The Travel

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{Asher’s POV} After loading the jet, I got on looking around for Winter only to find her already asleep. She must have been exhausted. I took off my coat and covered her up walking over and taking a set across from Felix. I sighed heavily as I sat down. “Well, this was one h*** of a trip!” Felix coughed out. “Glad you’re having a good time!” I joked with him. “Just wait until we get back and I have to tell my brother!” I said running my hands through my hair nervously. He wasn’t the nicest or the most understanding. He hated the idea of having a mate, and if she’s mine, there is a good chance that they will also be mates. Normally twins are mated to the same person. There have been instances where each twin had a different mate. I guess that’s what I needed to hope for at this point. “Relax Asher, Archer won’t do anything to you or her. I know he’s a lot, but he only cares about you, you know that!” He said leaning over and patting my shoulder. “Don’t worry too much, you’ve got a mate, now’s the time to be happy!” He said looking over at Winter. That’s when I noticed the “necklace” she was wearing, I thought it was some kind of choker, and didn’t want to take it from her, but then I noticed the other side of it that was hidden under her hair. “They put a shock collar on her?” I said through the mind link. “What?” He asked back and looked back over at her. “Yeah, that’s defiantly a shock collar! Why didn’t she take it off?” He asked me. “I’m not sure, but we’ll need to get our people to take pictures of it as soon as we land and we need to make sure that we file this report. I can’t believe anyone could be so cruel, but no one is getting away with hurting my mate!” I said back then closed out the link. He nodded, standing up and walking across the jet to make some calls. I had a call to make as well, one to my brother. I pulled out my phone and called him. He picked up on the second ring. “What’s going on with you? Cryptic calls from Felix, needing a jet to get back so fast. What happened? Are you okay?” He asked. My brother hated pretty much everyone but me, he’s been this way for years, ever since our father got injured when our uncle tried to take over. Our whole family had a falling out, and we decided it was easier to just be above it all. “I’m fine Archer, but there is something we need to talk about. I’m bringing back someone, they need to be checked out by our pack doctor at the pack house when we get there, and I want to make sure that they’re kept under the radar from now. They’re not a big people person, like us.” I said trying to calm his nerves. “Bringing someone back? Why, we don’t need anyone else here, we have enough pack members.” He grumbled, I could tell he hadn’t been sleeping again. “Arch, go to sleep, we’ll be there in a few hours and I’ll explain everything in the morning, just have the pack doctor waiting in my room, and I’ll talk to you in the morning.” I said hanging up the phone. “So how’d that go?” Felix said smirking. “About as well as to be expected, meaning I didn’t tell him yet.” I said laughing under my breathe. He laughed heartily, “You’re a dead man walking when he finds out!” He laughed even louder. “Shhh!” I barely got our between fits of laughter. “Yeah, I’m doomed, but you are too because you’re an accomplice!” I said laughing quietly. We laughed for a few moments longer and before long Felix was also asleep. I waited until we touched down and woke up Felix, making sure he got his bearings before walking over and scooping Winter’s sleeping form up in my arms. She was so tiny and so light, I’d never seen a woman this small. They must have starved her, all this time, had I known I would have done something. I stared at her small sleeping form, her hair was long and beautiful it fell in loose curls down her back. She was the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen, and she was all mine. I looked up noticing the people who were gathered, there were some people coming to take pictures of the collar she had on, our driver getting our luggage, and one person I didn’t expect to see. My brother, his terrifying stance as he watched me carry her off of the jet and down to where he was standing, he never once shifted his gaze. “Brother.” I said walking over to him. “Who the h*** is this?” He said moving the coat out of the way so he could see her face. I could physically see the mate bond snap into place, and his face turned a deep shade of red. He looked down lower noticing the collar immediately. “Who?” He asked in a low menacing growl. “Arch, get in the car. We’ll talk on the way home. I turned around and walked to the car. Archer got in first and gently grabbed her pulling her from my embrace and holding her close to his chest. I’ve never seen him act this way about anyone, he’s really mad, and what we have to say is only going to make things worse. He went to grab the collar and when he did he winced in pain. “What the?” He said looking it over, deciding to just unbuckle it quickly and take it off. As he threw it to the ground we could see a long line of scaring across the side of her neck. My brothers hand was burned but was already beginning to heal. “It was silver, they put a silver buckle on it so she couldn’t take it off easily!” He growled out. Just then her eyes fluttered open. The most beautiful green I had ever seen, and she looked around confused. She looked between my brother and I and it finally dawned on her. She jumped backwards her face turning an adorable shade of red and she landed right in the seat of the car. “Do you need help Winter?” I asked giggling slightly. She shook her head looking down at the collar beside her on the ground and reaching up to feel her neck. She began crying, as she felt the long scar across her neck. “It’s finally gone! The pain, it’s gone, it’s been there for so long!” She said softly tears streaming down her face. My brother and I both had our arms crossed we looked at each other, and our minds were only set on one thing. Revenge, for what they did to our mate!
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