Getting acquainted

3344 Words
“Who the f**k are you? And how did you get my Alpha to submit? Never in all my years have I seen him phased, not even a little bit but did that. Do you know what this means?” He squeaked, literally like a little girl.   “I am Ayanna Gisselle Black, Daughter of Alpha Cyrus, Leader of the silver moon pack, my mother Native princess of the whispering wind clan.” Kamilla rang through, I never knew my original pack name nor my fathers name.  “What are you doing? Why are you telling him?” I questioned her  “Trust me, worry less.” she growled taking control again.  “You can’t be, he had no children, He died long ago. You can’t be” he breathed peering at me again, “You don’t bare the mark, why do you lie Luna.”  “I am no liar boy, understand this, I have been here many of times before and many times to come. Your duty is to not allow the Alpha to know about her yet.” I see my body move to over to the beta, now my body stood directly in front of him. What was my wolf doing? I watched as my body began to glow silver and within seconds silver tattoos appeared over my body. My skin tingled as the light surrounding me dimmed and all was left were these newfound tattoos.   “Oh s**t, I am sorry queen!” he threw himself on the floor not wanting to make eye contact. I looked in the mirror and stared at the woman before me. The tattoos covering my arms showed a black wolf, howling towards the moon, and the moon goddess holding something. As I peered closer, I heard the doorknob twist open. All of the tattoos disappeared as little Allen entered the room with my small bag of clothes in his hands.  “Bye sis, Im going to miss you.” he hugged me closer not knowing that he was my plus one.  “I don’t think you so, come on little one, your coming with me.” I hugged tighter and he looked up to me with his soft blue eyes.   “For real? Thank god cause I can’t do this alone.” he sighed letting me go. I forget that allen is just a boy, he lost everything, just like I had. He didn’t care that we were been thrown from the pot to the pan. At least I won’t be alone, and if i can’t protect them all, I could protect him. I won’t let Dex’s pack hurt him, and with the way Beta Chris looked at me he wouldn’t dare make me mad. Why had he called me queen? And why had my wolf only let him know? Why can’t Dex know? I tried to clear my thoughts as we left the infirmary. Everyone stared as we walked through the halls. Some glared at me as we passed and someone even spat at my foot. I stopped  right in front of the spit and my shoulders curling back. I rolled my eyes over to the beta who lifted an eye brow at me.  “My queen Alpha is waiting.” Beta whispered to me. I glared at him for a second before Kamilla took over.  “YOU STUPID FOOLS STILL WANT TO PISS ME OFF!! You all knew that man was abusing power and none of you tried to stop him, he was trafficking innocent Wolves and you all did nothing. HE beat us and you all stood by, knowing the pain we’ve felt for years, you all are pathetic. ALL will be cursed ALL will be subject to judgement from this day forward. Fix yourselves or I promise each and everyone of your deaths will be slow and painfully.” I growled looking across the room and all the wolves were visibly shaken. None of them looked up as I slammed the door. Allen left with Beta Chris and I stood at the door of the Alpha’s car.   “What are you waiting for?” Alpha asked as he rolled down the window, clearly annoyed.  “Do you treat all your woman with such respect?” I question wrapping my arms in my chest. He looked back at me with a grin.   “Naw, only the ones that don’t want my assistance with anything. What was it you said? You don’t want me to touch you, be with you and what not, something like that right?” he gleamed tapping his fingers on the wheel. I could tell he was losing patience, so I finally gave in and got in the seat. The ride to our new home was long. I sat humming along to the radio while the Alpha drove. He was silent not taking his eyes off the road or paying my horrifying voice any mind.  I eyed him from the side not wanting him to see me look at him. Goddess he was fine. His arms looked close to ripping out of his white V-neck. His beautiful brown lips curled into a smile as his eyes looked forward. Jeez was he trying to drive me crazy? That smile was intoxicating, and I could not help but turn my whole head to gawk at his smile. I could feel a heat radiating from my stomach and all I could do was smile.   “Woman, stop thinking like that! Don’t you have no need for me nor want me?” His voice sounded like a scorned dog but it hit me hard. Nathan. I wish I could have held him longer the last time I seen him, I wish I would have been there to help him, save him, anything.   Dex took his eyes off the road and looked at me. I heard the clicking of the blinker as he pulled the car over to the side of the road.  “Whats wrong?” I asked starting to panic, he will reject me here and leave me out in the cold, dark thoughts started fluttering in my head.  “No woman calm down. I need to ask you something, Do you know how your mate died?” he question as he faced me.   “Yeah rogues killed him.” I answered blankly not wanting to remember.  “Not just any rogues, He was training those rogues to go against the Moon Goddess, against all wolves, turning them into savage beast. He wanted to control every wolf, to be claimed a king. He thought he could control every wolf to ever exist. I know you don’t believe me but he was a bad guy, the story is he raped and killed his beta’s mate, and the beta call the royal ones for help, apparently the royals sent “rogues” to end the problem. Only thing is they didn’t get all of his followers.” His eyes held truth and I knew deep down inside he wasn’t lying. How could I lie to myself? I remembered a week before his death I felt a heat of rage and lust and sorrow spike through me. My body felt hot as if I was being aroused but something felt wrong. I blinked as tears fell down my cheeks. He raped that girl and I had felt it. Alpha looked at me with his sad but piercing purple eyes.   “Don’t do that woman, it was not your fault, your prior mate has went crazy, it happens, even to the best of us.” he whispered, cranking his car back on, and pulling out to the road. We drove for hours until the surroundings looked completely different. The trees were thinner and I could smell saltwater in the air, Beach! We must be by a beach! I chimed in my head looking out the window like a big kid trying to fine water.  Alpha pulled his car into a long private driveway/ He parked the car in front of a big mansion. It was twice the size of the old pack house and it was stunning. Alpha didn’t get out so neither had I.   “Listen I get your still mourning over that guy but please when you come in try to act like my mate, I control my whole pack and they all respect me, but I cannot stop them from testing the waters with you if they know you are unmated, understand? I promise not to cross the line with you but you’d want to make it believable. These wolves are my everything and they will love you the second you accept them.” he said before unlocking the door. I tried to open the car door but he stopped me, then opened the door from the outside.   Perfect gentlemen, I thought to myself.  Don’t be so quick to judge, the man hasn’t lied yet.” kamilla chimed, and I could feel happiness surge from her to me  “Yeah but aren’t we lying about who we are?” I challenged and heard a grumble.  “I do not lie, we are protecting him for now, soon enough he will know and he will have to make a choice for himself.” she started with the riddles, Goddess help me this wolf is insane.   “Thank you Alpha.” I say stepping out of his fancy car. I looked down at myself to see I was still wearing a hospital gown. “Um they are going to make fun of me forever! Look my ass is hanging out!” I exclaimed not moving from the car door. Alpha tried looking too and jumped when i hissed at him.   “Yeah your right here take my shirt and wear it over the gown, at least they won’t see “My ass” he smiled at the last part. This man was testing my patience. He revealed his beautiful chest and I gasped at the sight of his bareness right in front of me. His arms I knew were solid, but so was everything else. I could not move my eyes away from that body. That chest was from the heavens, there was no belly flab or soft spot, it was if he was designed just for me,  Thank you moon goddess, I sighed putting the shirt over my gown. The goddess really knows how to help a girl out. The alpha chuckled as he grabbed my hand. It felt oddly nice, but I didn’t want this, it was just an act, I kept telling myself as he pulled me through the rosewood doors.   “Alpha your back and you brought a toy how cute.” A woman chimed coming closer, she looked young close to my age maybe a little older. She looked at me then to the alpha, rubbing her hand on his shoulder. A growl escaped my lips as I watched her touch my man, wait why was I doing that, he wasn’t my man.  she looked shocked when the alpha didn’t correct me.  “This is my mate, and your Luna so show respect Rachel before you lose your life.” Alpha Dex warned and you could see the pain in her eyes as she stepped back glaring in our direction.   “Great a manwhore for a mate, Really Goddess? Couldn't find anyone better, nothing at all right this is what you gave me.” I cursed the sky and my mate stared at me.  “What the second I step in your pack, a she-wolf is all over you. Can you please take me to change so i can put some proper fighting clothes on?” I asked as I looked back at the girl who was testing my Alpha. My alpha as in my bloodline Alpha, cause this thing doesn’t know I will rip her to shreds. Even though i am an omega I always knew there was something off about me.  “Yes I can see your upset, but you must be nice here. I don’t know what you wolf is capable of and I don’t want to find out the first day here got it? Since you don’t want to sleep with me I had a room prepared for you.” Alpha gestured up the stairs, most of the workers were gone, you could tell they had just been here though, it smelled of pine sol and bleach. I walked with him slowly, then i wondered about Allen.  “What will happen to Allen?” I asked as we finally got to the door that I guessed would be mine.  “We will train him, he will serve the pack and the pack will serve him.” he stated then turned towards the door right next to mine. He gave me one last wink before he left me in the hall alone. I quickly opened the door and went inside. My room was beautiful, the walls were beige, my favorite color. Must have been a coincidence, I thought. The bed had a soft white comforter with pink fluffy pillows. I checked the door to make sure it was locked then plopped on the bed. Curling into a ball I sat and really thought about everything that happened today. I shifted, met the moon goddess, got a new mate, and a new home, why am I not happy? Why do I feel something bad is going to happen? My mind starts to ramble and I could hear a soft knock on the wall. Dex was trying to calm me I guess.   I knew the person who would know the answers to my question would be willing to tell me, If I make her of course, I smiled on the inside. I rubbed my palms together as I sat in the middle of the bed.   “Oh your gonna give me some answers today Moon Goddess, you’re the one with the controller, im just the avatar.” I whispered before closing my eyes. I tried imagining the ocean in my dream. I focused on the smell, the feel, the sound of the waves crashing. I could feel my body rock into the projection. “Come on moon goddess, it’s just me.” I whispered, the need in my voice was very clear.  I wait for her, I can feel her presence but I need to see her, and just as I am about leave I seen the bouncing goddess surfing a wave towards me. She sure does have a sense of humor.   “Hello child, why have you called me?” she asked plopping down in the sand beside me.  “Goddess why are you doing this? Why have you given me another mate? Why must I hide who I am? Who am I?” I questioned, I couldn’t bare look her in the eyes, but I needed to know something, anything to help put me on track.  “My dear your soul has always been a bit uneasy, its natural the trait was passed down to you. I told you already, your mate could not handle the powers you possess, your wolf was to much for him, you had not yet completed the mating process and I am glad for that, If so he could have wiped out the whole country in blind passion.” the goddess sighed before continuing “You see your wolf and yourself are both equally special, your wolf was my sister, our father before us hated her, so he turned her into a wolf, and for many centuries she was untamed, without a matching host she was crazy, until we came across your mother’s ancestors, They were from a small Indian tribe off the virgin islands, they knew what kamilla needed, only a mating bond could tame the wolf fueled with rage. That is why all wolfs must find a mate, if not you’d go crazy, you would turn into a true monster unable to return to human form, unable to be around others without inflicting pain. Kamilla mated with your very great grandfather, and they had a amazing bloodline that allowed for wolfs everywhere to be loved and at one with earth. Together, with Kamilla able to return to her true form we defeated our father and took reign over our people, Kamilla had found her happiness on earth, so she lived with her mate until he died of old age, then returned home to help me in the spiritual realms.” she finished looking at me with a smile. I was dumbfounded.  “Wait so what does that have to do with me?” i questioned finally looking at her face, first mistake, her eyes were topaz and she almost looked like a panther, the moon goddess was a rare sight that I would cherish forever. She pushed her hand above her hairline and caressed her fingers through her fro.   “I cannot say but I can tell you your wolf holds you dear, she is rarely given a companion but when she is, its only when there needs to be restoration. With that I bid you farewell, and call me if you need me, but not to much!” she laughed as she got up. She patted her already perfect hair and grabbed her surf board, catching the first wave outta here, literally.  “What an exit.” I shook my head and plopped in my bed as I drifted into reality. I was on my new bed again. Now the only question she didn’t answer is who am I? Why was Kamila paired with me? I laid in my bed looking at the walls. Who am I? I started to think what were the things that made me me? I am a people person, I lost my family, My mate, what else? What defines me? What is my favorite color, ..purple I think. Purple always felt right for me. It was mysterious, maybe that’s why I liked it, that’s it! I do enjoy the unknown. The route less taken, I guess. I was a fighter, in a sense, I took a lot of s**t in stride, I never gave in to them, as many times I would get beaten I never gave them satisfaction of hearing me yell, I remember the times I would bite my lip so hard to keep the sound in, blood would spill from my lips and I still kept it inside, I would not cry, not til they were gone and everyone slept.   “That’s why I given you dear.” Kamilla sighed and I knew she heard me thinking  “What do you mean Kamilla, I am no one, just a scorned girl, who will one day grow into angry woman, who will then amount to nothing.”   “Child you are very dramatic if I may say. You see my wolf was given to you at birth. I have watched over you for many years, learning your Essense. I know why you feel as you do. I get that But I can tell you this, dwelling on the past will leave you stuck there. You will not know who you are less you decide to put your life together. It is a change yes, but you can endure anything.” Kamilla cooed as I felt my body drift to sleep.  The next morning came a little easier than expected. I woke early as usual and made my way to the kitchen. 
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