Chapter 3

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CHAPTER 3 Since the day Hazel made her confession to Amy, Amy has been avoiding Hazel , making her feel dejected. Jayden being the good friend asked Hazel about Amy. "What's wrong Hazel? You've been sighing since this morning" Hazel sighed deeply again and again ,before responding "Last Friday,I subconsciously... confessed to Amy about my feelings for her " Hazel dropped the bomb on Jayden, leaving him completely stunned ,with his mouth partly opened. Hazel continued talking,and closed her eyes ,not noticing the strange look on Jayden's face , but he swiftly change his expression ,making it seems like an illusion. "How did that happen? " Hazel raised her head again " You know about we finished talking,I saw her text and decided to call her " She facepalmed herself "I was a little sleepy and ended up spilling the beans. And now she's kinda avoiding me " Jayden hid the sadness behind his smile "Maybe she's a little overwhelmed about it all. She's come around " Hazel's eyes sparked again after getting assurance from Jayden "I hope so too" A young girl with red hoodie hid behind the door of the classroom,she saw all what transpired. "He still hasn't change , I hope nothing happens to Hazel and Amy " ... During the lunch break,Hazel dragged Amy to the restroom. She placed her hands on the wall trapping Amy . Meanwhile Amy's heart is about to bust out from her chest. "Is she going to kiss me?. No!" She blushed at her thoughts Hazel leaned closer to her ,and their breathes entangling,Amy felt tinglish on her face ,and her cheeks heat up because of Hazel's hot breathe on her face She leaned even closer ,and whispered into her ears "Amy, why have you been avoiding me? Is it because of what I said before" "Uhh m..." Amy stuttered "If it's because of that,you don't have to avoid, because I did not mean it " The only keyword Amy got from all Hazel say was"I did not mean it" She felt like her heart was being torn "She did not mean it " she wordlessly said to herself Amy looked a little pales making Hazel worried. She touched her face but Amy subconsciously avoided her touch . She bit her lips tightly before releasing it and moving away " Is something wrong? Are you feeling sick or pain anywhere?" She took her hands but Amy removed her hands and suddenly smiled at Hazel "Nothing is wrong,I felt a little claustrophobic. We're good okay" Hazel felt something wasn't right with her expression "Let's go" Amy said to her ... In the cafeteria,the girl with red hoodie approached Hazel and Amy . The girl looked cute with her hair braided into two pigtail braids,and her extra large hoodie making her even cuter. "Hello ,can I join you guys " Amy allowed her to seat with them because she was cute "Sure , by the way what's you name ?" The red hoodie girl dropped her tray and then sat down before answering Amy's question coquettishly "I'm Yuki, meaning snow in Japanese" Realizing something,Hazel looked at her "Oh , but you don't look like them " Yuki laughed loudly "Sorry, I look more like my dad ,my mom's Japanese" Jayden looked at her suspiciously ,with a little malice in his eyes "Never seen a foreign student,are you new here ?" Yuki stared at him and gave him a sly smile "I know slot of things that other students don't know " Hearing Yuki's words, Hazel suddenly became curious "What you know " Yuki broke her gaze from Jayden and then smiled. "I was only playing with you guys , what could I possibly know " Amy just ignore what she said without reading much into it. But Hazel became suspiciously that Yuki was lying, but decided not to read too much into it too . Jayden decided to totally avoid Yuki as she could be dangerous. Yuki cracked some jokes and lightened the environment,soon everyone let down their guards around Yuki except Jayden . ..... The group of three soon became four , after Yuki forced herself in. The school festival was coming up ,students from each classes has started preparing for their presentations ,each wanting to do a talent show . Inside the class Yuki,Amy and Hazel are discussing what to do ,Yuki being a little clumsy. Amy got irritated by Yuki and scolded her "Why are you so clumsy? You are ruining everything" Yuki rolled her eyes at Amy's exaggeration "If someone were to hear you, they'd think I'm dumb and Don know what I'm doing!" Amy and Yuki continued bickering,while Hazel just looked at them like dumb people,which they were Seeing she was losing,Yuki dragged Hazel into the argument "Hazel , who's more dumb between me and Amy " ".." Seeing Yuki's staring at her with her gaze filled with expectation and Amy gaze on her , Hazel was at loss on what to do . "Damn this Yuki!" She cursed under her breathe She sighed again "You both are dumb, there's no comparison " Jayden come and joined them only to see Amy's and Yuki's speechless expression, feeling lost "Why happened here ?" Amy spoke first before Yuki " Yuki asked Hazel who is dumber between us and she said we are equally dumb " Jayden chuckled and totally agreed with Hazel "That's true but I think Yuki is dumber " Yuki made a funny expression while Amy gave Hazel a thumbs down . Hazel facepalmed herself,and gave Jayden the "Are you serious?" Look ... The day of the festival reached,the students gathered at the school basketball court. The teams were mixed with both genders and Hazel happened to be among the players. They are competing against another school. Yuki and Amy are par the audiences and planned to cheer on for Jayden and Hazel . While the game was going on , with the other team leading with two points Seeing Amy heavily focused on Hazel's movement with blush on her cheeks, Yuki teased her "Do you want her so badly?" Amy absentmindedly answered before realizing her words "" Yuki smiled when she saw how flustered Amy was continued teasing her "You like Hazel? She say more like a statement than a question. And Amy did not refute. "I don't think she feels the same way as" "So you are insecured and afraid of ruining you friendship " Yuki stared with a serious expression Amy looked at her , trying to see through her but failed Yuki did not mind Amy's gaze and continued "I think...No I know Hazel feels the same way ,just like you " Amy fell into deep thoughts,but was pulled out the series of applause. The school scored again,the goal was made by Hazel , the whole team gathered to celebrate. Hazel looked up and saw Amy, then waved at her ,and then mouthed "I love you " Amy's heart skipped a beats when she figured out what Hazel said to her . ... The match ended with the home team winning with two points extra. In the female locker room, only Hazel was left when Amy came in meeting Hazel stunned. Hazel finally found her words ,she did not attempt to put on her clothes as she was half naked . Amy swallowed a mouth full of saliva,while admiring the figure in front of her . "She has such good figure, the waist,the chest , everywhere " Seeming to have noticed Amy's gaze ,she returned her attention to her again. "Amy...I..I actually. Forget it . Let me get dressed first " She turned around ,but Amy held her arm. "Hazel...Kiss me " Hazel was shocked beyond words,so she took time to respond, making Amy feel anxious and nervous. She lowered her eyes staring at her feet. Hazel finally found her footing and then ,raised her chin up "Hey looks at me..."
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