1696 Words

"Okay, Okay... Yeah, yeah! Thank goodness, finally! I can see you... Yeah, yeah... I'm coming towards you now." What? Safeeyah has been kidnapped? Farhan's wife? But how and why? I hope, this is not what I'm thinking about? Could Zuwairah be still holding unto the past? Could she be doing all of these because of what I told her years back? Revenge? s**t! No, this can't be happening. She's taking revenge on Farhan but, he's innocent. He doesn't even know s**t about the whole thing. The truth is, I was at fault and yet, I blamed him for it. I need to act fast! I need to do something before it gets out of hand. This is the right time to make things right! I've been wrong for a long time now... Jameel, do something about this fast!- He mentally said to himself. What do I do? What do I do

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