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Chapter 4 15-year-old Xavier Monroe was running to his class, with all the training he wasn’t able to manage his studies and training altogether, though he got the brains and didn’t lack intellectually, the guy was out of balance. Xavier sneaked into the class and sat beside Scarlet, pretending he had been sitting there the whole time since the class started. “You’re late. . . again,” Scarlet said, her eyes focused on her book and pen scribbling on the notebook, her thick-rimmed black glasses frame on her face. Xavier rolled his eyes at her and scoffed. If it wasn’t because of his parents he wouldn’t have been sitting here, listening to her gibberish. “Just copy the notes and hand them over to me, four eyes.” Xavier dismissed her and massaged his forehead. “Xavier, please get up and tell the whole class the meaning of para two on page 164.” The professor called out to him. “Quick, hand me your notes,” Xavier whispered to Scarlet. “God has been kind to me today Xavier. Do you think I will let this opportunity of you getting humiliated in front of the class go? I pity you, man.” Scarlet scoffed and her eyes scanned the contents of the notebook once again. “Xavier, the class is waiting.” The professor called out Xavier once again. “Not now, four eyes.” Xavier gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed on Scarlet. She rolled her eyes and handed over her notes to him. “You owe me a favor, Xavier Monroe, remember that.” She said without looking at him and began to scribble on a new notebook. “Dork,” He remarked and began to read the lines from Scarlet notes. . . . Up until last year, Scarlet's study partner was Sal. He used to share the space beside her in the class which is now occupied by Xavier Monroe. Sal had to leave the pack after his mum died, his father and he were devastated so they moved into the human world for a change and the Alphas allowed it at Scarlet request. Sal was her best friend and she could have done anything for him to provide peace to his mind even if it meant letting him go so she did. . . and now she is stuck with Xavier Monroe. The Alphas and Lunas didn’t slide this chance off and decided to pair them in the class till they graduate. Of course, the young fellows were revolted by this idea but when have their parents ever listened to them? Xavier would help Scarlet in training and she helps him at school. Xavier and Scarlet both were popular at school, mainly because they were entitled to be the next Alpha and Luna to lead the pack. Xavier relished this popularity while Scarlet was becoming a hermit as time flew. Xavier radiated eccentric energy that the pack loves and Scarlet, popular for her big brains, was a target for the other students. The school despised her, the sole reason why they don’t bully her is because of her background and what her future holds. With years passing by she has been shutting herself in her small space, the only person she let in was Sal but now he is gone too. . . . The school ended, and they headed for their dwellings only to meet again after two hours at the training ground. They were here at the other wolves' mercy. On the ground no one cares about their background, their sole purpose is to prepare both of them physically so they can lead the pack as the future Alpha and Luna should. Xavier was a superstar on the field, but Scarlet lacked physical training, and the whole pack was aware of that. Titled the future Luna she needed to be better and stronger than the other she-wolfs. “Scarlet go and do ten laps for warm-up.” The coach said and she sighed audibly. Doing hardcore exercises was a piece of cake for the wolves even though they haven’t transformed into one yet. As Xavier has the Alpha blood running in his veins, he is more potent than any wolf around his age but the same thing wasn’t for Scarlet. She was faster, quick-witted, and strategic but she was weaker than all the she-wolves around her. She was lacking in this domain and that is where Xavier comes from. The Alphas and Luna think that Xavier and Scarlet complete each other so they were also paired on the battleground since they were ten. Not wanting to breathe in the same area they end up spending the whole day together, helping each other out even when they don’t want to. “Xavier, go and run along with Scarlet.” The coach ordered and Xavier raised his brows at him. “Coach, I don’t need to warm up. We can head to the training straight away.” He answered. The coach glared at him with his icy blue eyes and Xavier shivered just from his glare. Coach Hilmand was the bulkiest and tallest wolf Crimson Stone pack has had, he was the size of a Lycan, some say that he is a Lycan but because Alpha Lucas saved his life during a conflict between his pack he ended up vowing to spend his life serving him and joined his pack. It’s still a mystery to everyone if Hilmand is a Lycan or not but the whole pack knows that he is an important asset to the pack, “Do not argue and do what I told you to do,” He dismissed him and walked away from there. Xavier joined Scarlet and began to stretch his body. Scarlet followed his actions but halted in mid when she heard him whispering under his breath, “What a nuisance,” “You’ll need this nuisance once the terms appear.” She commented back and Xavier glared at her. They were of the same age but Xavier was six inches taller than Scarlet making her feel like a midget. “Stop talking, more training. Today the coach has assigned your training session to me so get ready for the most hectic training session of your life, four-eyed redhead.” He remarked and Scarlet put off her glasses and threw them away. She removed the hairband and let her red stream of hair fall on her shoulders. “Guess what numbskull, you’re going to tell the coach that I have done my training flawlessly and I’m leaving this ground in the next two minutes.” Scarlet flashed him a smile and Xavier stared at her for a solid couple of seconds. Suddenly he burst into laughter. “And why do you think I will do that?” He remarked. Scarlet pulled him to her level by clutching his shirt, her face too close to him and Xavier's eyes widened at her abrupt actions. “Because. . .” She whispered, her eyes moving between his widened eyes and lips. “. . . you owe me a favor, Monroe.” She freed him from her grip and he stood up straight. The moment he came out of his trance he found out that Scarlet was gone leaving him dumbfounded. Xavier found his cheeks burning a little from the heat his body was radiating from the absurd stimulus. A thought came to his mind: Where does she go in between training sessions? Most importantly what the hell just happened now?
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