freeing our people

1450 Words
Kylie POV I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed with the inside. Walking through the door felt just as sad as the outside. This hasn't been a loving home in forever, and my heart breaks at the thought. I truly don't understand why there are people who bring misery, hurt, and fear to others just for their own gratification. How cruel can somebody be to live this way and make others live this miserable existence too. I take a breath, pushing away my sadness, well as much as possible so the girls wouldn't pick up on it. I want them to know that I will protect them at all costs. The hallway was sort of clean, but the walls were stained with what looked like old blood, but I really hoped it wasn't. Someone had clearly tried to clean it, but it was still there. This will be one of the first jobs to do, and we will make a home for everyone here. "I hope everyone is ok," Lilley says, clutching my hand. These girls are so sweet. They definitely get that from their brother. he has done a brilliant job at bringing them up. "I'm sure they are ok" I replied with a smile "yes I'm sure Kylie is right but we must be ready for anything ok, we need to help them" Freddy explained to which they both nodded ok and gave a look of determination. I'm so proud of them. "Where will they be" I thought out loud but Freddy looked like he knew where to go, he obviously knew this place well and I'm sure to all 3 of them this is just normal, unfortunately. We take left and right turns and head back outside the back of the house. It's so eerie in such a massive house that there is no noise. I don't like it one bit. "It's so quiet, it's strange to not hearing anything" I say my thoughts out loud "it's always this way, HE would punish anyone that was too loud" Freddy says and my heart sank more. There was the dead looking land as it is at the front of the house, it makes me sad 'me too' Janey said with sadness 'I know we are going to make it better here but this breaks my heart' and we both agree. Taking in my surroundings was hard to see. Looking around, I could be sick. Swinging high in a tree, there were a few bodies hanging. They were obviously meant as a warning, but how can anyone be so cruel. "Keep eyes forward, girls," I whisper, hoping they haven't already seen. 'This is the norm, and I so wish it wasn't,' Freddy said in our mate link.'we need to sort all this out,' I reply back, trying to keep my tears at bay. I can see a couple of buildings as run down as the house is, if not more. There's nothing at all that screams home about anything I've seen so far. The buildings look like really big old barns, windows all broken, holes in the wood and a wonky door on each. Behind those buildings was a 5-minute walk to what looked like cellar doors. The smell is starting to hit me, making me sick to my stomach. I was confused as to why we were headed towards what I assume is the dungeon, I thought we were looking for the coven members. "Will the girls be ok going in there?" I ask, looking worriedly between the doors and the girls. "It shouldn't be but they have been down here a couple times and I don't want to leave them alone up here" ok thats makes sense but my heart breaks that they have seen such things at a young age. Freddy opens the door, and the smell hits me. My nose burns and eyes water. Why would anyone from the coven be kept down here. I know HE was a cruel man, but these are his people. Cries from children and mums trying to soothe them hits my ears, and my legs try to go faster. We walk to the first cell, and it's cramped with as many people it could hold. "Hello" was all I could say because not one of them looked at us. Heads snapped up at hearing my voice before looking at Freddy. "The keys are hung on the wall behind you" he said to me as I turned and grabbed them "we have returned to save you" Freddy says unlocking the door but non of them moved an inch "what are you waiting for, come on" I say but still nobody spoke. "We are here to help you" Layla says and it's only then that we heard a whisper "we will be severely punished by our king if we leave and now it all makes sense "My mate and I have faced Achlys in battle and put an end to him for good" I say and all heads looked up at us this time "We have somethings to talk about but we need to leave this horrid dungeon" Freddy says smiling at them as the first came to the door "yes my king" was all that was said and they started to leave. A few men held back, causing me to frown. "we want to go to our mates and children," and we nodded, moving from one cell to another. The last was mostly women with children from newborns to teens. It made my whole heart hurt. They are all dirty and thin, the women without children in their arms and the older kids were moving slightly to stand in front. All with their heads down facing the floor, "Are you all ok?" I rush in as soon as the door opens. No one answered me, I'm met with silence. Freddy stood at the door, but my concerns were on all these poor souls. A young girl, maybe 7 years old, is looking really sick and laid on the floor. A little boy of maybe 3 years old was sat next to her stroking her hair. I go straight for her, worried about her laboured breathing. Before I can get to her, a young looking woman is on her knees, head down with her hands in front of her palms facing me. Begging me not to hurt her children. She has tears streaming, and I get on my knees in front of her, wrapping my arms around her. I feel her whole body go stiff. "I would never hurt anyone, I want to help her, help all of you." "Who are you?" asks another woman who is finally looking at me. "Hi, Charlotte, I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner." he was full of sadness seeing them like this, "Master Freddy," she said again, diverting her eyes back to the floor. "Charlotte there's some changes to be made but we need to get everyone out of here and medical help" He said and everyone looked unsure that was until Freddy moved for the men that waited for their mates and children. All I could hear was cries and shuffling around me. I sat back on my knees, and I saw the relief from the woman in front of me, obviously seeing her mate behind me. She jumped up and sped to him, crying. I move across the floor and feel the girls forehead, she is burning up and her chest doesn't look right, she is fighting for every breath "be strong princess" I say and stand "we need to get help now my love" I say as Freddy comes to me. He wipes my face. I hadn't even realised that I was crying. "Ok, come on," and nodded for everyone to leave. We poured out of that horrible place, the little girl was being carried by her dad behind us. "Where is Dr Rogers, ANYBODY SEEN THE DR?" Freddy shouts over everyone, and I see an old hand raise above everyone. The Dr looks old and ill himself. How can anyone let their people suffer like this. "Where is the clinic" I ask but looking at Freddys expression it isn't good "there isn't one" but it just confuses me "well then where does everyone go when they are ill" I dont understand at all "Achlys would have the ill killed because he classed them as weak, for years Dr Rogers would sneak visits to anyone that would need it" I can't stop my emotions erupting, tears run from my eyes and I throw myself at Freddy and sob in his arms. If Achlys wasn't already dead, I'd kill him.
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