6. Misunderstood

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Being a nanny was something Caitlyn had never imagined. She didn't even know how to look after a child. Caitlyn was not a patient person. But Daphne was lovely. She wasn't like other kids who liked to run around. Caitlyn's activity at the Evans Silvester house is to keep Daphne company. Today Miss Eleanor came to teach Daphne in the living room. Caitlyn watched the activity. Daphne did not look excited as Miss Eleanor explained this and that. "Excuse me," Caitlyn stopped this activity. Miss Eleanor was astonished. She looked at Caitlyn with a wondering expression. "What's wrong, Miss?" Miss Eleanor asked. "Why do you keep teaching? Can't you see that Daphne is bored?" asked Caitlyn. Miss Eleanor frowned. She didn't seem to like Caitlyn's reprimand. She immediately stood up and approached Caitlyn. "Are you doubting the way I teach? I have a teaching certificate and competence. I take great offence to be reprimanded by a maid," Miss Eleanor said. "A maid?" Caitlyn was surprised at what Miss Eleanor had called her. "Aren't you Daphne's new nanny? You're no different from a maid. Please don't act like you have the right to determine how I teach. I am a teacher. I know what to do. Don't try to dictate to me. You are not Mr. Evans Silvester." Miss Eleanor warned Caitlyn. Caitlyn felt deeply offended by Miss Eleanor's words. She unconsciously slapped her in front of Daphne. Funnily enough, Daphne smiled. She seemed to like it when Caitlyn slapped her teacher. "How rude of you!" Miss Eleanor screeched. "I'm going to report you to Mr. Silvester!" Miss Eleanor quickly packed up her things and left. Caitlyn could not contain her emotions. She actually felt delighted after Miss Eleanor left. Then she glanced at Daphne, who gave her a thumbs up. "Why?" Caitlyn asked. "I don't like Miss Eleanor," Daphne answered. Caitlyn approached Daphne and sat near her. "Why don't you like Miss Eleanor?" "She's too flirtatious with my dad," Daphne said. "She's always asking me to get her close to my dad. She even said she was ready to be my mom." Daphne showed a look of disgust. "I don't want Miss Eleanor to be my mom." Caitlyn smiled because Daphne was being so honest. "But why do you want me to be your mom? You should know that I am not ...." Daphne hugged Caitlyn. "When I look at you. I feel that you like my mom. I am sorry. I know I was wrong. But I really miss her so much. I have no one but my dad. But he is swamped. I am so lonely." Caitlyn understood how Daphne felt. She misses her parents too much, especially with everything that has happened. She felt like she didn't have anyone anymore. She pretended to keep her spirits up. When in fact, she was very desperate. Caitlyn rubbed Daphne's beautiful face. She felt very sorry for this little girl. "Alright, don't be sad. I'll be here with you. But don't do anything like you did this morning," Caitlyn requested. "What? I don't think I did anything wrong," Daphne snapped. "Don't ask your dad to do something to me. That's rude, Daphne. Me and your dad don't have any relationship. So it feels very strange that he should do something awkward to me. Do you understand?" asked Caitlyn. Daphne smiled. It looked like she did it on purpose. "You're so naughty," Caitlyn grumbled. "If you're my mom, you should be close to my dad," Daphne giggled. Caitlyn slowly got used to Daphne, although she still felt strange when Daphne always called her mom. Caitlyn kept this a secret from her friends. She doesn't want anyone to misunderstand her new job, which is quite unique. *** "What the f**k have you done?" Evans had just gotten home from work. He was angry at Caitlyn. Luckily, while Evans was angry, Daphne was already sleeping in her room. They were currently in Evans' private room. Evans deliberately called Caitlyn before Caitlyn came home. "What have I done? Why are you mad at me?" Caitlyn said, not understanding. "Miss Eleanor told me that you slapped her!" Evans scolded. Caitlyn sighed. "So, this is because of that woman." "That woman? Hey, she's a teacher. Where's your attitude! You've only been here for a day and already throwing a tantrum!" "No!" Caitlyn didn't want to be accused so quickly. "She misunderstood. I only reprimanded her when she ignored Daphne, who wasn't interested in how she was teaching. But Miss Eleanor insulted me by calling me a servant!" screeched Caitlyn. Evans suddenly laughed at Caitlyn's remark, to Caitlyn's surprise. "Why are you laughing at me? What's so funny?" Caitlyn asked "You don't know yourself. If you're not a maid, then what are you? Do you consider yourself a wife just because you became a surrogate mother to Daphne? Please, come to your senses." Miss Eleanor was no different. Evans said even more hurtful things to Caitlyn. "What did you say?" Caitlyn muttered. She crumpled her clothes. "I didn't ask you to use me as a surrogate mother for your child. You wanted it. And now you insult me?" Caitlyn couldn't take it. This was too much for her. "I don't want to do it anymore. You find another woman to do this crazy job!" Caitlyn screamed. She quickly left Evans' house. Evans remained silent. He did not restrain Caitlyn at all. Evans was not a man who would chase a woman. That was impossible. However, what about Daphne? She would be sad if Caitlyn didn't show up in this house anymore. "I hate having to do this!" Evans grumbled. "Oh, f**k!" Evans rushed out of the house. She chased after Caitlyn. Unfortunately, Caitlyn had already disappeared. He could not find Caitlyn anywhere. Evans left by car to look for Caitlyn. He didn't care about Caitlyn's feelings at the moment. All he cared about was Daphne. While outside the house, Evans saw Caitlyn walking alone. He immediately opened the glass window. "Come on in. I'll take you home. Let's talk about this contract carefully, Evans persuaded."
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