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Chapter 3 The next day, Xavier arrived early for class. He took his seat and waited for the arrival of the assigned teacher. Subconsciously, his eyes wandered to the door. When he realized what he was doing, he averted his gaze from the door and cleared his throat. He couldn't be waiting for her. He thought. Clearing his mind, he focused on his friends and was busy chit-chatting with them. A moment later, he found himself looking at the door again. His eyes glistened when he saw Scarlet entering the room through the door. She was looking down as if she was in deep thought. ‘Is she still depressed from yesterday's incident?’ Xavier's thoughts were interrupted when he saw Sal entering the room behind Scarlet. He realized Scarlet was listening to him, and they took their seats, still busy in their chitchat. Xavier saw Sahil glaring at him. He didn't avert his gaze and stared straight back at him. Scarlet noticed their intensive staring contest, and she whispered something to Sal, to which he averted his eye, and once again, they were busy chit-chatting. What are they talking about so intensely? Is she dating him? She is talking to him after yesterday’s incident, so there must be something between them. Xavier thought. Anyways, her business is not my concern. With this final thought, he got busy with his schedule. All the students took their respective seats when the teacher entered, and the class began. . . . Subconsciously, Xavier kept his eyes on Scarlet all day but couldn’t find the courage to talk to her. Xavier noticed that Scarlet was unusually quiet. She didn’t look at him or even argue when he yanked her ponytail to grab her attention. She removed Xavier’s grip from her ponytail and walked away without uttering a single word. She was with Sal all day, but she was reticent. Scarlet’s attitude was bothering Xavier. He was feeling restless and knew he would not be able to let it go unless he talked to her and figured out what was going on in her mind. Xavier followed Scarlet and Sal. He could hear them talking and giggling. He eavesdrops on their conversation and learns that Sal is walking Scarlet home. What the heck am I doing? What’s wrong with me today? Xavier thought. He aborted the plan and left for his home. . . . Later in the evening, Xavier heard his mom yelling from downstairs. It took him less than a minute to appear in front of his mother's eyes. “What’s up?” He asked in a neutral tone. Xavier’s mother gave him a forced smile, her lips twitching on one side of her face and a vein popping from her temple was a clear sign that he was doomed. He just needed to know the reason. “The Whitlock family is here, son.” She pressed her lips in a tight smile. “Your father is in the study, giving them company.” “Am I in trouble?” Xavier asked. He was genuinely confused by his mother’s actions. He hasn't done anything wrong that he is aware of. “We’ll find out. Your father asked for your presence.” She said and led her son to the study room. In the vast room, a few familiar faces were sitting. Xavier stole the spotlight, and all eyes were on him when he entered. “Hello,” He addressed the people in the room. “What is he doing here?” He asked when he saw Sal sitting beside Scarlet. Xavier’s father got up from his chair. “What did you tell us yesterday, Xavier?” Alpha Michael asked, his voice booming in the study, startled Xavier a bit. He rarely uses this tone with him. “You lied to us, and poor Scarlet suffered yesterday because of you. This gentleman came by today to tell us that your accusation is completely rubbish, and he respects Scarlet and this pack. For this reason, he is standing beside his friend and here to clear her name!” Alpha Michael yelled at his son in front of everybody, making him embarrassed a little at his situation. “I said what I believed and saw,” Xavier argued. “Quiet!” Alpha Michael yelled. “Give Scarlet an apology this instant. Apologize to Alpha and Luna too.” “But Dad-” “Xavier, do not argue with your father. Do what he is telling you to do. Apologize sincerely,” Luna Regina said. Xavier's jaw clenched as he was getting humiliated by his parents in front of the two people he despised the most. He noticed the sly smirk on Scarlet’s face. So, this was what she had been planning all day. I can’t believe I thought of talking to her. She is a vicious girl who attacks you when you’re vulnerable and not expecting it. She played her moves silently and deadly. “I’m sorry,” he told Scarlet, who was sitting on the chair as a queen sits on her throne. Her red hair frames her face, and a satisfied smirk plays on her lips when the person she despises the most gets humiliated and apologizes to her. “Xavier, be sincere with your apology,” Luna Regina stressed. “I apologize for yesterday. Alpha, Luna, and . . . Scarlet. I should have been considerate and thought before speaking. I didn’t mean disrespecting the elders, Scarlet, or the pack.” Xavier said with gritted teeth. His apology was forced and not sincere, but the elders got tricked. Luna Ava and Alpha Lucas decided to forgive Xavier, and the room's tension slowly faded. To get the elders on her side, Scarlet plays the victim role and gets the points for being mature as she says out loud that she forgives Xavier. The elders told the kids to leave the room, go outside and solve their differences. The three of them went into the garden, and there was a pregnant pause between them. Xavier's back was turned to them. “I should be leaving now, Scar. My parents are expecting me to be back home early.” Sahil said. “We’ll leave in a few minutes; we will give you a ride back home.” Listening to Scarlet made Xavier’s blood boil. “What a game you played, redhead. You took my one joke, one statement of mine, to another level and made me humiliated. Do you think I’m blind? Do you think you can trick me?” “What? What did you see that you charged us? The whole pack knows the deal between the Alphas. Do you think we will cross the limits, disrespect Alpha's decision, and go against the pack? I respect Scarlet, so I will never do anything that I know will cause harm to her. Do not put your wrongdoing on us.” Sahil argued, but Xavier's eyes were fixed on Scarlet, who was looking at him with a calm gaze. Scarlet didn’t speak a word to him, but her eyes. . . her eyes said it all. A fire was ignited between them as they glared at each other with hatred.
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