
1330 Words
{Asher’s POV} I caught a small glimpse of a waitress as she hurried back into the kitchen, her small frame peeking out from behind the door watching everyone eat their food. She looked as though she’d been starved, but something was pulling me to her, I wanted to get closer and talk to her. I saw the woman with short blonde hair stand up and stomp her way to the kitchen throwing open the door and slamming it behind her. A terrified shriek could be heard, but then it was silence. Everyone in the room was deadly quiet, because we all smelled the same thing, blood. I stood up tossing my napkin down on my plate. “Asher, don’t get involved!” Felix said trying to keep me calm.” “I’m not going to let her beat some poor servant girl up for nothing! Look, my brother said they were mistreating some of the lower class pack mates here. I’m going to go check it out. You can either go with me or you can sit here and do nothing, but I’m going!” I said stalking toward the kitchen. I flung open the door, and that’s when it happened. The clock struck midnight over the pack, the bell tower clanging loudly in the background and the mate bond snapped into place. “I frantically looked around and saw the blond girl on top of the small fragile looking servant, slashing her open, punching, and kicking her feverishly. I ran over shouting. “Get off my mate!” I grabbed the blonde throwing her across the room and scooping up the young woman in my arms. Felix walked in after me, he saw the blonde on the floor, her head was cut open from it hitting the counter when I threw her. “Dude, what happened.” “My mate! She needs the doctor, get the car, we’re taking her to the pack hospital now!” I said frantically. He looked around confused, but seeing the unconscious girl in my arms he didn’t hesitate. He called the car around front and I jumped in cradling her in my arms, Felix climbed in after me. “So this little she wolf is your mate?” He said pushing her b****y hair out of her face. “She looks like she’s been starved, and what’s this?” He said. He began smearing off makeup that was around her eyes, and both of them were black and blue. “She was beaten recently, before today.” He said shaking his head. The driver pulled up to the hospital and we ran inside. “Please, my mate! She’s been beaten badly!” I shouted as we ran in a couple of nurses ran in with a gurney, and a doctor ran over behind them. “Sir, we’re not allowed to treat her here.” He said looking anywhere but at me. “What? On whose orders?” I said furiously. “Our Alpha’s!” He shouted back. “He told us never to treat her because she isn’t worth the time or the resources.” He finished shrugging. He turned to leave and I grabbed him by the collar. “I am Alpha Asher Maxwell, of the Blood Lake Pack, and I command you to treat my Luna with respect and heal her!” I said lifting him off the ground. He looked scrawny, and was weak compared to me, worse, my brother was even bigger and more Ill tempered, had he been here he might have actually killed this puny little doctor, he’s lucky my brother stayed home. I threw him down and he landed on his hands and kept gasping for air. “Yes Alpha, right away Alpha!” He said in barely a whisper. I quickly brushed myself off and followed them to a room where they ran a bunch of tests, took some x-rays and sat her up on an iv drip. She was horribly malnourished, and dehydrated. She lost quite a lot of blood, but apparently her wolf was trying to heal her. He said that she should wake up within the hour. Then I’m taking us out of this wretched place, and back home! About thirty minutes after being at the hospital, Alpha Markus, and his Luna Elaine showed up demanding to know why I “assaulted” the future Luna of the pack. “I can’t believe you’ve done this, it’s an outrage and I will have your pack for this, you can count on it!” Markus threatened. “Oh really?” I said looking over at him, I was seated comfortably in my chair, but now I was getting angry, my mate was beaten so badly that she is in the hospital, but they want to try to over throw me because their Future Luna had a scratch on her forehead! I rose from my chair, my large frame towering over them. “Why don’t you tell me, why your future Luna, nearly beat my mate, and future Luna to death tonight?” I asked. They both looked astonished and were suddenly fumbling over their words. “Well, she probably instigated the whole thing!” Elaine spat. “She’s a filthy wh***, and an orphan, we took her in, so you can’t have her, not without our blessing! I laughed heartily. “I don’t think you understand the situation here Elaine!” I spat out, dropping her title, she was too entitled at this point and I’ve had enough. “I am Alpha of the biggest, strongest pack in America, we are allied with nearly all of the pack in America and most from around the globe. You will go back to your pack house, pack my mates belongings and bring them here. We’re leaving as soon as the doctor clears her. If I hear, so much as a whisper of you or anyone from your pack trying to stop this from happening, I will wage a war. Are we clear?” I asked pouring out my Alpha energy. They both fell to their knees. “Yes of course, we’ll get her stuff here right away! So sorry Alpha!” Markus whimpered out. He was a coward, just like his son. This pack would be run into the ground within the year. They ran from the hospital without saying another word. Felix sat in the chair on the other side of the room just staring at me. He let out a long whistle before saying,”Da** bro, you just made them need to change their undies and everything. Are you okay? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that mad!” He said, obviously trying to calm my nerves. “I’m sorry Felix, but you know how long I’ve waited for my mate, and then finding her here, like this. I just don’t know what to do. All I know, is I want to get us all out of here tonight. She’ll get better care at the hospital back in our pack. Go call my brother, tell him to send the private jet, tell him it’s an emergency, but I’m fine and we’ll explain when I we get there!” I said not wanting to leave her side for even a moment. “Yes sir, Alpha sir!” He said jokingly and saluted me as he walked out calling my brother. A few moments passed and he came back in, “Jet’s on its way. It’ll be here in roughly a few hours.” He said. “Anything else?” He asked smugly. “Yes, go collect my mates things. We’re leaving as soon as the jet lands!” I said. He walked out and I sat back down in the chair beside her looking at all of the tubes and cables she was connected to. “Oh my little mate, what am I going to do with you?” I asked softly.
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