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Chapter 5 (2 years after) Closer to the horizon, the sky fades to a lighter blue or white. Xavier was running in the fields. He hasn’t yet transformed into his wolf state, but he is faster, and his senses are sharper than any normal werewolf who hasn’t converted. Xavier had everything he desired in his life. Power, money, beauty, pure rare blood, and strength. Undoubtedly, he was going to be a first-rate Alpha to the pack. Everything had been planned for him from the day he was born until now, and he didn’t mind it because, in the end, it was all coming in handy for him and his pack. He realizes the responsibility he needs to take over in the future. He has vowed that he will be the most potent Alpha ever. It was his dream, determination, and one mission in life, and he would go to any length to fulfill it. On his way home, he saw Scarlet sitting quietly near the lake. She was staring into it, intensely focused, her finger swirling in the water, making circular patterns. What is she doing here? Xavier thought. None of my business; I should head back. I have other important things to do. Ignoring Scarlet’s presence, Xavier walked away from her. Scarlet could see her reflection in the water as she stopped swirling her finger. A gentle smile played on her lips. A few whispers came out of her mouth, and she stopped abruptly when there was one external stimulus. Someone fell into the water with a splash, drenching Scarlet with lake water. A squeal escaped from her lips as she got up from the ground in a flash moment. Catching her breath and clearing her vision, she looked in the water. She heard a familiar cackle and a familiar figure swimming in the lake water. “Xavier,” Scarlet said with clenched teeth. “The one and only,” Xavier remarked in his deep tone; he ran his hand through his hair, slicking them back. Scarlet ran her hand through her wet hair and asked with anger lacing in her voice. “What is your problem?” “What? Am I not allowed to swim? Do you own this lake, redhead?” He asked in a snarky tone. Splashing through the waves, he reached where she was standing. Xavier removed his drenched black shirt showing his mouth's drooling body, and tossed it at Scarlet’s face. Scarlet swiftly removed the shirt, her face displaying disgusted expressions. “In my 17 years of existence, I’ve never found a more disgusting, obnoxious, despicable, and loathsome guy other than you. I hate you with every single cell of my body, Xavier Monroe.” Xavier smirked, “The feelings are mutual, milady.” He bowed dramatically. “Join me, four eyes.” Xavier invited her, his hands making waves in the water as he pushed his body away into the water. Scarlet rolled her eyes at him, “The glasses are gone,” She remarked with sass. Xavier gasped dramatically, placing his hand on his mouth, “When?” The mischievousness laced in his tone. “What a drama queen,” Scarlet remarked, “About a year ago, I had LASIK surgery, and you were with me.” Xavier made an ‘O’ face and swam towards where she was standing. “Oh yeah, I remember now. By the way, how many fingers am I holding?” He asked and put his four fingers in the air. Scarlet stared at him for a solid couple of seconds. “Unbelievable,” She remarked and turned to leave when suddenly she felt herself in the air, and the next second she was in the water. . . drowning. She felt a hold on her waist that pulled her upwards, and she held onto it tightly as she gasped for air. “What the f**k is wrong with you, dimwit?!” Scarlet yelled at him, her hands circling him. “Woah, Woah, Woah, getting a little touchy here, I see,” Xavier made a surrender position and looked at her with an amused expression. “Get me out of here,” she retorted. “You can swim,” Xavier answered and removed her grip from his body. Scarlet felt a little embarrassed when she realized that he was correct. Why did she act so out of composure? Her cheeks flustered, and she swam away from him. “Why are you here?” She asked him. Her hair was clinging to her face, but she didn’t bother to sleek it back. “Do you own this place?” He asked her. “No. . . but that’s not the answer to my question,” she asked. “I can be anywhere I want. This is not your territory. Truthfully, I like this place, so I am making this my territory. I will call it ‘Gingerbread hideout.' Look, I’m naming this place after you. You can kiss my feet for this,” Xavier remarked. Scarlet looked at him with bored eyes. Not amused with him, she sighed loudly, “Blockhead. . . I’m leaving. You can have this place as long as it can keep you away from me,” She said and swam towards the land. “Do you think I like to be around you?” Xavier asked in an annoyed tone. “I don’t care,” Scarlet answered without turning back to look at him and began to walk away. Xavier saw her leaving. “Weirdo,” Rolling his eyes, he got out of the water. He caught up with her in a minute. He was still shirtless, water dripping from his hardcore, sexy body. No one could believe he had a build like that when he was only 17. Xavier looked like he could take down ten wolves in one go. Scarlet, on the other hand, was getting more petite day by day. Even after hardcore strengthening exercises, her physical form wasn’t changing. A year later, both of them will be able to shift into their proper form, and then the fate of the Crimson Stone pack will change when the new Alpha and Luna lead the group. The whole pack was waiting for this juncture. They were on the way back to the packhouse, silently walking beside each other. They knew if one of them opened their mouth and started a conversation, it would only lead to an argument that would lead to a fight. Xavier's senses alerted him that someone was coming in their direction. “Someone is coming,” he said. “It’s from the pack. I can hear voices. . .” Scarlet felt an excruciating pain in her head, her body felt weak, and she thumped on the ground. “People are. . . crying. They are hurt.” Scarlet said and cried in pain. Looking at her in this state, Xavier got hold of her, he put one arm under her legs, and the other supported her back, picking her up from the ground. “Redhead? Are you alright? What is happening to you?” Xavier asked in a worried tone. He saw the Gamma and Delta running in their direction. “Thankfully, you both are safe and sound; come with us this instant.” They told them in a hurried tone. “What has happened to Scarlet?” The Delta asked. “I don’t know. . . she was in pain. I was bringing her to the pack house, and now she is in a state of unconsciousness,” Xavier answered. He couldn’t pinpoint what was going on. “We don’t have time. Come with us.” Gamma said with urgency. “Delta, I heard-'' Xavier was cut off mid-sentence. “We don’t have time, Xavier. The pack is in jeopardy. We need you to take you both somewhere safe.” Delta answered and shifted to his wolf form. Xavier's brows frowned, got alert, and saw Scarlet wincing in pain. “Are you alright?” Xavier asked her. Scarlet opened her eyes slowly, and Xavier saw a little hue of red in her iris. She opened her mouth and whispered to him, “Help. . . They need help,” She uttered the words with great difficulty, and Xavier scooped her in his arms. “We’re taking you both away from the pack at this instant. The bloody hounds from the neighboring pack made an uncalled attack. They must have been planning this for a long time because, this time, they are prepared, and their main target is you both. They are after you, and we need to keep you both safe. You are our priority, so follow us.” Gamma told them in a stern tone. “The pack needs me, Gamma. I’m not running away.” “The pack needs you, but not now. Delta.” Gamma signaled Delta something, and he ran in the pack’s direction. “I’m not going to run away like a coward, and you can’t stop me. My pack needs me, mom, dad, they all need me. Take care of Scarlet. I’m going after Delta.” Xavier handed Scarlet to Gamma. ‘Don’t act ridiculous, Xavier; you haven’t shifted yet and have no title till now. You’re a child and are important to this pack’s future. There will be no hope for Crimson Stone if something happens to you. I have talked to both of your parents. They made this decision, so do not make this hard for either of us and come with me to the safe house. Scarlet needs help, and I will explain everything to you there,” Gamma said. Xavier's jaw clenched, and his eyes fell on Scarlet, who was in the arms of Gamma, looking lifeless. He felt helpless and gave in to Gamma’s words. He took Scarlet from Gamma’s hold and began to follow him in silence. Xavier was not able to control his outrage; he felt like a coward who was running away when his pack needed him.
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