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Kash POV Little did I expect that my beta and closest friend would ultimately betray me. It was a shocking blow when they stabbed me in the back. The betrayal cut deep, leaving me feeling hurt and betrayed. I never saw it coming from someone I trusted so deeply. It shattered my faith in friendship and left me questioning who I could truly rely on. Both of us had the experience of growing up together and facing the consequences of having fathers who raised us with the sole intention of leading a pack. Despite enduring torture together, the two of us exhibited unwavering strength and ultimately led a successful pack once we assumed our roles. It never crossed my mind that we would end up in a situation where we have to fight each other, and I was truly disappointed in myself for failing to foresee this happening. When confronted by Alpha Julian, his warriors, and my beta, I found myself in a position where I had no choice but to fight for my life, even if it meant having to take the life of someone I once considered my closest and most loyal friend. With my teeth bared and a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, I fearlessly confronted the pack of ferocious wolves that were relentlessly lunging at me, their sole intention being to snatch away my very existence. I leaped forward, my body a blur of motion. Fangs clashed, a symphony of aggression. Blood stained the ground, mixing with my defiant growls. Each swipe was fueled by a primal instinct for survival. Their eyes glinted with hunger to destroy me, jaws snapping inches from my flesh. But I refused to yield my will unbreakable. With my teeth and claws, I viciously attacked them, revealing the full extent of my beastly nature while in my wolf form. Blood sprayed as my teeth sank into flesh. Claws raked across their bodies, leaving deep, gory wounds in my wake. The taste of fear mingled with the metallic tang of blood, fueling the primal fury that coursed through my veins. With each savage swipe, I unleashed the untamed fury within me. Bones snapped like twigs beneath the force of my onslaught. They trembled in terror, their feeble attempts to defend themselves futile against my relentless assault. I was a predator, a creature of instinct, driven solely by the primal desire to hunt and conquer. My wolf's form embodied the true essence of savagery, a merciless force of nature. I was in a position of advantage until, unexpectedly, the tranquility of the woods was disrupted by the echoing sound of a gun being fired, and in that moment, the impact of the bullet colliding with my body caused my wolf to emit a howl of agony. The bullet that struck me was not an average bullet; it was a silver bullet. As a result, I was finding it increasingly difficult to stay on my feet as the poison gradually tightened its grip on my body. In the end, I yielded to the unbearable pain, crumpling to the ground in the realization that death was imminent, accompanied by a profound sense of disappointment in myself. Surrounded by Alpha Julian, my beta, and his warriors, all remaining in their wolf form, their intent to eliminate me was clear. However, an unexpected turn of events occurred when the resounding echo of a gunshot pierced the air, capturing not only their attention but also mine, as our collective focus shifted towards the discovery of a human girl concealed within the thick foliage. My memories become a jumbled mess from this point onward, yet it is evident that the girl possessed the power to save me, although I remain bewildered as to what could compel a human being to insert themselves into a conflict between wolves and, furthermore, to bring a wild animal into their own home. As I opened my eyes, the air surrounding me was heavy with the unmistakable scent of humans. I found myself lying on her couch, wrapped in a comforting blanket. The intense pain that still gripped my body caused me to emit a groan. As I managed to pull myself up, I took a moment to look around the small living room. The more I breathed in the scent of the girl who had saved me, I came to the realization that she was the bartender from earlier and also the girl I had kept an eye on when I was younger. The fact that I was in my human form meant that I had shifted in front of her, making her fully aware that I was far from being an ordinary wolf. However, despite this revelation, I remained in her house and could also sense she was in the house as well, which left me confused. While it is expected that the average human would respond with fear or by contacting the authorities, she defied these expectations by attending to my injuries, placing me on her couch, and making sure I was comfortable so I could heal. What the hell was wrong with her? The fact that she went out of her way to help me was fascinating, although I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, considering her unconventional demeanor that captivated me when she was younger. “She saved us. Why?” My wolf, Flare, mumbled in my head as he started to wake up. “I have no clue.” I responded to him as I tried to move more, but my wounds stopped me. The silver in my system was causing my healing to be slow, but it was apparent that she had managed to extract the bullet, ultimately leading to my survival. Recognizing the potential risk to her safety, I felt a strong sense of urgency to evacuate from this place as quickly as possible. “They saw her face, Kash. If we leave the girl, her life will be in danger as well.” My wolf pointed out in my head, causing a small growl to release from my mouth. Alpha Julian would make a move to finish me off, and my wolf was correct. They would now come for her as well. As soon as I heard the sound of a door opening, I instinctively turned my attention in that direction, and then I witnessed the girl come out of what appeared to be a bathroom. She was wearing a comfortable T-shirt and shorts, with her wet hair flowing down her sides in a beautiful cascade. As soon as our eyes connected, she lost her balance for a moment and stumbled backwards but promptly regained her composure. “Your awake, I'll be right back.” She stated, turning away and walking into another room quickly. While she was scared, I couldn't fault her for it; nonetheless, she adeptly masked her fear, and her decision to let me stay on her couch demonstrated her courage and her readiness to take a gamble in order to rescue someone. The girl swiftly emerged from the room and approached my side, causing a slight surprise as she remained composed in my presence. “I’m sorry, I don’t have much clothing here, but I think one of my mom’s past boyfriends’ clothing may work for you.” She offered as she placed a set of neatly folded clothing on a table next to the couch. The realization that I was completely naked underneath the blanket didn't even enter my thoughts until now. It was completely normal on pack lands, not as much in human territory. “Thank you.” I responded, looking her over. It was a genuine struggle for me to find the right words to say to her because I knew I had to disclose the impending danger she was facing. Additionally, I believed it would be in her best interest if I remained by her side to provide protection. “You had one hell of a birthday, huh?” she spoke, clearly not sure what to say to me as well. “You saved me, and then you brought me into your home so you clearly know what I am now, yet you are not afraid. Why?” I asked. “Interesting way to say thank you. Am I supposed to be afraid? In the short time I've spent back home my time has been filled with nothing but chaos. So, when faced with the fact that a wolf can transform into a human, similar to what one might find in a fantasy storybook, I guess I'm not. It seemed like you were going through hell as well, so the least I could do was help.” She responded. My eyes couldn't help but scan her over; there was just something about her that had the power to instantly calm my wolf, and I found myself irresistibly drawn in by her natural beauty. While I carefully observed her, my attention was drawn to the presence of a necklace gracefully adorning her neck. It was a witch’s charm, something humans rarely possessed. It also had some of my blood on it, most likely from her tending to my wounds. “Done looking me over?” She asked, capturing my attention. “Sorry” I whispered. “Why were they attacking you? Are the other wolves I saw just like you?” She asked as she sat on the ground next to the couch. It was truly astonishing to witness her ability to act so at ease and comfortable in my presence, even after all this time. “They are like me. They attacked me to take control of my pack lands. In the event that they discover I am still alive, it is highly likely that they will return for me, and now that they have seen you, they will come after you. I'm sorry that you got caught in the middle of this, but it is not safe to remain in this house. I can arrange for a safe place for you to stay out of this town.” I explained to her. “You are in no condition to be traveling anywhere right now, and I, unfortunately, can’t go that far from this house unless it is to my job for the next three months.” She explained and then pointed to a weird-looking device around her ankle. The rumors were true she was under f*****g house arrest and now her life was in danger if she stayed here. In order to prevent the police from tracking her, I had to find a way to remove that thing from her. The pack, led by Alpha Julian, had established strong connections with the local police force in this town. “What did you do to get yourself in trouble with the law?” I asked. “I'm surprised you don’t know, since that group you were hanging with earlier tonight has been making sure everyone in town was aware. When I declined the police chief's son, he did not take my refusal well, leading him to believe he had the power to intrude into my home. I used a gun to fire a warning shot at his ass. Of course, since he is the police chief’s son, they twisted the story and charged me with assault with a deadly weapon, so I’m under house arrest until my court date.” She responded, causing a growl to escape me. “Did you really just growl?” She laughed as I sat up on her couch. “I’ll try to find a way to remove that thing from you and, in the meantime, I will keep a watch out for them. I should be completely recovered soon so I will be capable of fighting them off.” I explained. “No offense, I may have allowed you in my home, but I’m not leaving this town with a stranger. I can protect myself. You are welcome to stay here until you get back on your feet, as long as you don’t piss me off.” She responded. “I like her,” my wolf howled in my head. “I will not overstay my welcome and appreciate you allowing me to stay.” I responded. “There is a guest room. I will go get it ready for you.” She responded as she stood up and started to leave. “The necklace you have on. It has my blood on it.” I pointed out as she was walking away. “Oh, I must have missed that.” She whispered as she pulled the chain over her neck, removing the necklace so she could look at it. The moment she removed the necklace, her scent overwhelmed me and my wolf started going wild in my head. “Mate,” he howled as my eyes met hers again. The necklace was blocking her scent, leaving me even more puzzled as to why she had it or who gave it to her. Did they know she would have a werewolf as a mate? At that moment, an internal struggle ensued within me as I resisted the urge to rise from my seat and embrace her, as my wolf vehemently insisted. He yearned to be close and have his mate's comforting presence next to him, nevertheless; I needed to exercise caution. Unlike me, she was only human and lacked the ability to perceive the bond as I did, which meant that my actions might frighten her. It all made sense now why I always felt drawn to her and now my mate was in danger because of me. It was imperative for me to both protect her and gain her trust, with the hope of her accepting me in the future.
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