Internal battles

4018 Words
I was in the hospital?  But why? they never sent me here after a beating.  “Arvell why am I here?” I croaked but my throat was burning and I couldn't move my body, wait I couldn’t move my body?!!   “Calm down girl, Alpha Dex demanded you come here. Listen I suggest you close your eyes and not say a goddamn word, because if you think this pack is bad, You don’t want to know what happens in that mans pack.” he leans in with a whisper trying not to make sound. Within moments a man rushes through the door growling ready to kill Arvell.   “Alpha Dex it was not like that.. She ..uhh.. was asking me for something.” Arvell stuttered bowing his head trying to cover his ass like always.   “What would my mate want from you?” Dex sneered, now standing directly in front of Arvell, as if he was looking through his soul.   “Water I asked for water.” I choked trying to get this Alpha’s attention “Please sir.” I added and he finally looked at me. He looked like the man that came in with Alpha Erick earlier, but he was taller, and his body was much more structured. His skin was much like the goddess herself but his dreads were long and braided into smaller corn rolls. His eye were a lavender purple. Dex stared at Arvell as if it was a command.  “Did you not hear, water fool!” Alpha Dex snapped and sighed when he seen me flinch. Wait did I just flinch to an Alpha voice?  I kept my eyes low as Dex snatched the cup from Arvell and slowly gave me water, sip by sip. That’s when I felt it, deep inside, that feeling of a mate. His smell hit me, but I could not move towards him, he smelt of lavender and rain, making my throat burn more.   “Leave here before I hurt you.” Alpha Dex waved Arvell away as he stood up and walked around the room. After Arvell left I heard him breathe a sigh of relief.   “My dear do you know what today is?” he asked softly. The day I met satan, I thought to myself, there was something about this guy I couldn’t quite understand. Moon goddess gave me a new mate but why? I didn’t want love.  “Yes you do” kamilla urged, this wolf right here had some nerves.   I looked up to see Alpha Dex staring at me in disbelief, as if he could read my mind.  “Well I can.” He hissed quietly as he sat back down on the recliner.   “Oh Alpha, I apologize for my thoughts, I just...i..” I couldn’t say anything, but was I wrong to still miss my mate, while this beautiful man stood before me.   “No I completely understand, after my beta saw what your alpha was doing, I wouldn’t blame a small omega like yourself for hating him.” he looked at me before he finished “Or all men, he gave me your files, not like it helped me much. I know you had a mate but here I am. I am Alpha of Shadow moon pack and you are my mate now. I will ask nothing of you except that you come to my pack, I have been weaker the past few week and my guess is that the moon goddess was giving you my energy to survive here, so you WILL come with me.” it sounded like a command more than a question.  “What about my pack?” I squeaked as he stood up   “What do you mean” he questioned his purple eyes staring right through me. Wow this felt different, I thought to myself as his eyes latched onto my soul.   “They won’t be happy if I left.” I confess some part of me wanting to stay here.  “It doesn’t matter of their happiness anymore. Ayanna you are free to leave this place with me as soon as you can move. If you want to remain with these people, then fine I won’t stop you, but I will reject you, mate or not my pack will not fall because of you.” he finished harshly, reaching for his jacket as he walked out the door quietly not slamming it.    I laid there silently crying, why had the goddess given me another chance? I am nothing but a mere omega. I know Nathan was wrong in whatever he did but why take him without me too? I remember the first time we locked eyes.        ***I was 14 years old two days away from my 15th birthday and Liza somehow gotten us tickets to a movie theater. Liza and I walked arm in arm through the Entrance. I stood in line to get the popcorn and she ran to the bathroon. I could smell sage and roses but I didn’t understand what happened. I looked around in a daze until I bumped into him.   Mate!Mate! I heard my wolf howl to night sky and I knew he heard it to. I couldn’t speak I just stared at the beauty in front of me. Starstruck! His light brown lips curled into a smile when he turned around.   “There you are.” he whispered as he leaned in for a kiss making me shiver underneath his hold.  “Wait, that was amazing! But im only 15.” I looked up at him sheepishly, he slowly backed away but not to far.  “Yeah, you are a little younger than me I just turned 17. My names Nathan, by the way. Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you, my wolf was ready he felt you for the past few weeks.” he whispered as he held me close***  My eyes jerked to the door as I heard the knob wiggling. My noses twitched and I already knew it was Liza. I could smell her southern peaches scent down the hall.  “Hey how are you feeling?” she asked as she shut the door behind her.  “Like crap! I still can’t remember how I got here and oh whats up with that hunk of a man at breakfast?” I peered over to her and she blushed.  “Oh I forgot you’ve been out for a few weeks from what “he” did. But yasss mama I found a mate.” she squealed rushing from the door to me. Liza had turned 17 earlier this year and most mates find their mates right on or after their 16th birthday. Liza was worried she’d never find a mate.  “See, I told you be patient, Moon goddess loves us all.” except me, I left the last part out.   “i also see moon goddess gave you another mate, and Hes fineeee” Liza exaggerated,  “He’s well.. I don’t know him but he is fine. I just don’t feel right, anyway what day is it?” I question as I rolled my neck, I slowly am starting to feel my body.  “It is March 6th.. Two more days till your birthday.” She gleamed as she held my arm while I motion to sit up.  “Aww snap!” I tried to laugh not wanting to cry from the pain that was setting on my body. Erick must have did a real number on me if I was out for 3 weeks. I looked at my body and couldn't see any bruises. That’s weird my olive tone skin never heals fast. I would have scars for years before they were not noticeable.   “I must get going sis! Your Alpha wants to speak to you,” she giggled as she hugged me one last time before leaving the room. I was so confused to everything, why was she so happy, and how did this Alpha find me anyway, he wasn’t the man in the room with Erick.  Dex walked over to me smiling with a blue powerade in his hand.   “No that was my beta, he knew he had to play along if he wanted to catch your alpha slip.”   “Please can you chill on the mind reading.” I said annoyed as he passed me the drink.  “I’m sorry it’s just second nature. I can only do it in proximity of a person, anyway how are you feeling?” he questions, rubbing my lower knee area.  “I’m doing better thank you Alpha.” I say, staring at his hand pressing against my knee. He must have understood because he moved his hand away quickly. I instantly regretted that and just stared at him. Dex was beautiful, his well-structured face looked like a god. He had high cheekbones and a few freckles scattered across his brown skin. I could barely smell him though, but his scent was of lavender and rain was calming. I didn’t feel tense when he was around.   “Thats good, the doctor said you should regain all motor functions within a few hours of you waking up. When your ready, we will leave.” he said motioning to my legging.   “Um.. Thank you I guess, but before we leave, I need to get something straight with you.” I cleared my throat before trying to sit up, he rushed to my side to help me but I held my hand up not waiting help from this man.   “What is that?” he frowned as he watched me struggle to pull myself together. I took in a deep breath before positioning myself to see him.   “I will go with you, but that doesn’t mean I will sleep with you, or touch you, or anything of the sort. Moon goddess took my mate from me, she knows I don’t want another. Maybe you need me for some reason but I don’t ..I don’t need anyone!” my voice waivered as I spoke, I looked up to see the his beautiful face painted with sorrow and the strings on my heart started to tug.  “Well from the looks of it princess, without me you would have been dead, and what would I need from weakling like yourself, who couldn’t even control her wolf? Hmmm you are very big-headed woman. Like I said earlier, I will not touch you. You will be my omega, and you will live like the rest of them until you are ready.” with that he shook his head, you could still see pain in his eyes as he reclined back in the chair.   “Well as long as you know.” I whispered laying back in my bed. What did he mean by control my wolf? My wolf is non-existent outside of my dreams, I wondered to myself.   There was a knock at the door and I shifted to the side of the bed pulling the covers over me as the smell of his Beta entered my nostrils.  “Come in Chris!” Alpha Dex commanded lifting his head from the chair then glancing at where I was.  “Morning Alpha, how is the Luna feeling.” Chris asked as he moved over to the alpha. What was wrong with these men, assuming I would accept his Alpha as my mate. I felt a flash of anger as I ripped the cover from over my head before Dex could answer.  “Well if your wondering about me, Beta, I am fine no thanks to you. I got beaten unconscious, while you watched.” I hissed “And I'm not your Luna pig!!” Beta Chris looked at me confused, as if he had missed something. The room was silent as the Beta and Alpha stared at each other intensely. They finally broke eye contact and looked at me.  “Do you not remember what happened Woman?” Alpha Dex looked just as confused as I felt.           “I am ready and so are you”  kamilla’s voice sounded different than before, it was as if she cared when she spoke. I couldn’t help but wonder why everyone was waiting on me, they were waiting on me to be ready, ready for what?    “I remember being beaten and blacking out. Then I woke up here. That’s it.” I stated blankly as I watched the beta with scowling eyes. They looked at each other then back at me. Like I had missed out on something.   “Woman how many times have you shifted?” Dex questioned taking a seat at the edge of the hospital bed.   “Never. My wolf non-existent.” I explained  “Well that’s not true, I seen your wolf. I know she’s there.” Chris said staring at me  “Well I never seen my wolf, except in …" I was cut off by my wolf  Say nothing girl, they aren’t ready for me yet, I know the moon goddeses plans but like she said we all have free will, I cannot have them turn on you yet. We do not know their true intentions as of now. My wolf pleaded and I smirked  It must be important, that’s the most you have ever said at one time... I thought  The Alpha and Beta both stood before me, looking like Nubian Gods, I couldn’t help but smile as I looked them up and down.   “Except when woman? It is important to know.” Dex pressed scooting a little closer towards me.  “I’m not sure. I can’t remember but I know she's too weak to show her face!” I smirked inside knowing she could hear me as I felt the connection both ways now.   “Don’t test me! I knew you were something else the second your soul landed with me” she hissed and I could feel her ready to come out.  “Hold up now, remember they aren’t ready for you yet.” I chuckled inside, oh how this will be amusing, this wolf has left me in solicitude for years, now im going to press every button she has. She growled at the evil though crossing through my head.  “Beta remind her of that night.” Alpha Dex hissed as he walked over to the counter.  “Well umm, after Erick started beating you, you shifted and I can’t remember anything other than calling Alpha to alert him of his mate. See I don’t remember what you look like just that you hold the trait of HER.” Chris emphasized the last part pointing to the tattoo on Dex. We both looked at his arm, a black wolf with a silver glow around it. It did look like Kamilla but I wouldn’t tell them. Dex looked at me in the corner of his eye. Damn! Must be reading my mind again. Dex chuckled as he turned his head.   “So your saying My wolf shifted but I can’t remember and neither can you. So how do you it was me? How do you know that it wasn’t another prisoner in there? How do I know that you didn’t beat me? How do you know that but don’t know what I looked like but you know I am his mate. Something is off there, Alpha don’t you think?” I turned my attention from Beta Chris to Alpha Dex, who was contemplating my words, he looked confused, for a slight second then shook it off  “Beta Chris is loyal to the bone, he would never betray his Alpha, let alone his brother.” Alpha grabbed the Beta’s arm and shook it, knowing that his brother was his keeper. I could sense the loyalty between the two and I knew that if this Beta had known about me sooner he would have alerted Dex.   “Okay but that doesn't explain how you lost your memory, or why I can’t remember shifting.” I sighed as I found something to look at aside from the bromance going on.   “Maybe your wolf doesn't want us to know?” Alpha Dex yawned as he stretched his arms in the air. I tried to keep my mind blank so he couldn't read my mind. This was going to be hard.   “I don’t know she doesn’t speak to me,” it wasn’t a complete lie, she doesn’t speak to me, unless on her terms.   “Well maybe she just doesn’t want you to be here. Some wolves fear being in their true forms around wolves that might try to attack them. Maybe your wolf is small and just doesn't want to be judged, so she whipped my memory clean except the fact that you’re my brothers.” Beta chris threw his hands in the air as if goddess had beamed a light on his head.  “How can one be smart and stupid?” My wolf giggled, that was the first time I heard her laugh, it was nice.   “Yeah, you might be right.” I sighed as I stared blankly at my big toe. I remember watching kill bill and the assassin woman had to wiggle her big toe before she could move. As the Alpha and Beta through ideas back and forth, I stared at my big toe, what the hell is going on here? What does the moon goddess have up her sleeve this time, and why can’t I remember shifting? So many questions circled my head but all I could do was stare at my fat toe. Then I see a small, almost unacknowledged, movement in my toe. Yes!!! I screamed in my head. Alpha shot a look at me not understanding what happened.  “I moved my toe.” I smiled quietly, almost embarrassed by the over excitement coming from me. I haven’t felt this rejuvenated since well...I cut my thought short knowing he would be peering in my thoughts.  “Good that means you should be ready to walk by the morning. I am ready to leave so as soon as you can at least stand on your own, were leaving.” Alpha commanded yet again which made me mad. I know I said I would go but I didn’t say when. I never liked being rushed, even when serving I took my time because there was an art to all things and patience is like the paintbrush.   “Alpha can you bring in my little brother Allen? He’s not my real brother, but I watched over him since he came here and I want to spend some time with him before I leave.” I asked almost begging as it dawned on me that I would probably never seen him or any of the omegas here again. They were more like my children, but I don’t think they would have ever seen me anything more than a sister. I loved them; I just wish I could be here to keep them safe. The Alpha’s face looked uncomfortable. The beta stood there in silence this was the first time she seen the cocky beta lost for words.  It was a long pause before anyone spoke.  “Okay um... just give me a second to find him.” Beta Chris hutched his back was he left. Something wrong, I could feel it.  “What’s going on?” I peered over to the alpha and leaned myself up with arm.   “What do you mean?” he asked not wanting to reveal any truths.  “I mean what was that you two were talking about.” I pressed further.  “Not my story to tell, not that I care anyway.” He sighed as he heard a light knock on the door.  The beta came in first with little Allen hiding behind his back. Why was Allen hiding from me.  “Allen let me see you.” I felt my heart drop as I seen the battered boy standing in front of me. He was bruised from head to toe. His blonde hair matte and untamed.   “What the hell did they do to you boy!” I yelled as I pushed my body off the bed, stumbling to the floor on both feet. I grabbed Allen from beside Chris and held him tight as he sobbed in my arms.   “The alpha hurt me sister.. But these men...they saved US.” he sniffed whipping his snot on my shirt.  “What do you mean saved you? Look at you? Did they hurt you? Are you afraid to speak, Don’t be.” I pressed grabbing him by the shoulders making him look me in the eye. I see a sudden smile creep across the boy’s face.   “Alpha is no more thanks to them.” he glanced over at Alpha Dex and Beta Chris, bowing his head.   “What do you mean “No More”?” I asked blazing to know the answer, what did they do, did I cause this? What will come of the pack with no Alpha and no successor?  “He’s dead, I killed him with my bare hands, and because of that this pack is now to be run by my choosing.” Alpha Dex interjected, then he looked at the boy then at me, he smiled when he realized I was standing, shaking but standing.  “Well I see we can finally leave, boy grab the woman’s things.” he commanded Allen away and Allen hugged me tight then left before I could stop him.  “Tell him to bring the boy.” kamilla urged   “He is a heartless man that would never do that.” I frowned inside wishing I could bring him with me.  “Do it!” she growled  “Can he come with us?” I let the words slip out not able to hold it in.  “No he will only hinder us.” he said   “HE WILL COME WITH US!” the words are seeping out my mouth, I couldn’t control this mouth of mine. I was startled to see the Alpha’s ears slightly pushed down and the beta’s eyes were glued to the floor. Was that my Alpha voice? How did I do that? My voice was strong enough to make both these killers submit?  “I do not submit to anyone! And Beta what the hell are you doing?” Alpha Dex hissed, straightening his composure.  “Nothing sir, my wolf told me to back down.” he muttered quickly looking up from the ground to his Alpha, not wanting to give me a second glance.  “Fine the warriors could use a new chew toy.” I winced at the sound coming from his mouth. Why was this man so cruel, Allen was just a boy.   “Bring her to my car when the boy comes, by the way he’s going in your car, smells like wet dog.”  Alpha shook his head as he left the room. The beta waited till the coast was clear and turned towards me. 
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