me: "serves the b***h right" Zeke: "you could have done damage to her and not got hurt. why didn't you?" Me: "my word is more believable if I'm the one hurt and she's not. therefore my story is more believable" Justin helped me up and we all went to our lockers. school wasn't really long considered it was the last day. as I finished with my math class. that was nothing but us on our phones. Me and Ray sat at the table with the other kids of the Alphas, Betas as well as the Gemmas. I smiled as I saw Dante and Azrael walk in with Ashley behind them and Alester beside her. I looked at Ray. He nodded as if reading my mind I then smiled and waved the four over so they could come sit with us. Dante smiled as he and Azrael came and sat down as Max and Matt pulled two extra seat up. Alester sat in his seat with ashley beside her. the table went quite as she sat down. I smiled then shook my head. Me: "eavryone relax it is ok" Max: "I still don't trust her. she hurt you princess" Me: "you all will call me by my name Elizabeth and gradually go luna. I am still yalls friend" Ray: "Sis she committed treason" Me: "I am not dead so it is fine. we can't aford to lose the peace between wolves and demons" Justin: "she's right" Matt: "are you sure Elizabeth" Me: "im positive you all relax. Alester is still one of our fellow alphas and... Ashley his wife. we still show them respect." I smiled and Ashley looked at me suprised. Alester also looked at me surprised. I just shruged as if it was nothing because it wasn't. I smiled listing to eavryone conversation. I got lost in thought as I heard Zoe in my head. Zoe: "you have to talk to Dante" Me: "why should i" Zoe: "because I said so. he is our demon mate he's my mate. and he was yours centuries ago before the 4 wolves" Me: "fine what ever" Sophia: "I cant beleive they chose her over us" Kia: "calm down Sophia" Angel: "buts she's ok with it." Me: "im not this hurts me ok. more than yall know but they can't see me cry I won't alow it. Ashley can't know she won. and hopefully she hasn't" I jumped looking as mark had put a hand on my shoulder. I looked at Mark and he smiled worry in his eyes. I smiled at him then kissed his cheek telling him I'm ok. He smiled then noded. once eavryone finished lunch we all left the rest of school would be boring anyway. I was sitting on the hood of Marks truck as we waited on Dante and Azrael. Dante and Azrael walked out the building and walked over to us. well more like walked to me. Dante smiled and leaned on the car beside me and Azrael looking kinda annoyed. Zeke: "yall ready for a fun time in town" Justin: "we'll show you all the best places in town" Elizabeth: "and all my favorite places" Sarah: "yay shopping" I smiled as Sarah and Max walked over as Max had his arm around her shoulder. I smiled and blew a kiss to Sarah. we heard Max growl then brok out laughing. after a while of talking we all got in the cars and drove to me and Sarah's Favorite Cafe and Backery. they had some of the best baked goods. I smiled looking at all of them. me and sarah pushed past the guys and went up front and started ordering 4 of eavrything they had. ZEKES POV I sighed as I looked at Sarah and Elizabeth ordering food. they always get eavrything. Justin: "who pays this time" Mark: "I payed last time. it's between you and Zeke man." Me: "Nah I payed the time before that and I have the recite to prove it" Justin: "Nah I'm not paying this one you see how much she's ordering" Max: "yall better hurry because she's almost done" I looked as my brothers bickered on who would pay. I then saw Dante appear by Elizabeth. he smiled looking at her. her eyes light up a light yet beautiful purple I had never seen before. Dante smiled and handed the cashier a few hundreds then picked up the 5 boxes full of baked goods. Elizabeth had laughed as her and Dante walked over. I let out a growl and my brothers stoped arguing. I pullled Elizabeth close and behind me as I stared Dante down. Azrael then stood by his brothers side. Justin and Mark joined me. I was ready to rip this newbie prince head off. ELIZABETHS POV I sighed then got between the boys. this was annoying and knowing these three they would attack. Sarah: "Zeke boys calm down" Max: "baby leave them be" Elizabeth: "you are all 5 acting like children. he payed for our food and we talked about his sister. now relax Ezekiel" I looked as I stepped between the guys slightly angry. Zeke looked down at his feet then mark and Justin looked away. Zeke: "it's just I'm fine with sharing you with my brothers. I'm ok with sharing you with Alester. but baby you're eyes turned purple and so did his" Mark: "we don't want to lose you" Me: "you won't you dummies yall are my mates. you can't lose me" I smiled looking at them. then took the box off of the top. I then walked out the door carrying it. after we spent hours of showing Dante and Azrael around town and the different packs. we went home. Dante and Azrael would be staying at my place. Justin was against it but since they are royals they do get to stay at the castle as guests of our territory. I was now sitting at the dinner table with my new parents. Ray, Ace, Sarah and her family as well as Dante and Azrael. Queen Stephany: "how was school luna" me: "um it was good" King Louis: "I heard today was the last day" Me: "yea and the guys asked me to go on a two week trip with them to see their parents. I think it'll be fun" Ace: "not by yourself" Ray: "Ace we aren't doing this again" Ace: "I don't trust those asses." Ray: "let her go they've been protecting her for this long" Ace: "realy after Alester married that b***h over our sister then had the audacity to ask for her back!!" Ray: "no offense to your sister" Dante: "it's true" Ace: "I will not let her go with them" Ray: "look I know Alester messed up but you can't say they will to" I looked as I listened then played with my food. I was no longer hungry. my thoughts went straight to Alester. I held back tears then looked as I felt someone hand on my thigh. I looked and saw Dante. next thing I know a few tears fell down my cheek. I got up then hurried to my room before anyone could see me cry. I closed my door then leaned on it crying. After a good ten minutes of me crying I looked up and say Alester. I jumped up and looked at him. Me: "What do you want" Alester: "I want you. Alfred and Coal want you. please forgive them it was my mistake not theirs" Me: "you still chose me over her. that b***h the one who said I should die the one who wants me dead. who tried killing my brother. over me" Alester: "baby please hear me out" Me: "no don't call me that. you have no right" Alester: "then let them say it" I looked as his eyes turned a beautiful crimson red letting me know Alfred was in control. I took a step back as he walked forward. I was then pinned to my door and held back tears. he pined me to the door then kissed me deeply. I let the tears fall then looked up as he pulled away. Alfred: "I'm sorry baby. doll face I wish I could do something" Me: "but you can't" he sighed and looked at me. I sighed then looked as his eyes turned black. I knew it was Coal in control now. he gripped my neck softly then kissed me. he slowly cupped my cheeks then looked at me. Coal: "I'm so sorry my loves. please forgive us for what happens next but it's not up to us it's up to all." Me: "what, what do you mean?" I looked as his eyes turned their normal redish orange and grew darker. Me: "Alester?" Alester: "Luna Rose King. I Alester Knight reject you as my mate." I looked shocked as I felt my heart drop. he rejected me. he came here to reject me. why. I tried relaxing then suddenly felt a a sudden rage over come me. I frabed a dagger then threw it at him. I fell down to the ground and started crying. the one I trusted most out of all my mates. rejected me. I cried yelling as I felt a sudden pain over come me. I layed on the ground crying then looked at the door as I heard a knock. I then looked around seeing Alester was gone. I sudenly felt someone pick me up in their arms and try to calm me as I cry. my vision then went black as the pain became to much. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~☆Author here☆~ Hey babies so this is my longest chapter for this book ever. I apologize for the things that have happened. it took me a bit to do this chapter because one I graduated Friday and had a party Saturday ans before then I was doing a whole bunch of test and exams as well as getting ready for my graduation. this is why it took me soo long to do this chapter. I will be updating more and yall should be getting reddy for more chapters. this section of the book is coming to an end. but do not worry there will be a second book and I'm so glad yall have been enjoying this book. I also have a third that is under work process right now. and soon I will publish it just not now. but thus book will get more updates and I will tell yall when we are at the last two changes. until next time my loves.
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