Chapter 4

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CHAPTER 4 Hazel's words made Amy's heart beat faster. She slowly raise her head and stared at Hazel's eyes "Why didn't I know her eyes are so beautiful" Hazel lean closer making Amy to subconsciously close her eyes. Seeing her facial expression,Hazel chuckled which made Amy open her eyes with confusion in it ,with a little embarrassment. Hazel slowly leaned in again and kissed her neck,leaving Amy dazed,she felt electric like current. "Hazel , what are you... doing" Hazel bite her neck leaving behind a hickey , as if satisfied that she left her mark , withdrew from her neck and get for lips "Shh,I'm kissing you, isn't that what you wanted" Amy returned Hazel's kiss with the same rhythm not wanting to give in to Hazel . Hazel smirk when she noticed her little actions and rapidly started kissing her ,and only withdrew again when they both became breathless. Amy's face was a little pale from lack of air , she pouted with her already plump lips even plumper. She hugged Hazel and the two stayed that way for a long time . ... There was a lingering silence in the air ,each with their thoughts,but there was one thing they thought about in common "Parents". Knowing that the society may not accept them . Amy starts having feeling of doubts in her heart , questioning herself if they'll get a happy ending. "Can I really go against my parents for Hazel" She questioned herself without knowing what exactly the answer was . She tightened her grip on Hazel's waist. Hazel sensed her troubled heart and guessed what she was thinking.She sighed lightly. "Can I break free from my parents and the society I live it ?" Caught in a dilemma, Hazel sighed again and patted Amy's back before disconnecting her from her embrace. "Let me get change okay" Amy nodded, she soon started reminscing about what happened,just as she closed her eyes to cherish the moment again, a bloody scene appeared. "" the person whispered covered in blood . She quickly opened her eyes,she held her chest and a tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm sorry" she mouthed to nobody. Hazel came out and found Amy in a daze , she snap her fingers together bringing her back to reality. She handed her a bottle of water . "What's wrong? " Amy hook her arms around Hazel's arm and rested her head on her shoulder "Knowing, just wondering if we are official now " She became embarrassed after said that sentence,but Hazel already knew what she was talking about but chose to ignore it , leaving Amy dejected. ... The school was still buzzing with people,now everyone presented their various items and hand made items in their various stores. Yuki and Jayden already help set up Hazel's store. Soon Hazel and Amy met with the others,along the way Hazel bought a lot of presents from each store for Amy , both the relevant and irrelevant ones. Yuki sighted them from afar and quickly ran over . Seeing Amy's gifts she urged Hazel to get her some too ,and Hazel ended up getting for both her and Jayden. Jayden noticed the light in Hazel's hazel eyes,and asked curiously. "Hazel , what happened?" Hazel looked are him and then removed her gaze. " What do you mean?" "Awwww" Yuki screamed from excitement "You and Hazel are dating?" She said only to their hearing range Jayden face was twisted in pain and he grimaced , before turning to Hazel to confirm " that true " Hazel happily replied without noticing the hurt look in Jayden's eyes , it quickly disappeared like a mirage ,but unknown to him Yuki was looking at him through a mirror she was holding. Jayden left with an excuse of using the bathroom,Yuki followed behind him closely leaving only Hazel and Amy . Amy walked over to Hazel's side and then pouted ,looking angry "I didn't know you were an artist" Hazel found her cute and pinched her cheek "I don't think that important" She stumped her foot and turned around "hmph" Hazel flicker her head "Don't hmph, don't Mess around I want to concentrate" "Fine " .... Yuki hid behind the door and listened to Jayden's voice Jayden's eyes were so read that one would think he just finished peeling and slicing an onion. Noticing that someone was being the door , he ordered them to come out . Yuki stepped out like a scared rabbit. Jayden felt somehow relief that it was just Yuki , but glared at her "What do you want from me ?" Yuki eyed him severally before speaking up "I came to warm you , don't do anything pathetic,Jayden " Jayden stared at her through the mirror,if stared could kill the cute Yuki would have been dead , but she stared right back at him with all seriousness on her cute face She quickly left after give her warning. ... At home, Hazel sat down for dinner,with her mom and dad , her dad completely ignored her and she did the same . Only her mom felt awkward to eat . The News broadcaster on the television started talking about two lesbian girls who were caught and are being shunned by society. Hazel completely ignored the news not until,he dad started criticizing the girls ,only then did it dawn on her that her dad was a pastor . Hazel suddenly became pale like a ghost, unable to continue listening,have hurriedly left the table . She went directly to bed and fell asleep after thinking about so much . ..... The school days just went as it always went , Hazel spent her time with Amy , Yuki and Jayden. They were all chatting with Hazel resting her head and her hands secretly touching Amy's thigh under the desk. Amy turned red from embarrassment, especially when Yuki have her a knowing smile . Aidan suddenly walked up to Hazel to say hello . Upon seeing him Amy glared at him , of course this personality posed a threat to her relationship with Hazel. Hazel was going to ignore him when he slam his hands on her desk , startling the other students forcing Hazel to give a reaction. Hazel scrutinized him from his toe to his head "What do you want ?" "You've been having so much fun without me, your boyfriend " He said pointing to himself and giving the other a look that seemed like they were below him . Hazel suddenly felt the urge to stab someone with a knife ,especially with the frustrations she's been experiencing. "So are you jealous? no one is stopping you having fun without me . Besides you're useless to me " The class busy into laughter after Hazel's statement Aidan felt humiliated, he skipped school because of the last humiliation,now this . He felt like a fool . As if that wasn't enough "Let's break up,I really can't stand you again and your stupidity. It's exhausting" she said with a cold face . Yuki and May secretly gave her a thumbs up "Woah... truly exceptional,how can you be so insultive while keeping a straight face?' Aidan dace turned red from embarrassment,while Yuki fell from her chair because of laughter. "You... you..." Hazel continued not affected by the laughter around her "There's no me dear,we are officially over " Aidan ran out of the class again
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