The Pack House

1443 Words
{Archer’s POV} My anxiety was building, Asher told me to rest and he’d explain when he gets here, but something was definitely wrong. He was acting strangely, and I could tell he was hiding something from me. I knew he could be like this, but more often than not we made up fairly quickly. I decided I’d go meet them at the airport and found one of our downstairs before he left. “I’ll be going with you to help my brother.” I said getting into the car. He took off and we drove rather quickly, soon we reached the airport. I could see the jet coming in and decided to run out and wait on him to exit. I waited for what seemed like ages, there were other people here, some with cameras, and of course the driver and some other pack house members. “What was he up to?l I kept wondering to myself. Finally the jet door open and out came Felix, he began talking to one of the people with cameras then ran back to grab some bags. Out of the door, my brother stepped holding a small person in his arms wrapped up in his large, black coat. I could smell blood on them, what in the h*** had happened? I walked over as he reached the bottom step. “Brother.” He said not at all fazed to see me here. “Who the h*** is this?” I asked moving the coat out of the way so I could see her face. I saw her for the first time, her small body, so gaunt, and frail. I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms, she smelled like summer, the scent of oranges, and lemons. The mate bond snapped into place, I felt whole, calm, complete. For the first time in my life I understood why everyone wanted a mate. I looked down lower noticing the collar immediately. I growled at the sight, it’s a shock collar, someone did this to my mate! “Who?” I asked in a low menacing growl. “Arch, get in the car. We’ll talk on the way home. He turned around and walked to the car. I got in first and gently grabbed her pulling her from my brothers hands, holding her close to my chest. She hummed softly as I moved her, I wanted nothing more than to hold her just a moment ago, now I was doing just that. I went to grab the collar but when I did, I felt a jolt of familiar pain. “What the?” I said looking it over, deciding to just unbuckle it quickly taking it off. As I threw it to the ground we could see a long line of scaring across the side of her neck. My hand was burned but was already beginning to heal. “It was silver, they put a silver buckle on it so she couldn’t take it off easily!” I growled out. Just then her eyes fluttered open. The most beautiful green I had ever seen, and she looked around confused. She looked between my brother and I and it finally dawned on her. She jumped backwards her face turning an adorable shade of red and she landed right in the seat of the car. “Do you need help Winter?” Asher asked, a slight giggle in his voice. “Winter!” I thought to myself, but she reminded me of a summers day. She shook her head looking down at the collar beside her on the ground and reaching up to feel her neck. She began crying, as she felt the long scar across her neck. “It’s finally gone! The pain, it’s gone, it’s been there for so long!” She said softly tears streaming down her face. My brother and I both had our arms crossed we looked at each other, and our minds were only set on one thing. Revenge, for what they did to our mate! I looked to my brother, in the mindlink I asked.”Who did this to her?” “The Alpha family at Red Moon Pack, the Luna called her their ‘adopted daughter’ from what Felix has said about her living conditions and of course what we’ve witnessed there, she was a pack slave.” He answered back in the mindlink. “If you two are going to mindlink about me, could you at least not do it right in front of me?” A gentle voice said looking between the two of us. “That’s the most I’ve heard you say!” My brother said softly to her. His voice was deep, but soft like hers, where mine was deeper and more gravely. “We’re just concerned about the collar and the other injuries you sustained. Are you more willing to talk now?” I said sitting back and crossing my arms. Her small form seemed worried and frantic. She peered around as if looking for an escape from here. “I-I don’t know if I should, they might..” she began. “They’re not going to hurt you Winter. We won’t let that happen. We’re a much bigger and stronger pack than they are. You’re safe here!” Asher said grabbing her hand gently. She pulled it away and looked at it, she was obviously confused, anyone could tell by looking at her. “What’s the matter?” I asked looking to her for answers. “Is this the part where you guys beat me until I cooperate? I’ll be a good mate! I won’t question you, or stop you from any activities with other she wolves. Just please don’t hurt me!” She said frantically looking around to both of us then bowing her head. “Why would we hurt you? You’re our mate!” I asked afraid of what she may say. “Luna Elaine, she prepared me for everything. She said that I’d be beaten, then once I settled in, we would begin the mating process. She always warned me that outsiders could come for me and take me away. To be honest, I couldn’t stand being stuck there at that pack! I had planned on running the night of the ceremony. Then Jessica found me, she.. she always did this to me. She blamed me for everything, and loved hurting me. When I woke up in the hospital and found you were my mate. I just assumed that..” she said but couldn’t finished her statement. “We’re never going to hurt you, I’m Asher, and this is my Twin brother Archer. We’re both your mates, do you understand or feel that?” Asher assured her. She nodded. “I feel the mating pull between us, all three of us. I-I’m a little scared of this though. It’s my first time, and I honestly never wanted to do it, but I know that’s what you two want.” She said looking back down. “No!” I said in almost a shout. She shook and scurried back. It hurt, that I scared her. I’m not as kind and friendly sounding as my brother. He does better with people than I do, but I do better riling the pack. Together we make the perfect Alpha. I looked down at her, trying to have a much softer expression. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. S** is something that is supposed to happen between consenting parties. I think that for now we should focus on your health. You need to be fed more, workout, lifting weights and such, and over all just focus on getting healthier. You also need to strengthen your connection to your wolf. Thorn can barely sense her and it makes him worried. She nodded never looking up. “Lily said she’s weak from healing me so much. She said it may be a while..” she looked nervously at her hands and wrung them. “It’s okay Winter, we’re here for you!” My brother said taking one of her frail hands in his. I reached out grabbing the other. “You’re our princess, and we shall do whatever we can to make sure you’re safe, and happy. Don’t ever be afraid of us, we’ll never hurt you.” I added. She looked up at both of us, surprised by the sudden electricity shooting through all of our hands. Her face turned a bright red, and for the first time ever, I saw my mate smile. A sight I would happily chase until the end of time!
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