
2431 Words
Venus POV I held a deep hatred for the small town where my mother's house was situated; it was only when I made the daring decision to run away as a teenager that I finally experienced a taste of true freedom. Ironically, I never imagined I would find myself back here, but alas, I am stuck in this wretched little hell hole once more. Not long ago, I received news of my mother's passing, and along with that, the unexpected news that I had inherited her house. My initial plan was to travel back for a short visit in order to sort through her belongings and prepare the house for sale. However, fate had other plans for me, as I am currently facing some unfortunate legal charges that are preventing me from leaving her house now. Therefore, I find myself stuck here until my lawyer can successfully clear me of these charges. It seems that in this town, there is a preference for safeguarding individuals who think it’s ok to take advantage of others, although I shouldn't be caught off guard by this revelation. From my perspective, I have always considered the men here to be scum. Growing up, I observed my mother go through a multitude of them. Contrary to my peers, I was not interested in dating during my time in school. As a result, I found myself constantly rejecting men, no matter how much I tried to downplay my looks in order to deter them. I never placed any importance on what others thought of me, as their opinions did not shape my sense of self or my happiness. As a result, when I had accumulated a sufficient amount of money, I chose to leave town on the first bus available in order to break free and establish my own life. After I had settled into my new town, I decided to go out and search for my birth father. It was during this search that I came to the realization that my mother had chased away the only decent man from her life. Over time, a strong bond developed between my birth father and me, and I began to see him not only as a long-lost parent but also as a dear friend. Due to his desire to keep me at a distance from his profession, I was never fully aware of the specifics of his occupation, yet he took the time to instruct me in self-defense techniques that he acquired through his work. Prior to receiving the news about my mother, my birth father mysteriously disappeared. He left behind a note, advising me never to return to this town. However, he did mention that if I ever found myself here, I should wear a necklace that he always wore when he was around me. According to the letter, it was stated that the necklace had the ability to provide protection against the lurking danger in the woods Although I was initially skeptical about the protective abilities of a mere piece of jewelry, I still made it a point to wear it primarily as a reminder of my birth father. I convinced myself that my visit would be brief due to his evident concerns about the place's safety. When I finished my shift at the bar and made my way back to the small house deep in the woods, an unsettling feeling crept over me, as if something ominous was unfolding. In a swift motion, I hurriedly entered the house, locating and retrieving one of the concealed hunting rifles I had stored within. Placing it beside me, I settled onto the couch and proceeded to open a book, eager to delve into its contents and begin reading. It didn't take much time before the sound of wolves howling reached my ears from the depths of the woods. When I was younger, it was normal to hear them here. I used to think they were singing to the moon. However, tonight, the howl I heard seemed like a cry for help, leaving me feeling unsettled. I got up and stood by the window, my curiosity piqued by the haunting howls in the distance. I strained my ears to listen. The sound seemed to echo through the night, growing more intense with each passing moment. It was as if a battle of ferocious beasts was unfolding just beyond the confines of my home. The menacing growls that accompanied the howls sent shivers down my spine, indicating the proximity of these untamed creatures. I yearned to catch a glimpse of them, to witness this primal display of nature’s power. However, the darkness that enveloped the surroundings prevented me from discerning anything more than mere shadows. It was not long before a piercing gunshot shattered the tranquility of the forest. And in that precise moment, an overwhelming sense of curiosity surged within me, compelling me to venture outside and unravel the mystery behind the commotion. As I hurried towards the door with my hunting rifle, my heart pounded in my chest. The gunshot had shattered the peacefulness of the forest, and the yelp of the wounded wolf only heightened my concern. I couldn’t ignore the urgency of the situation; I needed to go outside and find out what was happening. I found myself torn between fear and fascination, the allure of the unknown beckoning me to step outside and confront the mysterious presence. The moment I set foot on the porch, I was greeted by the cool evening air that caressed my face, bringing forth a combination of both fear and curiosity. The forest, usually serene and comforting, now felt ominous and filled with uncertainty. With each step, my senses sharpened, my ears straining to catch any sound that could guide me towards the source of the commotion. As I ventured into the woods, the nuisance of a bracelet wrapped around my ankle suddenly started beeping, causing me to remember that I was currently under house arrest and my movements were restricted within a small section of the woods. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of movement between the trees. A flash of fur and a streak of red caught my attention, and I quickened my pace as the beeping around my ankle got louder. The bracelet would soon alert the police I had ventured away. Eventually, I managed to make my way through the thick foliage until I emerged into an open space. And lo-and-behold, right there on the ground lay a wounded wolf, its vulnerable state surrounded by several other wolves, their growls resonating through the air, poised to assault the already injured animal once more. I was unsure of what came over me, but there was an overwhelming feeling deep within me that compelled me to rescue the injured wolf. In order to protect myself, I hid as best as I could, and then I took action by firing a warning shot towards the wolves with the intention of scaring them away. Bright yellow eyes focused on my location as the wolves turned their attention temporarily towards me. In comparison to the typical wolves I had seen in this area, these were absolutely massive, but I remained steadfast and unwavering. As they gradually approached with the clear intention of attacking, I mustered the courage to fire my rifle once more, this time hitting the largest one squarely in its side. Upon shooting the wolf, it emitted a whimper of pain, yet it demonstrated resilience by staying upright. Its focus then shifted back to the injured wolf on the ground before all the wolves except the injured one on the ground hastily retreated from the area. At this moment, I found myself in a situation where I could only manage a few additional steps before exceeding the boundaries established by my house arrest; however, fortunately, the wounded wolf appeared to be located within the permissible walking range. With caution, I slowly approached the wolf that was lying on the ground. Despite his deteriorating condition and the seemingly slim chances of his survival through the night, I couldn't resist the overwhelming urge to lend him a helping hand. As I kneeled at the wolf's side, I gently brushed my hand against its fur, carefully inspecting the gunshot wound, while the wolf struggled to lift its head. When I looked into his amber eyes, I couldn't help but notice that they briefly made contact with mine. It was as if the wolf was trying to communicate something to me. What surprised me even more was that he didn't growl like a normal wild animal would. Instead, he remained calm, even allowing me to touch his fur. Although it sounded completely absurd even to consider, I was determined to bring this wolf back to my house, fearing that the other wolves might return for him. The challenge that lay ahead was figuring out a way to carry him without any prior knowledge or plan. “I need to get you to safety,” I whispered as I attempted to lift the wolf. With a renewed sense of curiosity, the wolf raised its head once more, carefully observing my actions, seemingly intrigued by my presence. Then, summoning the last remnants of its strength, it managed to hoist itself up. Despite the absurdity of the situation, I couldn't help but whisper “Good follow me.” to the wolf as if it understood me, and to my astonishment, the wolf proceeded to follow me back home. As soon as I arrived at the porch, I extended my assistance to the wolf, treating it more like a domesticated dog than an untamed creature, and proceeded to guide it up the steps before opening my door to grant it entry into my house. My mind has reached a state of utter chaos, and I am at a loss as to the purpose of my current actions. Nevertheless, a powerful and persistent emotion continued to compel me to aid the wolf, and I was unwilling to disregard this inner calling. As soon as I closed my door, the wolf collapsed onto my floor due to exhaustion, and upon approaching it again, I realized that it was no longer awake because it had expended all of its energy. In a swift manner, I hurriedly made my way to the bathroom and swiftly retrieved a bowl filled with warm water and grabbed some towels. My intention was to clean the wounds that had been inflicted. I quickly rushed back out and kneeled beside the wolf, grabbing one of the towels. As I reached out to wash the blood off his fur, to my astonishment, the wolf underwent a sudden transformation, morphing into a completely naked human male right before my eyes. This unexpected sight startled me, causing me to stumble backwards. The wolf had disappeared, leaving behind the person I had served earlier at the bar lying unconscious on my floor, covered in injuries. It seemed surreal, almost like a figment of my imagination. I couldn't help but wonder if I had fallen into a deep slumber while engrossed in my book, as there was no conceivable way this could be happening in reality. As I pinched my arm, a surge of pain washed over me, shattering any illusions of dreaming. It became clear that I had to take immediate action and call the police to help this man who was in grave danger. However, I found myself grappling with the daunting task of explaining the situation. How could I articulate the fact that I had rescued a wolf, only to witness its transformation into a vulnerable, naked man fighting for his life on the floor in front of me? While approaching the man, I swiftly reached for one of the towels in order to provide him with coverage, making sure that he remained protected and not exposed. Upon conducting a more thorough examination of his body, I found the gunshot wound. While I was gently wiping the towel against his body to clean the wounds, unsure if I should make the call to the police or not, I felt the presence of the bullet still in his body. It became clear to me that it was necessary for the bullet to be taken out. Carefully pressing my fingers against the wound, I exerted enough force to dislodge the bullet from its entry point. As the bullet came into contact with his skin, it seemed to burn him. Without wasting any time, I swiftly removed it from his body, and then immediately got back up to retrieve the first aid kit that I had. Fortunately, my father had been thoughtful enough to gift me a fully stocked kit, which even included a suture kit. With this in mind, I remained hopeful that I would be able to contribute in some way and help the injured man or wolf or whatever the hell he was. upon returning to the man, I noticed his wounds were already healing, only shocking me more, and as I inspected him a little more, I noticed his body was riddled in scars, making my heart ache for this stranger. I should have honestly been terrified at this point, but for some odd reason I knew he would not hurt me and I felt there was a reason I felt so drawn to help him. Since he was no longer in his wolf form, I felt confident in my ability to get him over to my couch. All the training I had done with my father would finally prove its worth as I successfully lifted him off the ground and carefully carried him for a few steps before gently placing him on the couch. Although I must admit, it wasn't an easy task; I was able to successfully manage it and then proceeded to place a blanket over him. I paused briefly to take another look at him before heading towards the bathroom to freshen up, acknowledging the oddity of having an unclothed stranger, who also happened to be a wolf man, occupying my couch. In an attempt to shield myself from the chaos I had willingly embraced, I locked the door of my bathroom, believing it would provide some form of protection. Once that task was completed, I proceeded to turn on the shower, undress, and finally step into the welcoming cascade of water. This seemingly simple journey back home has transformed into an increasingly bizarre and chaotic experience. Besides being under house arrest, I am now confronted with the perplexing existence of a supernatural being.
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