Astral Projection

3324 Words
   As I sat watching the sun drop below the sky, He appeared before me, yet again. My dead mate, Nathan. How I loved when moon goddess allowed me to dream. This was one of my best dreams. The ground had turned into white sand underneath me, and there I sat watching the crystal waters crash against the sand as if was automatic and never ending. My eyes constantly stared at Nathan mesmerizing his beautiful caramel skin glistening in the moonlight. He had broad shoulders and was easily six foot tall. He would have been a great alpha, I thought to myself. I knew the second I stood up to face his beautiful silver eyes, he would disappear. It happened every time moon goddess graced me with his beauty. I missed his smell, his warmth, really, I missed the thought of finding love.  “Nathan..I..I miss you.” I breathed, trying to gather myself, knowing that soon this dream would be over soon.   “My dear Aya ..All will...” His voice was cut off by the ringing drum of my alarm siren.      I grumbled as I pulled the sheets from my little cot. My room was in the basement, along with the other omegas in the pack. The chilly morning air kissed my body, but it was always cold down here, so I never complained. I was always awake before the other Omegas and really anyone in the pack house. After I washed my face and brush my birds' nest of a head, putting my long black hair in a braid, I crept out the tiny bathroom and moved toward my cot. I folded my blanket in complete darkness and made my way up the basement stairs toward the kitchen.     Breakfast for 30 was a breeze, but it was days like today that I despised the most. We had “guests” attending from our brothering territories. The Red Cresent pack was coming today, and they were the ruthless and revolting. I did not hold fear in my heart for them, just a distaste, if you will. I turned on the kitchen light and went to the pantry to get the ingredients for breakfast. I slowly started chopping onions and peppers. I always felt free in the kitchen. It was my home away from home. I circled the floor grabbing the pans and cooking utensils. I began to hum some song from the radio and rock my hips as I added the rest of the ingredients for the omelets. I wasn’t going to let these unrulily men get to me today. I had dreamt of my alpha so it meant today all will be good.   I jolted at the sound of the basement door opening but it was just Liza. My only friend in this hell hole. Liza had red hair that went down to her waist and her soft olive tone face was sprinkled with little red freckles. Liza was like my little sister; she was only 13 when her parents died, and she had to move to the house pack. I loved Liza.   “Hey mama, need some help cooking or should I prepare the table.” Liza asked as she started copying my movements, now both of us were dancing, off beat, to no music.  Laughing I shrugged my shoulders “I guess you can make the table because you definitely are not touching this food, you will have me killed by Alpha himself.” I tease and she frowned knowingly. Liza could not cook. She burnt water if it was possible.  “Love you though.” I added quickly as she huffed over to the big dining hall, with a stack of plates in her hands.   I sent the first two plates to the Alpha and Luna as soon as the first batches of omelets and sausages were done, out of respect of course. It was nearing 6 am so I knew they would be awake; I knocked slowly and got no answer.   “Enter Aya!” I hear Luna’s voice echo through the whole top floor. It was not that the Luna was yelling but her voice was so cold, and I could never understand why. I rushed in immediately and bowed my head.   “Luna your breakfast is ready, and I am finishing the food for the guest as well.” I stated then raised the food to her without looking directly at her. I was never intimidated by her, but she would lash out at me or any omega who looked her in the eye, but she hated me the most for doing it because I been here the longest of the omegas.  “Good, now leave me, Mutt.” she spat, and I quickly slipped through the bedroom doors.   “Thank goddess.” I muttered as I walked down the long spiral staircase. I knew I was growing weary of this place. I was 17 years old and still have not shifted into my wolf. I could never make it outside these walls, I knew I could not protect myself. Sometimes she speaks to me in my dreams, and she tells me I'm not ready yet, that when she is ready, I will know. My wolf is beautiful, she was pitch black, with silver tinting, and she stood taller than even my alpha. I knew my wolf was strong, but I was not her and she was not me. She does not even care when they hurt me, I thought to myself as I made my way through the new gathered crowd of people standing by the countertop, snatching food from poor Liza’s hands.  “Hey, give that back, that was mine!” Liza growled showing her teeth, leaving the whole room silenced in shock. Even I would not touch that girl's food. She is tiny but she will fight anyone about her food and that was a guaranteed.   “Watch yourself girl.” the man holding her food began to speak but it looked like something happened to Liza, her face smoothened out and her head was turning side to side, as if she were looking for something. Then it struck me, I felt the uneasiness in my stomach, I am losing her too. Not today, not my bestie too. No one else seemed to notice the sniff, it was a thing wolfs would do when they first smell their mates, it so obvious though, she does not even know what is happening, I laughed to myself. I looked around the room trying to find a love-struck boy with a dumbfound face in the crowed. I keep looking around the room till I seen my bestie being embraced by some guy. She laughed and giggled as he embraced her in his arms. I stopped watching because I didn’t want to seem like a creeper staring. I pushed through the crowed of smelly men, trying to get to the stove to finish the last batch of food for the omegas. I always made our food last, but I put extra love in it. The Alphas, Betas, and Gammas moved towards the dining hall with their plates full of food. I did not see Liza so I assumed she must have ate with her newfound mate. The few who lingered in the kitchen were the scrawny omegas waiting for the delectable scraps I made for them.   “Good morning Aya!” Allen chimed as he sat on the bar stool eager of his plate of food.  “Morning hun.” I respond flipping the last Omelet, then sliding it on his plate, seeing a big grin on his face made me smile. This is why I was here, I thought to myself. These Omegas were my life. I was the oldest of them. It was about eight of us total. Alpha did not like keeping omegas so the few of us that did live, stay out of sight, not wanting to anger him.  “Any plans for next month?” Allen glanced at me as he ate his omelet and sausage.  “Not really I was going to go out with Liza but I don’t think that will happen.” I sighed as I grabbed my plate and sat down next to him.  “Why not?” he questioned frowning  “Well work and Liza..” I hesitated not sure if he had seen that episode just a few moments before. “Liza found her mate.. I think.”   “What when.. WHO?? It was supposed to be me?” he clenched his fist, angry he could not do anything.  “Look I don’t know but I know you’d better snap out of it, that guy looked like a Beta maybe even an Alpha, I don’t want to see you die to!” I advised; they would snap poor Allen in half if he tried to challenge of them. He looked at me with a broken face, as if he had lost his soul.   ‘Yeah I know I just.. I just.” he began to sob, for a man he sure showed a lot of emotions. I patted his back and tried to comfort him as Alpha walked in with his plate.  “What the hell is going on here?” Alpha Erick growled as he threw his plate in the sink, glaring down on me like a lion, waiting to attack it’s prey.  “Nothing Alpha sir, Allen is just upset about something and I just felt I should comfort him.” I mustered out quickly moving from Allen to the countertop.  “So you think I am breeding omega scum? You think I will allow you to breed with him? I thought your mate died. What kind of w***e wolf are you?” He snared at me completely unaware of what really happened. But it did hurt, I knew who my love was, and I knew I would never betray him. I straightened my spine and looked him directly in the eye fully aware of my consequences.  “I am not a w***e! Nathan was my mate..No IS my mate, and I will never forget him, nor will I ever take another. Alpha, Allen is my friend who is hurt, and unlike you who leaves your friends, I WILL NOT!” I spat, not knowing what I am saying, even Allen looked up surprised. Alpha did not speak, but stared at me intensely, not knowing what I meant either, I assumed.  “DUNGON NOW b***h!” He commanded as I stood up again, I gave him one last scowl. I made my way down the long hallway past the rooms filled with people eating and laughing, towards the dungeon. I knew the guards would be waiting to take me. Why would I let those words come out of my mouth? Why had I said that about my Alpha, I never seen Alpha leave someone behind.   “But I have” Kamilia's voice rang through. My wolf’s voice was smooth and sounded like a scorn angel.   “Kamilia have you finally come to me?” I question waiting for her to continue.   As always, she left me hanging. She never interacted with me and it was if she was never there. I waited by the dungeon doors for the guards to take be back, but they were eating breakfast to, I assume. I knew I would get whipped and deprived of food for a few days. My body maybe small, but I could take a few punches. I sat down by the doors as I waited, I began to wrap my thick black hair into a bun. Hair getting into fresh cuts were annoying and was the worst part of getting beaten. I could hear the guards coming down the hall and stood back up at once. I seen Arvell and Darrell looking at me, with a sad look on their face.  “What have you done now little girl?” Arvell questioned as he grabbed me by the arm, looking around to make sure no one else was near or could hear us.   “Nothing I swear.” I muttered as he pulled me into the dungeon.   “It’s never nothing with you.” Darrell chimed in shaking his head at me once they closed the doors. These guys never liked me, but they didn’t hate me either so I knew they would go easy on the beating. They set me up so alpha could come in, do his worst, and leave. Hopefully.   “Whatever you did he is mad.” Arvell finally spoke as he sat in front of me waiting for alpha to come in. I hung with my arms out for what felt like hours, and who would have thought that today of all days would be bad, I say to myself ironically. My small arms were stretched out and I was fighting to stay awake. Everyone was silent, until the sound of Alphas footsteps announced his presence. I lifted my head to watch as he entered the room, with another male Alpha. This other Alpha looked at me with disgust, but he was beautiful. His skin was chocolate, and his long braids went down his back. Why was he looking at me with such scowl, I did nothing to him, I thought.   “Meet our favorite little omega, Ayanna Black.” The alpha mused gesturing for the man to get closer to me. The man stopped and examined me for a moment, even with clothes on he made me feel naked.   I stared into the unknown mans eyes and something inside began to stir, and anger inside me that i had never felt before.  “Ahh so she is the one with the mouth?” he responded back as he looked me over like a piece of meat. I started shivering, not from them, but the frigid air surrounding me.  “Arvell, Darrell leave us.” Alpha commanded with a crazed look in his eye.  “But Alpha we are your..” Darrel tried to speak but was cut short by the Alpha’s hand wrapped around his throat.  “Leave us now.” Alpha Erick hissed as he let him go. The men quickly rushed out but not before Arvell could give me once last glance. I couldn’t tell if it was pity on his face or spite that he couldn’t watch, this clan was always hot and cold. When they cared they cared, but when they did, you’d feel it.   Alpha Erick grabbed my hair yanking me from the air. “b***h I will teach you to never defile me again.” He punched my head and began kicking me as the man behind him just watched, men are such beautiful creatures, but they are complete demons, All men are evil, was my last thought before passing out.     There I was sitting on a beach again, but this time Nathan was not there, I sat alone. I watched the waves crash into the sand and I felt my breath matching the speeds of the waves. I looked up to see the sky painted purple and orange. I felt serene, a feeling only felt in my dreams. Out of the crystal water a woman appeared. Her skin was the color of bronze and her hair bounced in a fro as she waltzed toward me with a big smile on her face.    “My Dear child.” she said she next to me in the sand. As I looked up at her I seen the silver crescent on her head. It was the moon goddess. I gasped at her sight and even in my dream I bowed to her.   “My Goddess I am so sorry, I should have seen you sooner.” I pleaded not knowing what to do I pushed myself deeper into the sand.  “My dear I have known your soul for many centuries and still you never falter, always picking the humblest of wolves, that’s why you were chosen dear. You are flawless in many ways. Child do you know why I took your mate from you?” she questioned looking as she already knew the answer.  “No my Goddess.” I respond emotionless,   “I cannot be undone yet my goddess” kamilla appeared, angry upset with the goddess not wanting her to speak.  “kamilla fear not, for you are my sister, I would never let you down. She is ready.” The goddess looked at my wolf then looked at me “My dear Ayanna, your mate was not meant for you. I made a mistake, he was vile and I thought you could have changed him, but when I investigated the hands of time all that he had done before you could not be undone, you come from well...a very noble bloodline and to see what stood in store for you my child...I could not allow it. My dear your soul is dear to me. I need you to bring my people home to me.” she looked at me and I was speechless.  “My mate you took him from me?” I whimpered as tears jerked from my eyes uncontrollably. I had no one when he was taken from me, I stupidly stayed here to wait my 18th birthday before I went to his pack,   “My dear the mating bond is not a onetime thing, I know the truth of tomorrow, see even though I am a Goddess, I cannot interfere with your decisions, you would no longer be my child if you lost your will. Our connection could only be repaired by an act of free will. Even though I know who is best for you, I cannot make one accept their mates, I could just make them highly attracted. So you see I did not take your mate from you, his decisions led him down a path of destruction. I will not will that for you.” Moon goddess sat next to me and patted my back awkwardly.   “Okay moon Goddess okay, so you came here to tell me the guy I’ve loved since I was fourteen was an ass, and he had to die, is that all Moon goddess cause I'm just an omega, who’s wolf only shows her face in dreams!!! AND AND I slave away everyday without complaining, I try to help a friend and I get in trouble and now..” I snapped I didn’t mean to but the Moon goddess just looks at me amused, chuckling away, and I couldn’t help but laugh with her. I don’t know why but the moon goddess just melted my pain away. She was the mother I never knew, and even though this was the first dream I had ever had about her I knew everything was going to be okay.  “Dear child our time is gone for now but don’t worry about it. Just remember that you must stay strong and when your ready, Kamilla will be there to guide you, and will you stop referring yourself to “Omegas” All my children are one in the same, some are leaders, and some cook dinner, so what?” Moon goddess stood by kamilla and caressed her fur, I just stood there not knowing what to say or what to think, the pain was flowing through my body. Moon goddesses smile turned into a frown and her face went blank  “Time to wake up!” I heard Arvell’s voice ring through the dream. I pushed my head up slowly, taking in my surroundings. 
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