Chapter 2

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CHAPTER 2 Two months has passes since the new semester started and when Hazel met with Amy. The two has been so close that so people started wondering if they were sisters . Hazel's feelings for Amy became even stronger,the two would eat to together,come to school together,go back together,they literally did everything together. Leaving Jayden feeling neglected and at loss on what to do . Jayden pouted while tugging at Hazel's shirt "You're so cruel , now you've gotten a new lover , you want to trash me away like so kind of trash " He glared fiercely at her Hazel guilty avoided his gaze and turned to take her bag. "Hey, let me make it up to you by buying you a meal" She offered Even with the offer , Jayden's expression did not improve. Hazel was at lost on what to do . She scratches her hair ,before asking "What do want me to do ?" She asked innocently Jayden stared down as if lost in thought "I want you to stay away from that girl " Hazel tapped his shoulder"Hey ,dude , what're you thinking " She drags him from the chair and outside the school ,they boarded a cab , while Hazel was still talking "This is the longest period I've talked,and it's all because of you , this boy " She hits his head The driver saw her action through the rear mirror,and Jayden saw his accusing gaze on Hazel as if saying " Do you want to kill him ? Jayden smiled and then said "I'm thankful for that " Hazel gave him a "you are weird " kinda look . The drive to the restaurant was silent,Hazel eventually fell asleep,Jayden had to wake her up . Jayden gently pat Hazel's hair "Hazel wake up " Driver "..." "Is that how you wake someone up ?" Under Jayden's gaze the driver stayed fo another 30 minutes before Hazel woke up. She stretches her tiny body like a cat,but soon realize something. "Oh no ! When did we arrive ? Why didn't you wake me up Jayden!" She scolded Jayden and turned to the driver to apologize with her slightly bow leaving her hair scattered over her face "I'm so sorry ,Mr." The driver scratched his hair " it's not..." Jayden cuts him off " We just arrived , there's no need to apologize" Hazel looked at him with doubt "Really? The driver nods his head rigorously as of confirming her thoughts. The two left the cab and entered the place ,the driver was still atonished "How could he lie with such straight face?" ... Amy was inside a car across the same place as Hazel and happened to see what happened,she helplessly stared outside the car ,and saw Hazel laughing heartifully "She must be happy,with him " She subconsciously tighten her grip on her other hand . The person next to her , being her mother Madam Rai, looked at her daughter suspiciously "What are re you looking at " Her words seem to have brought Amy back from her thoughts "What? Oh I... Nothing,mother " her expression dropped drastically. Madam Rai stared deeply at her and then stroke her hair backwards "Don't do anything foolish,darling ,you know the consequences don't you ?" Her heart tightened,as she tried to put on a smile on her face before raising her face up . "Yes mother ,I still remember" She pinched her cheek " Good girl " and then focused her attention back to her tablet. Watching Hazel and Jayden coming out from the restaurant,Amy stared at them heavily,with a jealous gaze . "I'll going to give you a try , let's see what comes about it " she thought deeply. Hazel felt uncomfortable, feeling like she was been watched ,she turned around and met with Amy's watery eyes ,but her car drove pass them , seeming like an illusion Hazel , she became somewhat depressed,before parting ways with Jayden . Jayden seem to have noticed something,he bent his head to avoid Hazel from seeing the emotions in his eyes . The aroma of food filled the air as soon as Hazel opened the door. Seeing her father in the sitting room watching TV,she was stunned,but quickly adjusted her herself before greeting him "Good evening,dad " Mr. Reeve snorted and walked to the dinner table and sat down Hazel suddenly felt even more depressed after returning home,went to her room and freshened up before coming down for dinner. The family of three ate in a chilly silence before Mrs. Reeve broke the ice "Hazel dear, how's school lately?" Hazel dropped her spoon and glanced at her father briefly before turning to her mom "Mhm, I'm doing well in school,as you know I always come out first" Mr.Reeve glared at her before saying "What's so good about coming first in school, make sure to come first in the country" Hazel stopped eating and looked at her father with disappointment "Maybe you should go back to school,and how knows you may come first this time you'll come first " Mr. Reeve used his fork and throw at her which head the side of her forehead "You... You this brat, how dare you" Mrs. Reeve went and comforted her husband,and then scolded Hazel "We all know you are disrespectful,but he's your dad,how could you say such to him!" Hazel just watched as her mother shouted , as if the sounds in the environment went silent. She hits her hand on the table "Pak" "Stop it already,you guys are being pathetic,stop acting like you care , I've always been you stupid puppet,always dancing to you tune" "He's my father...But...But how sure are am I'm your daughter?" She went to her room and slam the door loudly. Hazel scrunch her face and squated down . At the dinner table , Mr. Reeves expression wasn't any better after being insulted by his daughter,while Mrs. Reeves pace worriedly. Her heart was in a tunnel ,it was a choice between husband and daughter . "I'm sorry Hazel , please forgive mom" she secretly prayed in her heart . "Honey don't you think we were extreme with her ?" Mr. Reeves just glared at her forcing her to shut her mouth ,before clearing the dinner table. ... Inside the room ,Hazel was sobbing on the phone , "Jay.. Jayden I'm so tired ,I don't want to live this way anymore" The other voice on the phone seems to be comforting her "Everything's going to be just fine ,trust me Hazel" After like 10 minutes of sobbing,she hung up and took the first aid box to treat her wound Facing the mirror,she wished she could see a different her "I want to escape it all,just a little longer and maybe I'll be free ,free from this torture called "The Perfect Family " She absentmindedly applied the spirit on her wound "Awww,it stings " She picks up her phone and called Amy, who quickly picked up the call . The two remained silent as if conveying their emotions and thoughts to each other . It was like they could sense each other's emotions Amy finally spoke up first ,with a concerned voice "Hazel ,are you okay ?" Hazel on the other side of the phone rested her head on the table , a only made a sound "Mhm,I think so " Amy felt her heart break, she could hear the grievance being her voice,tears welled up her eyes. "Can I do anything..." Hazel seems to be in a daze and spoke sleepingly "I miss you ,Amy " Amy felt her heart rate increase,with a her chubby cheeks turning red , just wanting to give a reply,when Hazel dropped another bomb "I like you Amy" "Doom doom,doom doom" she felt her heart beating fast. "Hello,Hazel,are you sleeping? The excitement died down a little "She was sleep talking ".
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