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Kash POV Although I should have been on the lookout since I knew Alpha Julian would stop at nothing to eliminate me, I somehow managed to fall asleep. While I was not particularly satisfied with my own actions, it became clear that the fundamental reason behind it was the persistent existence of a faint residue of silver within me. As soon as I got out of bed, I discovered a small bag waiting for me in the doorway. To my surprise, there was a note attached from Venus, informing me that she had found additional clothing that might fit me. Additionally, she kindly mentioned that she had prepared breakfast for me, which she left in the kitchen. She also mentioned that she had a scheduled video call with a lawyer, which will take place in the small office attached to the house. However, she assured that she will come out once the call is finished. “She seems very trusting and nice,” my wolf pointed out in my head. "I don’t believe she trusts us. But, she may be able to sense the bond to some extent.” I explained to my wolf in my head. Generally, humans do not experience intense emotions, although it is not unusual for them to feel a certain inexplicable attraction when they are bonded with one of our kind. The intensity of my desire to be with her right now is unparalleled, especially since my wolf has detected her scent and when I saw her putting the necklace back on, it strangely didn’t obstruct our bond, possibly because I had already detected our destined relationship as mates. Simultaneously, I realized that my presence posed a threat to her safety, and a part of me wished for her to lead a life free from danger. Not only was Julian and my previous beta considered enemies, but my past was riddled with countless others. Once they learn that I have been stripped of my title, they will inevitably resurface. I was dangerous, and things I cared for had a tendency to get destroyed. Venus was the human girl I secretly treasured, even before I knew she was my mate and I did not want to destroy her. “You better not be considering leaving, mate Kash.” my wolf growled in my head. “I’ll make sure she is far away from danger, but I’m not allowing her to get attached to me. It’s better if we just watch over her. A relationship with her, especially since she is human, will risk her life.” I responded to my wolf. “Mate’s strong. I can sense it and you’ve seen it. She may be human, but she is special. We are better together, not apart,” my wolf growled at me as I ignored him. As I walked into the bathroom, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to take a shower. Afterward, I proceeded to grab some of the clothing that she had kindly provided me with and got dressed before finally leaving the room. I was pleasantly surprised to find bacon, toast, and a pot full of coffee waiting for me in the kitchen. Taking the opportunity, I grabbed the food and found a comfortable place to sit, feeling grateful for her generosity. Due to the small size of the place and my heightened hearing ability, thanks to my wolf, I was able to clearly hear her conversation with the lawyer during their meeting in the office. Just listening to her voice put my wolf at ease. As I listened to her conversation, I could distinctly hear the lawyer instructing her to accept a plea deal, which caused a deep rumble of disapproval to build within me. The notion of demanding Venus to accept punishment for protecting herself against a potential assault struck me as utterly absurd, thus contributing to my deep resentment towards the majority of humans. I was very close to entering her office abruptly to express my strong opinion to her lawyer, but then I overheard Venus shouting at the lawyer during their video call, ultimately informing her to f**k off and that she would handle her own representation. As I listened to the situation unfold, a small smirk appeared on my face, as it became evident once again that she possesses an unwavering determination to never let anyone walk over her. After a short period of silence, she emerged from the office and it didn’t take long for her eyes to lock onto me. “Morning, Kash. How are you feeling after some rest?” she asked. “Better. Thank you for the food and clothing. I hope you got some rest as well.” I thanked her. “How are you healing? Your wound looked like it may be infected last night? Are you in any pain?” she asked as she walked a little closer to me. “I’m better and it does not hurt that bad. I’m healing a little slower than normal, but I will be fine.” I admitted. “Do you typically heal faster?” she asked, taking a seat at the table with me. “Yes, the bullet they shot me with was silver, otherwise I would have healed within minutes. Silver is like poison to me, but you got the bullet out of my body before too much of it entered my system.” I explained to her. Since she saved me, answering any of her questions is the least I could do. It may now be beneficial for her to know as much as she can about my kind for her own protection. “Can I see it? You don’t have to show me if you don’t want to. It’s just I’m someone that typically needs to see things to believe them,” she explained. "I dont' mind, feel free to ask away. I am well aware, I am a stranger in your home. I believe that getting to know each other better would help build trust” I responded as I stood up and walked closer to her. I lifted my shirt, revealing the gun-shot wound that was no longer bandaged, and to my surprise, she reached out and gently placed her fingers near it, feeling over the scar that was now starting to form. However, she quickly withdrew her hand. “Sorry, I should not have touched you like that. My curiosity got the best of me.” She explained. A small chuckle erupted from me. “It’s fine. I don’t mind you feeling my scars if it helps you believe me.” I responded. “You have so many. I can’t even begin to imagine what you must have gone through to get them all.” She stated and for a moment, it looked like she was fighting herself not to touch me. Part of me wanted to grab her hand and place it back on my body so I could feel the warmth just as her touch was providing me, but I couldn’t. My sole focus was on establishing her trust and remaining by her side until I devised a plan to relocate her to a secure location where I knew she would be protected. At that point, I intended to leave and resume the role I had assumed during my younger years - observing her from afar, ensuring her safety, and guaranteeing her happiness. The more I became aware of our connection and felt the bond growing stronger, the more convinced I became that freeing her from the ghosts of my past was only possible through this particular means. Although it would be painful to witness her moving on without me, the reassurance of her safety would provide me with enough comfort. “They are all in the past now. I try to only let them fuel me to become stronger.” I explained to her and then sat back down again. “So what are you exactly?” She asked, looking me in the eye. “Werewolf.” I responded. “So, did someone bite you or something?” She asked, causing me to laugh. “No, I was born this way. I’m nothing like the joke the movies make us out to be.” I responded. “So let me guess vampires are real as well?” She muttered. “Unfortunately, yes.” I answered. “Well, I guess I’ve been blind to a lot of the world.” She said as she got up from the table and walked over to the couch. I watched as she turned on TV and relaxed back on the couch. “I have nothing to do since I’m stuck in this house. Want to watch a move with me, wolf?” She asked. “Sure.” I responded. “Then get over here.” She said as she motioned for me to sit on the couch with her. For a brief moment, I found myself stalling as I reflected on the fact that she seemed incredibly at ease in my presence, which continues to astonish me, particularly considering how I had witnessed her reject numerous advances from other men when she was younger. “I don’t bite.” She blurted out and then laughed. “Was not even thinking when I said that one, since you are a wolf and you bite things.” She continued to laugh. “I only bite those attacking or who deserve it. I think I should be more worried about what you will do to me,” I responded with a chuckle, and sat down on the couch with her. “I only hurt guys that are creeps and assholes. So far, you have surprisingly managed to be the only guy I have been around in a long time that does not fit that bill.” Venus stated. “Wait, does that mean you have shot more than one guy in the ass?” I chuckled. “He was the first. I have punched a few other guys and used pepper spray on one as well.” She responded, causing me to clench my fist at my side. “Please tell me they did not all try to force their way into your home as well.” I responded. “Nope, mainly pissed me off.” She responded as she started to select a movie. “See, mate, is strong and smart. She gets rid of anyone that is not us.” My wolf pointed out in my head. “She may be strong, but the fact that guys even put her in a situation like that pisses me off.” I responded to my wolf. The moment the movie she had picked began, there was complete silence in the room. I honestly didn’t have any particular preference in what she chose since I rarely watch anything on television and surprisingly, I found myself enjoying the action movie she ended up picking. As I watched the film, I became completely engrossed in the story, losing awareness of my surroundings. It wasn’t until Venus let out a moan of discomfort that I snapped back to reality and directed my attention towards her. Venus, completely exhausted, was fast asleep, her head bent over in a position that appeared to be incredibly uncomfortable. It appears that she did not manage to go back to sleep after the nightmare I woke her up from. I carefully repositioned her on the couch so she was lying down and, as I did, she mumbled, “Not again” “I think mate’s having another nightmare.” My wolf pointed out in my head as I observed her. Her forehead was adorned with beads of sweat, combined with her rapid breathing, raised some slight concern within me. If she continued to be haunted by nightmares, how was she ever going to find the rest she so desperately needed? I sighed as I took her small hand in mine. The precise moment our skin connected, I noticed an immediate sense of relief and relaxation within her. “Keep holding her hand Kash, she needs sleep.” My wolf ordered in my head as I sat down on the floor next to her so I could keep her hand in mine. “I will until she starts to wake.” I responded to my wolf. “Warm,” she muttered in her sleep as her hand moved slightly in mine. In comparison to my hand, hers appeared significantly smaller, and despite being in her 20s, she had an astonishingly youthful appearance. Her appearance gave off the impression of someone with a potentially innocent and perhaps even naïve personality. In addition to all of that, she possessed a natural beauty that was exceptionally captivating. The most likely explanation for why guys were always trying to hit on her is that. Once you have a conversation with her, it becomes apparent that she is intelligent and does not appreciate those who are only interested in her physical appearance. The sight of her sleeping captivated me to the point where I couldn’t look away. If I kept this up, leaving her down the road was only going to get harder. Unbeknownst to her, my heart was completely devoted to her. It always has. I was already in love with her. I loved her even when I watched her from a distance. I just did not want to admit it. Why did she have to be the one to save me? The amount of torture I have endured in my life is unimaginable, and I have managed to keep the majority of it bottled up inside me, striving to maintain my resilience. Nevertheless, the ultimate form of torment that awaits me is the unbearable task of parting ways with her when the time finally arrives. I will have to exert a great deal of self-control in order to maintain a safe distance. The simple act of holding her hand fills my body with an electrifying sensation. Despite the absence of any official marking, the bond we share is undeniably strong. The fact that she is able to sense it serves as proof of the matter. My touch should not instantly calm her since she is human unless I have marked her, but it did, and that serves as proof she feels the mate bond. “Rest well Venus. I’ll make sure whatever is bothering you stops.” I whispered as I sat in silence, content holding her hand until she wakes.
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