Chapter 16: The Dead of Night

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Elizabeths Pov I woke up and looked at the time it was 2 am I got up out of bed and decided I'd go for a walk. I pet Josies head then went downstairs to the back and headed to the garden. I sat in the center of the flowers then looked up at the sky. The stars were so beautiful they looked brighter here. I got up and started walking I needed air. I smiled walking the woods then shifted. I smiled and my wolf, Kia take control. KIA'S POV I smiled as I ran through the woods my white fur shining in the moon light. I haven't been on good run in forever so this feels amazing. after a bit or running I slowed down as I came to a crystal clear lake that was reflecting the full moon. I smiled and laid down by the water. I sighed as my mind drifted back to Alester this was hurting me. He had got married to someone that wasn't me. I let put a slight whimper then looked at the water. I laid on my side thinking of Alester and how hurt I was. I have four mates but losing one still hurts like hell. I felt like someone had ripped that hart out when I saw that wedding worst part is I couldn't object. it would be three days to late. I whimpered as I felt my heart clench in pain. after a while of sitting and mopping about over a mate who probably never wanted me I got up. I heard a twig crunch behind me as I got up. I twisted around growling and put all my power in it. I looked at the dark black wolf with red eyes. it looked at me with slight pain in its eyes. I looked then sniffed the air. the wolf mind link me with a sadness in his tone. his voice was slightly deeper but it reminded me of Alesters. ???: "im sorry mate for eavrything my human has put yall through" Me: "Coal?" Coal: "yes. me and Alfred did not agree to this wedding I promise but he didn't really listen to us in trying harder to break it. Me: "shouldn't you be with your demon princess" I sat by the lake with my back to him. I felt Coal slowly walk to me then sit down by me. Coal: "I only love yall" Me: "then why didn't yall stop him yall are part of him and you have a say and the power to do something" Coal: "baby please understand this is the worst mistake of our lives" Me: "do not call me that" Coal: "baby doll" I froze hearing that name. I loved when Alester called us that but I wasn't gonna fall for it not this time. I didn't respond. I then heard a sweet voice that was laced with a sort of formality. I kept my head down knowing it was Alfred's voice. he had called out baby doll. I refused to answer let alone look because I know when I do I'll never want to look away. I heard a huff then heard Alesters voice call out doll face. I froze then gave in I could feel the pain Sophia, Angel and Elizabeth were going through. I looked at alastor his eyes were its normal vibrant red. I looked as he nuged my side. I jumped back at the feel of sparks. don't get me wrong there was nothing wrong with them but I knew they would be my death. I looked at him with pain and sadness in my eyes. he looked at me in realization of how much he hurt me not by nudging me with his snout but by all the s**t he did that said he didn't want me. Me: "you can't do that" Alester: "do what?" Me: "want me then treat me like trash infront of your new princess. you treat me as if I don't and never existed to you" Alester: "Kia I love all of yall" Me: "then you would have tried harder!" I looked as he started at me then held his head down I shook my head then started heading back home. "come back when you're not with the b***h that's killing my brother" I snaped. once I was at the mansion I let Elizabeth take back control. ELIZABETHS POV I snaped my fingers making clothes appear on me. I then telaported to my new room and got in bed. Josie cuddled up to me in bed and fell asleep. I smiled cuddling my cream wolf pup. THIRD PERSON POV A shadow with white and the silhouette of a man perches it's self on a tree branch outside of Elizabeth's window careful not to be seen. he looks at Elizabeth's examining her he then looks at the cream pup that had pink tips. startled by the sight of the dog he jumped back and broke a branch beside him. apon hearing the branch Josie woke up and looked in the direction of the shadow in the tree and started barking and growling. the shadow looked at the amethyst eyes of the dog then feel back further and blended into the shadows of the tree. Elizabeth looked as Josie kept growling. qfter humming and comforting her furry friend both Josie and Elizabeth went to sleep. "well this changes eavrything" the shadow whispered before disappeared back into the shadows of the night. the shadow then appeared infront of a big tall castle like mansion (ya the ones you see in them scary movies that eavryone used to watch and yiu would see lightning around the house. it's looks like that type of house. back to the story.) the shadows fell revealing a man with snow white hair with dark blue streaks and white eyes. he looked about 19. he was a buff guy but not to buff. he had a chiseled face with a tan completion. he walked into the mansion and up the stairs to a room that had blood red maple doors. he pushed the doors open and looked at a guy with long midnight blue hair and dark red almost black eyes he had the same complexion as tan complexion as the first guy he was buffer though and looked a bit taller. Shadow guy: "Azrael I found her." Azrael: "good come in. has her demon side awaken yet Dante" Dante: "no it hasn't Zoe still remains dormant as if Elizabeth is purposely keeping her sleep." Azrael: "we need her back and soon hopefully tomorrow's blood moon awakens her." Dante: "will she even remember us. it's been over 500 years last we saw her we layed wast to a whole village for killing her brother" Azrael: "there is no guarantee she will remember but that mate bond yall have should be there and maybe having you around will waken it sooner." Dante: "and if it's not there?" Azrael: "It will be there. there is no denying the love yall shared before the day she died and before she meet those dogs." Dante: "what about jacob" Azrael: "I will take care of Jacob and I will handle our sister for trying to hurt your mate and kill people without permission." Dante: "these centuries without her have been hell. I want my mate back I spent centuries looking for her and now I found her. I just hope she remembers me. even..... even if there is no longer a bound or connection" Azrael: "there will be a connection and bond I assure you. she doesn't know the Queen she is yet. or the power she holds. give it time." Dante nodded then bowed to Azrael. Azrael shook his head and sighed. Azrael got up and walked to Dante he put his had on his shoulder. Dante rose and looked at Azrael his white eyes holding unheeded tears. Azrael: "what have I told you about the bowing" Dante: "but you are the king of the demon and death relm. I am mearly here to serve" Azrael: "Dante you you know you are my baby brother and friend as well as the second prince of this relm. you do not have to bow to me." Dante: "thank you big brother" Azrael: "now go rest we have to go to school tomorrow so you can be close to yiur mate." Dante smiled hearing his brothers words as his eyes turned a vibrant green showing he was happy. Dante nodded then headed off to his room to sleep. Azrael then called up his sister and got no answer he growled his eyes turning bright red from rage. He got up then went to his room. he passed by a portrait of his brother and a girl that looked very similar to Elizabeth. "it's ok Luna you will be back soon as soon as Zoe wakes you will remember eavrything." Azrael said as he stared at the portit. he looked at the portit of him and his siblings with their parents. a women that had white almost silver hair and red eyes and a man that had midnight blue hair and white eyes. they all looked happy in the picture. that is eavryone but the woman with white hair. she looked so sad and hurt. if only they knew how much she was hurting before ending herself. Azrael always blamed himself for his moms death. he wish she could have saved her he was 13 but he still feel its his fault. if only he knew what she went through before hand. Azrael walked the halls thinking of how kind and sweet his mother was she was the flower that calmed the rabid beast that was their father. Killian was a brutal demon and Azrael swore to his mother on her death bed that he wouldn't rules like his father did. Azrael waved his hand making a small black cat with three tails and gray eyes appear. "go watch her and keep an eye her don't let her out of yiur sight shade." He said to the black cat as it sat infront of him. the cat nodded its head then disappeared into the night to watch over Elizabeth. Azrael then sighed and went to sleep in his room. eavryone slept soundly that night not knowing what would come there way. A dangerous power was waiting to get ahold of Elizabeth and it needed those boys to lead them to her so the moment she's at her weakest so that it could crush her very soul once again like it did centuries ago. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~☆Anouncment☆~ I just want to say I'm gonna do a major plot twist and things are gonna get real as you see new characters I think yall are gonna love these characters. I want to give a deep apology for this chapter being late I had came across some issues and I don't wanna half ass on yall with that said expect some mature content two chapters from now and um don't say I didn't warn you. I love yall so much later lovies?
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