1050 Words

Safeeyah And, here I'm. In front of the man who promised to take his revenge on Farhan. Finally! My husband has succeeded in putting me into trouble! The look on this man's face isn't pleasing at all. There's no doubt, he's going to kill me and my innocent child today. "Now, did you remember me?." He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. "Do you?." He asked again and I can only nod in response. I can't open my mouth to talk to him. "I can't hear you, do you?." "Ye... Ye... Yes." I stuttered. "Good! I'm Danjuma Kwanbo, I once worked for your husband but, h chooses to be heartless towards me only because I took 22 million naira from his company. He denied me work in other companies too. What's 22 million naira compared to the millions of naira that he has?." He asked me but, I

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