Chapter 3

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I was pacing around my room trying to think of a way out of this meeting with the Eldenmeyer coven. Surely at this meeting they will try to kill her and her father, and this is unacceptable. If only I had my memories back I could put my being a lawyer in a past life put to good use and get me and my father out of this mess. For months after my father turned me I looked for ways to help restore my memory and tried anything and everything and came up with zero results. After a while I just accepted that I was never going to remember who I was before my rebirth. I was still pacing when there was a knock on my bedroom door, I stopped in the middle of my room and took a deep breath in and went into character. "You may enter." I spoke just loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear me, I waited with my hands clasped in front of me. When the door open I saw that it was Aunt Anja, she came into the room and shut the door. She stared at me for a few minutes before sighing and shaking her head, " What a mess you've caused Vanessa. I told you father it was not a good idea to turn you, but he insisted that you were the one he wanted." She went and sat down on the chair that sat in front of my vanity. She looked at me and saw a tear fall down her face, " Yet, after training you and readying you for our world I have come to cherish you as my niece. I was reluctant at first because I was scared for your father, there was gossip already that the North American council was going to change their law." She got up from the chair and walked to me and stood in front of me.  Anja has never showed emotion to me before and I wasn't sure what to expect from her. She had always acted so indifferent towards me, she never showed hate or dislike but she never hugged me or expressed her feelings towards me either. She reached down and grabbed my hands and held them between us, " I don't know what I'd do without you or your father. I just wanted you to know that whatever happens at that meeting that I will do what I can to keep you safe." She reached out to me and pulled me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around her. We stayed like that for a minute or two, I wasn't even sure when the last time I even had a hug. My father and brother are not the type to hug or express their feelings towards me or each other, so this was nice. When she finally let go she was back to her normal self and started going through my closet to choose an outfit for the meeting. I rolled my eyes and just sat down on my bed waiting for her to get done.  When she was finally done going through my closet she gave me an outfit that was a little different than what she usually has me wear. She gave me a pink and black blouse that has flowers as the pattern and was the neckline was like a halter top. She gave me a black suit jacket to go over the blouse and she gave me slacks along with some boots that had a slight heel on it. Usually Anja had me in a tight pencil skirt or something along those lines. I looked up at her and gave her a confused look, she rolled her eyes at me, " Well you can't expect to be able to fight those brutes in a skirt and high heels do you?"  I chuckled at her and shook my head, I got up and walked into my bathroom to change into my clothes. When I had finished changing I stopped to look at the mirror the sink, my long black hair was down and I didn't have any makeup on. I looked like I was in my 20's and had fair skin, I had green eyes. Almost a Emerald coloring, my skin was flawless not a single blemish. I wasn't sure what I had looked like before, being turned had enhanced some of my features I knew that at least from basic vampire knowledge. I wasn't sure of my real age either, my father wouldn't tell me that either. I sigh and turned away from the mirror, there was a lot my father never told me. Especially if it was about me. I walked out of the mirror and walked into my room to an impatient Anja, she gestured for me to sit down at the vanity so she could get started. While she was doing my hair I decided to try to get some information out of her, " Aunt Anja, when is the Eldenmeyer coven arriving?" she stayed silent for a few seconds while she was brushing out my hair. " They will arrive in a hour, this is why your father had called you home and insisted you leave immediately." Why would they arrive out of the blue like that? Usually a coven has to give notice that they will be visiting and it has to be approved by my father, otherwise it's considered an act of war. " Do you know who will be at this meeting?" She stopped brushing my hair and c****d her head thinking, " Well it won't be Akela and his father, they are preparing for Akela's and his mate's wedding. I believe they sent their most trust and best, two men, twins actually. Their names are Alexi and Dimitri Kuznetsov I believe. I don't know much about them just their names and that their from Russia." I felt a pounding in my head and hissed and reached for my temples and started massaging them, I've had a couple headaches before but not many but when I do they come and go fast but are very painful. When the pain had passed I sat up and Anja resumed dealing with my hair,  " Where have I heard that name before? It sounds very familiar. Akela is a very unique name I don't think I would forget would it belongs to." Anja just shakes her head not giving up any information, I curse in German annoyed with my aunt. Her and my father always keep information from me and it gets frustrating at times. When she finally finished with my hair it was a braid that started in the front and led around to a bun, she started on my makeup but didn't linger on it. I never wore a lot of makeup, most vampire women don't but we just don't need to. The only thing I ever wear is eyeshadow, lipstick, and highlighter. My aunt decides to go with a natural look this time, and just lip gloss. She stepped away and head to the door, she stopped as she opened it and looked at me, " Good luck my Nichte "  with that she walked out the door. I sighed and got up from my vanity and headed to the window next to my bed and look at the castle grounds, the stuff was still running around making last minute preparations for Alexi's and Demetri's arrival. I turned from the window and walked to my door, I stopped before walking out of the room and took one last moment to prepare myself for this meeting. I headed to my father's office where the meeting will be held, we decided to all meet there and then head to the foyer to greet our guests together. When I got to my father's door I knocked, not a second later he responds to enter. I open the door and Ryker is there waiting with my father, I walk in and sit down next to Ryker waiting for my father's next move. He got up from his desk and clears his throat,  he steps so the his right in front of us and looks down at us. " My dear children this meeting will be interesting. I have already requested help from the European council, they have not returned my calls as of yet. With this meeting I plan to try to explain things to the North Americans and hopefully they can see things our way." Before my father could say anything else we could hear the doorbell ring through the castle. My father frowns at the door, " Well I guess that would be our guests. All right let us go greet them. " My father opens the door and holds it open for me to go through as well as Ryker, we wait for him to take the led and we follow him to the foyer. When we are about to reach the foyer I smell something sweet yet something spicy, it was two different scents. They were very appealing. I felt myself walk a little faster to see who was the person responsible for that smell. When we walked in I saw two tall men talking to each other and they had yet to see us walk in so they haven't turn toward us yet. My father cleared his throat to get their attention and they snapped their heads towards us, when I saw their eyes I gasped. Each one had a different color than the other, the one of the right has crystal blue eyes  much like the sky on a clear day while the other had greens eyes, they weren't like mine they were much darker. When they made eye contact with me they growled and said something else, I couldn't quite catch what they had said.  My father finally had broken our trance when he put his hand on my shoulder, the two men growled at him for touching me. He spoke up and said, " Gentlemen, let's take this to my office and have a discussion about why you're here. Yes?" The men both nodded and we all walked up to my father's office, the entire way I could feel their eyes on me and it made me nervous. When we all filed in and sat down we all stared at each other for a few seconds before the man with the green eyes had finally spoke, " She's coming with us after this meeting."  After that statement all hell broke loose.....
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