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Chapter 2 Last month was Xavier’s and Scarlet’s 10th birthday. They were both October babies. Xavier was born on the 2nd of October, while Scarlet was held at the end of the month. Though they were born on different dates, they must celebrate and share their birthdays. Both cut the cakes at each other's birthday party. The pack adored them and shipped them. Though they despised this setting, nothing was in their hands, and they just gave in to their parent's wishes. It was a regular day when Luna Regina told Xavier to take Scarlet home after school, as her parents would join them for dinner. “Why, mom? Why do you have to ruin my mood?” Xavier throws a tantrum at his mother while packing his back. “Xavier Monroe, am I hearing you complain? Have you forgotten about your result and lack of attention in school?” Luna Regina stood at his door with her hand on her hip. Xavier rolled his eyes and put his index finger in the air, “One time, mom! I was busy with practice. You know, I have more responsibilities than other kids. Give me a little margin, please.” “Look at Scarlett. She has been the school's topper ten times in a row and also practices like you. Beta Mobius told me that she is a great fighter and her strategy for every action amazes him. She is such a delight!” Luna Regina said in an ecstatic tone. Xavier's mood got sour, and he rolled his eyes at her, “Then adopt her!” He yelled and stormed out of the room with his bag. “Darling, we don’t need to. She’ll be a part of the family, thanks to you.” Luna Regina said and followed her son. “Gross! I’m leaving.” He said and left through the door. “Don’t forget what I told you, Xavier!” She yelled at her son as he sat in the car. She sighed loudly and massaged her temples, “This kid gives me so much stress.” . . . Scarlet was sitting on her seat quietly reading a book, her red hair curtaining her face as her eyes focused on the printed words. She was about to turn the page of her book when someone put a lock of hair behind her ear. It made her come out of her imaginative world as she looked at the person in front of her. “Sahil.” She addressed the dusky-skinned boy with a smile on her face. Sahil smiled; his eyes gleamed as he looked at her. “What are you reading, Scar?” He asked and took a seat beside her. Scarlet showed the front cover to Sahil when someone snatched the book from her hand. Her brows frowned at this action; she looked frustrated when she saw that it was none other than Xavier who grabbed her book and looked at them with a smug smile. Scarlet tried to capture the book from his hold, but Xavier put it higher in the air from her reach. “Monroe,” Sahil grunted at him. “Patel,” Xavier grunted back and flipped the book's pages. “You’re interested in reading this rubbish?” Xavier questioned Scarlet. “Give it back to me, Xavier,” Scarlet roared. Xavier came closer to Scarlet, his brow raised in a challenging manner, “What if I don’t?” He smirked and flipped the pages of the book once again. “Xavier-” Sahil said, but Scarlet interrupted him by punching Xavier in the stomach, and he fell to the ground. She then tried to grab her book from his grip, but Xavier tightened his grip, not letting it go. “Let go, Xavier.” Scarlet bent to his level. In a swift moment, Xavier quickly tore the book into bits and pieces, surprising everyone in the room with his action. “Xavier!” Sahil grunted, but Scarlet stopped him from taking any action. “Scar, he crossed the line. I can’t let him bully you.” He argued while Xavier was looking at him with hawk eyes. “Scar? What an unfortunate nickname,” Xavier scoffed and took his seat. Sahil once again tried to approach him, but Scarlet stopped him. The class teacher entered, and they all took their seats. . . . The day ended, and Scarlet was the only one in the class. She packed her bag and was on her way to escape the class when Xavier stood in front of the door, blocking her way from leaving. Taking a sharp breath, she said, “Get aside, Xavier.” “You’re coming to our house; Mom told me to bring you along. I have no other choice,” he told her irritatedly. Scarlet put her bag on her shoulder, folded her arms, and replied, “Too bad because I have. Sahil is coming to my house, and we have decided to walk back home.” She said and sneaked her way out. Xavier followed and blocked her path with his presence again, “What will I tell mom?” Scarlet sighed loudly and rolled her eyes at him, “That’s not my problem; figure it out.” She said and continued her walk. Xavier blocked her path again, and now Scarlet was standing on a loose thread of patience. “Listen to me, redhead, I don’t care what plans you have for your boyfriend, but tonight our families are gathering for dinner, and you’ll come. I don’t know what’s going on in your mind, but I don’t want trouble from my mom, so if she asks me to bring you along with me, I will, with or without your cooperation.” Xavier threatened her. Scarlet folded her arms and tapped her foot on the ground; a smug smile played on her lips as she said, “You amuse me, Xavier. Do you think I will listen to you after what you did to my book? Honestly, I want you to get in trouble, and look-see, this time, I don’t even have to make a plan. The universe is doing everything for me.” She gave him a sweet fake smile. “We’re even. You punched me in the stomach, and I tore your book.” Xavier argued. “I don’t care. I’m not coming with you. Good luck with your mom.” Scarlet said and walked away from him. She could only take a few steps when she felt herself in the air, and the next second, she was on Xavier’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “God, you look so thin, but-” Scarlet cut him off immediately and said, “I dare you to finish this sentence,” Xavier left the school building with Scarlet. “You know I’m no damsel in distress. It will take me a few seconds to beat you up and get out of your hold,” Scarlet said in a bored tone. “Aren’t you overrating yourself? Everyone knows I’m stronger than you and will always be, no matter how much you practice.” He sneered. He stayed quiet for a few seconds as he walked them to the parking lot, where his driver and the car were waiting for him. He tried to stop himself from asking but, in the end, gave in. “Why aren’t you struggling to get out of my grip? It’s not like you,” he said, and Scarlet chuckled. “Why should I? I know I have to stop by your house even if I don’t want to. Also, my mother told me that you were going to be my ride back home, and my feet were hurting, so I didn’t mind you picking me up, and did I tell you that I feel so satisfied seeing you all desperate and miserable?” Scarlet said, and the next second, Xavier dropped her to the ground, and she yelped. “Scar!” Sahil saw Scarlet and ran to her rescue. He helped her get up and asked, “Are you okay?” Scarlet removed the imaginary dust from her clothes and cleared her throat before answering. “I’m fine. Hey Sal, I need to leave with him. It’s a family dinner that I need to attend. Can we postpone our plan till tomorrow?” Scarlet asked extremely politely, making Xavier stunned at her level of acting of fake sweetness. Sahil came closer to Scarlet and whispered, “Is he bothering you? You can tell me. I can kick his ass for you.” He said, to which Scarlet chuckled and told him that she was okay. “Sit in the car, redhead,” Xavier ordered Scarlet, and she clenched her fingers till her knuckles went white. She hates taking orders, especially when they come from Xavier's mouth. She gulped her anger as there would be many other opportunities to vent her anger at him. She said a quick bye to Sahil and sat in the car beside Xavier. . . . “Dinner is lovely as always, Regina.” Luna Ava complimented. It was customary for the Monroe and Whitlock family to have dinner together once a week; it was routine, a ritual. The table was filled with laughter and chatter from the elders. On the other hand, the two kids were sulking, sighing, and rolling their eyes at each other. Xavier started eating furiously, glaring at Scarlet while she was stabbing her fork into the meat again and again. The elders got quiet for a second and looked at their children, who were throwing daggers at each other with their eyes. “So, kids, how was your day?” Alpha Michael asked. “Fine.” Both the kids answered in a grumpy tone. “Scarlet darling, I have a request that I want you to fulfill if you don’t mind, dear,” Alpha Michael said. “Anything you say, Uncle,” Scarlet answered in a cheerful tone, and Xavier grunted at the affection his father was giving her. “As you may know, Xavier has been lacking in his studies because of intensive training. I want him to be strong, sharp, and powerful, but I also want him to do well in his studies, my dear. So, I ask you if you could tutor him at home and help him with his studies at school.” Alpha asked in a polite tone. “It’s just one exam I failed, Dad!” Xavier groaned. “It always starts with failing an exam. It would be best if you balanced everything, and I know Scarlet can help you excel in your studies. She’s doing you a favor, so be thankful to her.” Alpha Michael answered his son in a stern tone. Scarlet smirked, looking at Xavier’s miserable state. She rolled a lock of her red hair around her finger and gave him a scum look. Xavier gritted his teeth but gulped his anger down. “Scarlet is also lacking in training. She must train hard, get strong to be a good Luna, and stand beside the future Alpha. Xavier, I wanted to ask if you could help her with her training. I know you can help her excel.” Alpha Lucas said, and it was Xavier’s time to smirk. “Sure, Uncle. I would love to. She’s in. . . safe hands.” With a sinister smile playing on his lips, Xavier said, and Scarlet gulped audibly. “Perfect! They make a great team!” Luna Ava said, and they all cheered while the eye battle between the kids continued. “So, what’s new at school?” Luna Regina asked. Xavier smirked at Scarlet and answered mischievously, “Scarlet has a boyfriend.” His reply made the table silent, and the fork fell from Scarlet’s hand. “What? Scarlet?!” Luna Ava asked her daughter in an angry tone. “No. . . no, mom. He’s lying.” Scarlet got scared, looking at her parent's furious and disappointed reactions. “Scarlet, is this true?” Alpha Lucas asked his daughter. “His name is Sahil. . . Sahil Patel.” Xavier put oil on the fire, and all the elders glared at her. Xavier's parents looked at her disappointedly, while her parents glared at her with fierce eyes. “My apologies, Alpha and Luna, but we have to leave now,” Alpha Lucas stood up from his seat, his eyes fixed on his daughter, “As I have an important matter to deal with.” He said, and Scarlet gulped. “Dad. . .” Scarlet said. “Quiet, Scarlet. Get up! We’re leaving.” Luna Ava said in a stern tone. Scarlet wanted to tell them that it was not true that it was Xavier who was falsely accusing her, but her parent's temper made it clear that they were in no mood to listen to her, so she shut her mouth and left Monroe’s house with her head hung low. In Monroe Manor, Luna Regina asked her son, “Is this true, Xavier?” She asked him. “I don’t know. . . they looked quite close, and I assumed that he was her boyfriend. She did not deny it when I addressed him as her boyfriend!” Xavier said in his defense, and his parents glared at him. “Do you even have an idea what you have done? Do you think this matter is a joke? We have told you both that you can’t date anyone else but each other. Are you guys taking the pack and us lightly?” Luna Regina yelled at her son. “Regina, calm down. They are still kids. They will understand in the future.” Alpha Michael calmed his wife. “Xavier Monroe, you made this mess, and now you’re going to clean it.” Luna Regina said, “But Mom, for all my might, my speculation can be true, so how am I responsible for this? This is Scarlet’s family matter; we shouldn’t poke our finger into their business.” Xavier answered and ran to his room, ignoring his mother's yells.
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