chipping away

1395 Words
The kitchen here was beautiful. The marble countertop shined so well, you could see your reflection in it. I was used to making breakfast for a lot of people but I didn’t know if I was allowed to make everyone breakfast or if it was assigned to someone. I creped around quitely looking for bread to make me some toast. After making my toast I ate silently as I gazed out the kitchen window.   It was still fairly early and pitch black outside. Perfect time to go for a morning jog, I thought to myself. I started walking around the mansion until I could find a door that leads outside. I honestly don’t think they would mind me going for a walk, I said to myself as I hesitated for the door before quietly letting myself out. I looked around the outside and the yard went on for acres. I began by stretching my legs and arms, then I started in a slow jog. Then I quickly sped up as the house behind me dissapeared. The wind through my hair was amazing and I was so overwhelmed with joy. I remember my old pack would never allow me to run with them, I was barely allowed outside unless it was necessary. I began laughing out loud but stopped as soon as I felt someone watching me. I turned around to see who it was but no one was there  “Kamilla help me.” I whispered as I keep looking for whoever was staring. No one was there, there was no sound, I could hear nothing. I sighed as I looked around once more. I could see the sun finally risings, so I set back to the pack walking. Walking always felt good. i  could become one with myself when walking, it was therapeutic for me. I started nearing the pack house when I seen all the pack members lined up as if in a meeting or something. I hesitated before trying to  make my way around them.  “Look who decides to join us?” Alpha Dex barked as he caught me trying to slip through the crowd. Everyone’s eyes were on me and I couldn’t help but blush from embarrassment.   “Um sorry Alpha I went for a run this morning.” I whispered just loud enough for him to hear me.  “Speak up please the pack cannot hear you.” he commanded  “I said I went for a run while everyone was asleep,” I spoke louder before clearing my throat “I must have gotten carried away.”  Dex stared at me for a long moment before breaking his hold. His eyes made me feel naked whenever they looked at me. I wanted to rip my clothes of right in front of the pack, I almost didn’t care if they watched. Dex looked back at me one last time before barking out the rest of the orders. I quickly escaped the meeting and went back in the pack house. What was my place here? I looked around the beautiful palace of sorts and had a hollow feeling come over me. I felt like an outcast, like I could never belong to such a pack. They seemed so far out of reach for me. I looked around some more at the paintings on the walls.   “There you are early bird, I apologize for earlier but you must understand everyone here gets treated the same, so if you miss pack meetings we all will know.” Alpha dex said making me jump from hearing his voice so suddently.   “I’m sorry, please inform me of the meeting so it won’t happen again.” I asked blankly not wanting to make eye contact with him again. He made my heart ache just standing next to him.   “Will do, let me take you around for a tour of the pack house and then you will be assigned your duties. All I ask is that you treat my people fairly, your job will be very tough and tiresome but the rewards will be amazing.” he whispered the last part in my ear and I could feel myself getting heated. I tried not to speak as we walked the halls. I often glanced at my new found mate, yes he was the most handsome man hands down, but that doesn’t mean I had to love him. As he kept showing me different areas, she-wolfs would pass by glaring at me as if I stole something, maybe their spot? I tried to remain calm not wanting to engage them further.   We finally came to a stop when we reached my room again. Alpha Dex stood at my door and smiled.  “Well you have seen every part of the house. As for your duties, you will start tomorrow, tonight you will be introduced correctly to the pack. If you want to be addressed as my luna you may or if you want to be addressed as a new addition to our pack its up to you, but I warn you my men will be head over heels for an unmated she-wolf.” he explained   “Just tell them I'm a regular pack member, and what will my duties be?” I answered looking at his teeth, anything to make contact with his eyes. It was like they were sharp hooks reeling me in closer, telling me to give in. Dex flashed a bright smile at me and proceeded to grab my hand, I flinched when we made contact, not out of fear but I felt a sudden rush of pleasure fall over me.   “It’s nothing to hard, you’ll be fine, Anyway how was your first night here?” He asked as he opened my bedroom door and plopped down on my bed.  “Um excuse me but no man on my bed.” I snapped my finger and he just giggled not moving one inch,  “I am no mere man, I am your mate and Alpha, I shall sit where i please and you shall sit next to me dear.” his voice sent shivers all through my body as he motioned for me to sit next to him, I wanted to fall to his every whime, well at least kamilla did, I could hear her howls. I reluctantly sat next to him as he waited patiently for me to come near him.  “I will not force you to love me, but I think if you gave me a chance maybe you could find happiness. You see we are just people. We all need someone, hell I know the moment I saw you I would be free to shower you with love, but I was wrong, you were hurt, you still hurt for an undeserving bastard. He is the reason you do not accept my love.” you could hear the pain in his voice, but it wasn’t my fault, I didn’t do any of this. Or maybe it is?  “I am sorry Alpha. I can’t say I will be the one you need but I'll...i’ll try.” I signed putting my head on his shoulder. Something felt right as I sat there. There wasn’t an uncontrollable feeling of lust, or an urge to jump his bones. It felt safe.. Almost like home if I knew what a real home was.  "So your birthday is tomorrow, do you want to do anything?" Dex asked as he shifted his head to look at me.  "Wow i almost forgot my birthday! I never really celebrate my birthday, it's just another day for me." i sighed and looked over to the side cause his gaze was getting a little uncomfortable, i didn't want him or anyone to be consoling when it came to my issues.  "Well that changes today. Tomorrow we're going out. All day if you let me." he raised my hand and kissed it lightly while looking at me. There goes that gut feeling, i didn't like people spending money on me. i tried to push through the feeling and smile. I know he's trying to be patient with me.
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