
1555 Words
{Winter’s POV} “Go collect my mates things. We’re leaving as soon as the jet lands!” A voice echoed out. “Oh my little mate, what am I going to do with you?” The voice asked softly. My body was submerged in pain and darkened. The horror of finding myself in a situation where I didn’t know what was happening was my worst nightmare. I wanted to see, I wanted to run before it was too late. That bi*** really just had to beat me tonight, before midnight. Otherwise I would have been out of here already! I heard the sound of beeps, and machine like sounds that I didn’t understand. I was sure that I was not somewhere I had been before. I opened my eyes and could see a large white room, I was in a strange bed that was folded partially up, surrounded in pillows and blankets. My clothes were gone and I was in a gown that wasn’t tied in the back. I looked around more and found a large man sitting in the chair in the corner, he looked handsome and kind, his expression an odd one I couldn’t quite figure out. He was on the phone with someone, when suddenly his eyes flew up and he made eye contact. “She’s awake, get them here now!” He said and stood to his feet. “Hello miss, I’m Alpha Asher Maxwell of Blood Lake Pack. Do you remember anything?” He asked his voice changing to a sweet tone. I nodded, afraid of what the alpha family would do to me if they knew I was here instead of preparing their food. I twisted my hands together and looked anywhere but at him. Just then another man walked through the door, he had Alpha Markus with him and of course Luna Elaine. “Winter, tell them this is all a mistake, we would never hurt you!” Luna Elaine shrieked almost immediately as she walked into the room. “Seriously?” I choked out, half cackling. Everyone in the room looking at me, the man who has been here the whole time staring at me intensely. “Go on.” He said urging me to continue. “Listen here you ungrateful..” Elaine began spouting! I cut her off loudly,” Ungrateful? And what exactly do I have to be grateful for?” I asked sitting up in my bed. “I want you to leave!” I said turning and facing the window. “I am your Alpha, and she is your Luna, you can’t speak to us like that!” Markus shouted. “You aren’t anything to me. I was never made a part of your pack as even you didn’t know my full name! Get out of my room, I’m leaving this place!” I said pulling the blanket back over my small fragile body and facing the window. I heard items being thrown and before I knew it my blanket was grabbed and pulled off, my gown slipped off with it leaving me nude in the room. “You can’t do that! You can’t do anything foolish girl! You’re mine, no one else’s, do you understand me!” Elaine screamed clawing at me trying to catch my skin. She dug a long claw into my ankle, pain coursing through it, and blood pouring out onto my bed. I pulled my knees to my chest and covered myself as best as I could, then the mountain of a man next to me did something completely unexpected. He slapped Markus across the face knocking him to the ground. Elaine ran to him and coddled him like a child, just as she always had. “Keep your Luna in line. It’s not becoming of a Luna to attack a defenseless pack member in a hospital bed.” He said as Elaine screamed and cried holding Markus close. “This is all your fault Winter! I’ll kill you for this! I swear I will!” Elaine shrieked, then she was hit with a slap from Markus. “Shut up woman! You’re crazy if you think this is how any she-wolf should behave! Go home, I’ll be there shortly!” He commanded. She stood up wiping her tears and sniffling, she walked out of the room no problem. Slowly Markus stood up. “No hopefully you won’t say anything bad about your adoptive parents would you Winter? You are like a daughter to us you know, but Jessica gets in those crazy mood swings of hers.” He said trying to laugh off the whole matter. The large man beside me growled loudly and grabbed my blanket tossing it over top of me. “You’re kidding right? I’ll see you in court Markus, now leave!” He commanded, his tone deadly. Markus looked as though he was trying to fight it but couldn’t. He ran from the room like a child and I completely wrapped the blanket around myself. “Are you alright? I didn’t want them showing up before we got you out of here, but they showed up as my beta was coming back.” He said pointing to the door where the other man was standing. His beta was handsome he had to be about 6’1, he had shaggy, Sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. His skin tone was tan, and he was pretty muscular but nothing could compare to the god of a man beside me. He was 6’4 with short dark brown hair, a thin well kept beard, and pale blue eyes. His skin was slightly tanned and he was massive, he looked like he’d been lifting weights since he was born. He grabbed a bandage from the counter along with some water and a soapy rag. He cleaned and dressed my ankle for me, all while I held the blanket around my body trying to keep it covered. Every time this man touched me tingles ran through my body, it was enticing! I nodded, not really sure what to say about it. “Um, Asher, she may feel better with some clothes on.” He said handing over a small bag to the man beside me. “Is the rest in the car?” He asked back. “No, this is it. I’ll explain more later, but the jet is almost here and we have to go.” He said slicking his hair back with his hands. He handed me the bag. “Here are your possessions, go get dressed in the bathroom right there, we’ll be here when you get done.” Asher said in a sweet tone. I looked up into his eyes for the first time, and that’s when it happened, the mate bond snapped into place. This man, this god of a man was my mate. I closed my eyes and grabbed the bag quickly bolting to the door and locking it behind me. I looked my body up and down in the mirror, most of my bruises were gone, I felt much better than I did. “Don’t worry little one, I healed us!” I heard a soft voice in my head. “Are you?” I began, but before I could even finished she let out a soft genuine chuckle. “Yes love, I am your wolf, my name is Lily. That man out there is our mate, he wants to take us to his pack and protect us. He also wants to get justice for you, because of what this pack has put you through. I need rest, after healing you so much. It may be some time before I’m able to push forward, or even communicate to you like this. Travel safe, and trust him Winter, I do.” She said before softly fading from my mind. I nodded, mostly to myself and quickly threw on my clothes. I wore an oversized t-shirt with high waisted jeans, and a pair of combat boots. I walked back out into the room with the two men from before and kept my eyes on the ground. I couldn’t believe what was happening, and I wasn’t even sure I wanted a mate, but my wolf wants me to trust him so I will. He reached out his hand to me, and said in a soft comforting voice. “Hello, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Asher, Asher Maxwell. This is my Beta, Felix, and we’re going to take you home to our pack.” He said smiling brightly. He seemed so kind, but I don’t trust easily. “My name is Winter.” I said shaking his hand gently, his large calloused hands swallowing mine. He nodded and led me out of the hospital to a car, after about 30 minutes or so we pulled into the pack airport. “We have a private jet waiting on us.” He said pointing to it. I looked over and could see some people loading it with fuel and trying to make sure everything was safe for us to leave. After about an hour we finally boarded the jet and began our journey to my new pack. I had to say, I was actually relieved, and for the first time in a long time, I slept soundly.
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