
2336 Words
Venus POV He was a stranger and not just that he was some sort of wolf man or werewolf. I was completely out of my mind when I allowed him to stay; it was a decision that made me doubt my own sanity. In fact, I couldn’t even discern if I was hallucinating or experiencing a mental breakdown. In the midst of preparing my spare room for him, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by thoughts of his irresistible attractiveness. His eyes, with their amber flicker, seemed to hold a depth that could engulf one’s soul. They had a way of drawing you in, captivating your attention, and stirring a whirlwind of emotions within you. The intensity of his gaze was almost hypnotic, as if they possessed some kind of ancient power that could unravel secrets hidden deep within your own being. As I looked at him, my heart couldn’t help but race at the sight of his well-built body. Despite the presence of scars, each mark seemed to tell a story of strength and resilience. His muscles were sculpted with precision, a testament to the countless hours spent honing his physique. But it was his lips that held a particular allure. They looked soft and inviting, with a hint of mischief. The way they moved when he spoke, effortlessly forming words that held weight and meaning, left you hanging on each syllable. It was as if they held the power to convey a range of emotions without uttering a single word. In his presence, you couldn’t help but be drawn to him, feeling a magnetic pull that defied logic. The combination of his mesmerizing eyes, his flawlessly sculpted body, and his enticing lips created an intoxicating aura that was impossible to resist. It was as if every inch of his being was carefully crafted to captivate and enthrall, leaving you yearning for more. Instead of focusing on how good he looked, I should be reflecting on what the hell I got myself into. He was hot, but that was the last thing that should be on my mind since he was also not human. “Can I help?” his voice startled me as I turned around and to my surprise, he was now standing directly behind me, wearing the pair of pants I had given him earlier. “Should you be walking right now with a gunshot wound?” I asked, surprised he could even walk. Once more, my eyes locked on his impeccable body, unable to break free from its allure. I needed to stop before I got myself in trouble. “I heal fast,” he responded, as his eyes locked with mine. “It’s really late now so, make yourself at home and if you need anything I’m in the room at the end of the hall. There is a bathroom attached to this room with fresh towels and there is some food in the kitchen, so help yourself if you’re hungry.” I explained to him and then broke eye contact and made a move to leave the room. “Wait,” he muttered as his hand made contact with my shoulder. “Please, don’t touch me. I’m don't like people doing that.” I explained, trying to remain calm, and luckily he retracted his hand. “What’s your name?” he asked me. “Venus, but most call me V and I’m assuming your name is Kash, based on the card you used at the bar.” I responded. “Venus, make sure the windows in your room are locked and blinds are closed. I’ll keep a watch out to make sure no one comes,” he informed me. Was I really in danger from helping him? Considering my recent streak of bad luck, it wouldn’t be unexpected. But even now, I had a powerful sense to keep him close and allow him to remain, regardless of what trouble I may face for it. “I’ll make sure they are locked. Get some rest, Kash.” I responded and then left the room. After finally reaching my room, I instinctively closed the door behind me, locked it, and paused for a moment, leaning against it. The weight of the night’s events was still heavy on my mind, and I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for Kash. As I walked over to my bed, I settled down comfortably and reached out for my cell phone. I found myself compelled to open up my messenger and send a message to my father, despite my skepticism regarding any potential response. I asked him if he had any information about the presence of any strange creatures in the woods near this house, and also why he warned me against going here again. Once I sent the message, I placed my phone beside me and switched off the lamp in my room. As I lay on the bed in complete darkness and silence, I was suddenly startled by the buzzing of my phone next to me, indicating a response from my father. “You must steer clear of anyone you may encounter in those woods. Keep the necklace I gave you on at all times. You must NEVER TAKE IT OFF. I am on a job, but I will call you tomorrow.” His message read. I have already had a conversation with someone who was in the woods, and now they are currently asleep in the room that is located down the hall. So much for my father’s advice. I had no idea what was so important about the necklace, but after some contemplation, I recalled that Kash kept looking at it. Did he know something about it? With my eyes closed, I reclined against my comfortable pillow, attempting to calm my thoughts and find some sleep before the impending arrival of another day. As I lay in bed, trying to fall asleep, the peaceful sound of bugs chirping and trees swaying outside was a comforting reminder of the familiar tranquility I had missed during my absence from this place. Despite having a wolf man down the hall from me, I surprisingly managed to drift off to sleep fast. Slowly, I felt myself being pulled into a familiar dream, one that I had quite often. For as far back as my memory serves, I have been haunted by this recurring dream, and once again, I am immersed within it, racing through seemingly infinite woods, pursued by an unknown entity whose breath sends chills down my spine. My heart pounds in my chest, echoing through the dense forest as I sprint, desperate to escape the clutches of the unknown entity. Each gasp for air feels jagged, as if I am inhaling the icy breath of my pursuer. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, my skin prickling with a mix of fear and anticipation. Every step I take, the ground beneath me seems to shift, making it difficult to maintain my balance. The trees blur together in a cacophony of dark shadows and twisted branches, their whispers filling the air, urging me to surrender to my fears. My legs ache with exertion, yet the adrenaline coursing through my veins fuels my determination to outrun this relentless presence. But no matter how fast I run, I can never shake off the feeling of being watched, of being hunted. It’s as if the very essence of my dreamscape conspires against me, trapping me in this perpetual cycle of terror. As I weave through the labyrinthine woods, the air grows colder, biting at my exposed skin. The eerie silence amplifies the sound of my own ragged breaths, amplifying the intensity of my fear. I can’t help but glance over my shoulder, my eyes darting frantically, searching for any sign of the entity that hunts me. But all I see is darkness, an abyss that threatens to consume me. Time loses all meaning in this nightmarish realm. Minutes stretch into hours, and still, the chase continues. Sweat beads on my forehead, mixing with the tears of frustration and desperation. The weight of this recurring dream presses upon my shoulders, threatening to crush my spirit. I long for the dawn, for the moment when this haunting nightmare will finally release its grip on my subconscious. Yet, despite the overwhelming fear, a glimmer of defiance flickers within me. I refuse to surrender to the nameless terror that pursues me. With every ounce of strength I can muster, I push myself forward, determined to break free from this relentless cycle. With a sudden motion, I pivot my body, only to find myself confronted by an enormous black creature adorned with blood-red eyes, prompting me to let out a startled yell. “Leave me the f**k alone.” I yelled as I held my ground, staring it back in the eyes. Amidst my dream, a loud sound abruptly brought me back to reality, followed by the sensation of an unfamiliar warmth touching my body. My eyes shot open, and I stared directly into Kash’s eyes and, without hesitation, my reflexes and instincts kicked in, leading me to strike him, causing him to falter back. “f**k, for someone so small you pack a good punch,” he groaned. “How the hell did you get in my room and why are you in here?” I snapped. “I heard you screaming for something to leave you alone. I was concerned you were in trouble, so I broke into your room to help,” Kash explained. “Oh, sorry, I kinda talk in my sleep sometimes. That was just a nightmare. I’m used to them. Thanks for trying to help.” I responded, slightly embarrassed. “That happens often to you?” he asked with a look of concern on his face. “Yes, it’s not a big deal, just a dream. I’m fine now and you need to rest. I’m sorry I woke you.” I explained to him as I moved to get out of my bed. The moment I looked at my door, I saw it split in half and shook my head. “I’ll fix it.” Kash mumbled as he looked at it. “don’t worry about it,” I responded as I made my way out of my room and he followed me. “Are you sure you’re ok?” he asked. “Yes.” I responded as I filled a glass of water for myself in the kitchen and then grabbed another one and handed it to Kash. “That wound is still not fully healed. You really should get some rest.” I explained, as my eyes remained locked on his injury. His inability to stay still, even when it was obvious that he should, led to a small amount of fresh blood now trickling down his body. Once again, I found myself behaving in a way that was completely out of character, as if some external force had taken control of my body. Without any conscious thought, I reached for another towel, quickly running it under warm water, and then made my way over to Kash. With utmost care, I gently placed the towel on his wound, hoping that it would aid in stemming the bleeding. Although Kash appeared equally taken aback by my actions, he thankfully permitted me to lend a hand rather than worsening his injury by resisting my help. “Hold on to my shoulder if you need to, and I’ll help you back to your room. I bet you reopened the wound when you broke into my room to help me. I’ll grab my first aid kit and bandage it for you so hopefully this does not happen again.” I offered. “I’ll be fine.” Kash responded. “Let me help. I’m probably the cause of it bleeding this time.” I insisted and luckily he agreed this time and accepted my shoulder. “I thought you did not like to be touched.” Kash stated. “I don’t mind being touched. I just don’t like it when I haven’t given permission, something I almost never do” I responded. While it often caused me trouble, I found satisfaction in being in control of myself, which was a prominent aspect of my identity. I was resolute in my decision to not allow anyone to interfere with me, and I consistently protected my own interests, even if it resulted in some unexpected accessories, such as my current house arrest bracelet. Once we had managed to enter the guest room, I patiently waited for Kash to climb into the bed. It was only after he had done so that I took hold of my first aid kit, fully prepared to administer any necessary care. As I clicked on the small bed-side table lamp, my attention was immediately drawn to the bullet hole once more. The sight of what seemed to be a slight infection raised some concerns for me. After gently cleaning it once more, I proceeded to apply a bandage and politely requested if he could sit up, allowing me to securely wrap the gauze around his body to ensure it stayed in place. Kash followed my instructions, and soon I was satisfied with my work. As I was going through the process of helping him, I caught a glimpse of the extensive collection of scars that adorned his body. He must have faced many hardships prior to today. Standing up, I clicked off the lamp again. “I’ll see you in the morning or when I wake up since it is already early morning,” I whispered as I made my way to the bedroom door. “Thank you for your help once again.” Kash thanked me as I left. Even though I doubted my ability to fall back asleep, I needed to at least try, since I had a feeling my life was about to get more hectic.
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