Dead and Denied

738 Words
I laid in my bed, thinking about my new alpha. He is beautiful, strong, and not so much of an ass as I thought. He was taking me out for my birthday, and he hasn’t even know me for more than a day or so. Maybe he is the one, I thought silently to myself. I began to feel giddy all over, and excitement overcame me. I really could be happy here, I could make it work, I thought.  “Of course you can good girl!” Kamilla purred.  “Hello again kam kam.” I greeted her  “i want you to be happy dear, I feel what you feel and much more. Tomorrow is gonna be a big day, sleep well.”   With that I smiled and pulled the covers over me. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.                                                                                                ******  “Ayanna don’t let go! Don’t leave me!” Nathan screamed shaking me vigorously.  “What.. What are you talking about?” I questioned trying to loosen his grip.  “You are mine you belong to me!” he hissed slapping me to the ground.  “YOUR DEAD NATHAN, YOU LEFT ME!” I screamed as he looked down at me. His beautiful face was scrunched and I could see his face start to settle.   “I am ...dead?” he questioned pulling me into his arms.  “Yes love you are gone..But I... I am still alive. The goddess has chosen another for me. I love you Nathan but you have hurt so many good people.” I sighed putting my head in his chest. This dream felt so real. I knew this might be the last time I get to see him so I must do it now.  “I, Ayanna Black, Reject you Nathan Anderson as my...” I hesitated and looked at him. Nathan stood there understanding what I was doing   “It’s okay my love, I understand. Be free dear, just know it wasn’t.....just finish.” he whispered into my ear, holding me close.  “I, Ayanna Black Reject you Nathan Anderson as my mate.” I cried as I felt pain overcome my whole body.                                                             *******  I screamed as my body shook in pain. I felt a stabbing pain all over me, I scratched at my face, I couldn’t control it. I can hear someone banging on my door, I think its Dex but I can’t make my way to open it.  “HELP PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!” I screamed as Dex busted through the door.    Then it hit me, Dex smelt of rainwater and trees, it was different than before. It was so strong in filled the room maybe the floor. As he grabbed me and held me in his arms I felt the pain go away. He just sat there with me in his arms rocking me back and forth.   “What happen Ayanna?” he finally whispered after a long stretch of silence.   “I had a bad dream.” I answered and his grip on me tightened.  “That was more than a bad dream, you need to tell me if there is something wrong. I will protect you.” he said as he started rocking me again. I knew I couldn’t bare this pain alone I had to tell him. I rubbed my face into his chest.  “I’ve been having dreams of my mate...I mean Nathan. Last night after we spoke I went to my room and went to bed. I dreamt of Nathan, he attacked me, then we spoke and I .. I rejected him, in my dream. I woke up in so much pain.” I explained and he looked confused.   “Was that all?” he asked  “Yeah I'm so sorry.” I said and he placed a kiss on my forehead and let me go. I could tell there was something he wasn’t telling me but I didn’t want to press him.   “Well, get dressed, we going out for breakfast birthday girl, when we come back you will be introduced to the whole pack, you’ve seen a few people, but its time to make an official announcement.” he said as he got up. When he left the room I sat there. 
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