5. An Awkward Condition

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Today is Caitlyn's first day working as a surrogate mother. She arrives early in the morning before Daphne wakes up. She did not live at the Evans residence. Every day she would go home after Daphne went to bed and come when Daphne wasn't awake. "Good morning, Daphne." Caitlyn went to Daphne's room. She wanted to wake the little girl up. Daphne was still asleep. Caitlyn immediately went over to Daphne. "Why aren't you awake yet, Sweetie? What time is it already? Aren't you going to school?" Caitlyn patted Daphne's cheek gently. Daphne opened her eyes. She was both surprised and happy to see Caitlyn. "Mom, are you here?" She immediately got up, and Caitlyn readily helped her. "I am," Caitlyn replied. She smiled widely in front of Daphne. Daphne was very happy. She had been worried that her father wouldn't let Caitlyn come again. Daphne hugged Caitlyn because she was so happy. Caitlyn was also excited to see Daphne happy. "Are you happy?" asked Caitlyn. "Very much, Mom. I never thought that I would have a mom," Daphne said. Caitlyn felt sad when she heard Daphne's words. She already knew from Evans that Daphne's biological mother was dead, and the little girl had no idea. "Okay!" Caitlyn suddenly had an idea. "You should take a shower. I'll take you to school," Caitlyn said. Daphne chuckled when she heard Caitlyn's words. "Why are you laughing?" Caitlyn wondered. "You don't have to drive me to school, Mom." "Why? Don't you like it when I drive you to school?" Caitlyn was still confused. Footsteps could be heard outside Daphne's room. Someone opened the door to the room from outside. "Daphne, are you awake?" Evans' voice broke in. He appeared as if he had just woken up. Evans didn't look as suave as a CEO. He was just an ordinary man in his shorts. Caitlyn felt awkward when she saw Evans looking like that. Evans was the same. He felt strange when he saw Caitlyn in Daphne's room. "Sorry, I didn't tell you that you went straight into Daphne's room," Caitlyn said. She was at a loss for what to say. The image of Evans' hand touching her body was still vivid in her head. "Oh, okay!" Evans didn't know what to say either. "I'll get ready for the office right away. You prepare Daphne for breakfast." Evans was about to leave, but Caitlyn called out to him. "Sir, where can I get Daphne's school uniform?" Caitlyn asked. Evans raised one eyebrow. "School? She doesn't need a uniform." Daphne hugged Caitlyn suddenly. "I don't want Miss Eleanor to come today. I want to play with Mom." "Who is Miss Eleanor?" Caitlyn asked. "Daphne's private teacher," Evans explained. "She doesn't go to public school?" Caitlyn suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Daphne's life. "I don't want anything to happen to Daphne. It's too much trouble to have several bodyguards for school. She's safer at home," Evans said. He then left Daphne's room. Caitlyn looked at Daphne, who continued to cling to her. Daphne was still young but wasn't living a normal life like other children her age. Daphne quickly got off the bed, took Caitlyn's hand, and headed out of the room. "Come on, Mom," Daphne invited. Caitlyn smiled. She had no reason to refuse Daphne since this was her job. Before breakfast, Daphne showed Caitlyn around the house. The little girl was very enthusiastic about showing Caitlyn around the Evans house. She was very cheerful and also smart. Daphne's attitude made Caitlyn like her. Even though Caitlyn had never babysat at all. Unfortunately, something was bothering Caitlyn. Daphne was always being watched by several bodyguards. Even though she is in her own home. Several times Caitlyn received uncomfortable looks from Daphne's bodyguards. For a six-year-old little girl, this was really strange. "Mom, I'm going to take a shower first. You go to the dining room with dad, okay," Daphne said. "Oh, you don't want me to join you in the shower?" Caitlyn volunteered. "No, I'm a big girl, Mom. I can do it myself," Daphne said. Caitlyn thought Daphne was absolutely adorable. She was very independent despite being so small. Maybe it was because she didn't have a mom that no one was paying attention. Meanwhile, her father must be very busy at work. After ensuring Daphne went to the bathroom, Caitlyn went to the dining room. Evans was already sitting there drinking coffee. "Ehem, hi," Caitlyn greeted. Whenever she is with Evans, Caitlyn always feels like blushing. Evans only glanced over because he was looking at the stock market on his gadget. "Can we talk?" Caitlyn asked. "Hem, just say it." "Aren't you planning on putting Daphne in public school? I don't think it's a good option for Caitlyn to do homeschooling," Caitlyn said. Evans just sighed. He didn't seem to pay much attention to Caitlyn's words. Meanwhile, Caitlyn was still waiting for Evans' response. "Sir, I'm talking to you," Caitlyn said. "This was not good for Caitlyn's development. She had to mingle with other people. She will become an introvert if she stays at home." Evans put down his gadget. "Public school is not safe for Daphne. I already told you that," Evans said. As Evans and Caitlyn were about to argue. Daphne suddenly entered the dining room, and Evans tried to smile at Daphne. "Dad, don't get angry with Mom," Daphne said. Evans looked at Caitlyn. He did not expect that in just one day, his daughter had been sabotaged by Caitlyn. "I'm not mad at her, Honey," Evans replied. He then kissed Daphne's cheek. I have to leave for the office soon. "You and your mom should be at home. Don't leave without my permission." Caitlyn only noticed Evans' attitude towards Daphne. It was a stark contrast to Evans' demeanor when talking to Caitlyn. "You didn't have breakfast with us?" Daphne asked. "I am sorry, My Baby Girl. I can't. Next time we'll take a vacation. I promise," Evans replied. Daphne's face turned glum. "You always promise, but you never take me on vacation. You're always busy working!" Caitlyn now understood why Daphne was at the beach yesterday. She was lonely. She immediately stood up and touched Daphne. "This time, your dad will keep it. I'll force him if he doesn't," Caitlyn said. "Really?" "Yeah!" Caitlyn glanced at Evans to continue. "Oh, yeah, yeah. You can talk to your mom." Evans then hugged Daphne and kissed her several times. "But today, I have to leave soon. Daniel is waiting for me. Evans stood up immediately. Busy men like him often missed breakfast with Daphne. Evans was ready to leave, but Daphne grabbed his hand. "What's wrong?" Evans asked. "Say goodbye to mommy," Daphne answered. Evans feel awkaward for Daphne's request. He just look at Caitlyn. "Bye," Evans said.
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