
2507 Words
Venus POV As I shifted on my couch, I was startled awake by the vibrating sensation coming from my phone in my pocket. It was then that I noticed Kash, who was asleep on the floor, leaning against the couch and holding my hand. Normally, I would feel anger if someone I hardly knew took my hand, especially a man. However, his touch left me with an unexpected sense of warmth and comfort, to the point that I hesitated to even reach for my phone. Knowing that the call was likely from my father, I reluctantly pulled away, causing Kash to stir as I swiftly got up from the couch and made my way to another room in search of some privacy. As soon as I entered the room, I reached into my pocket and retrieved my phone, only to discover that I had received multiple missed calls from my father. Without wasting any time, I promptly dialed his number and returned his call. My father answered on the first ring, “V, you had me worried. Please tell me you have left your mother’s house.” He instantly spoke. “No, I’m still here. I ran into a little trouble, so I may have to stay for an extended time.” I responded. “What kind of trouble? I’m going to take leave from my job and can be there in a day’s time.” My father asked. Grudgingly, I disclosed the intricate details of my house arrest to my father, making a conscious decision to exclude any reference to my current circumstances with Kash. My father instantly swore over the phone, “They are unlawfully detaining you. I’m coming and getting you out of this mess.” My father snapped over the phone. “Don’t, I do not want you jeopardizing your work over an issue I can handle, but I need you to be honest with me about the woods. Why did you tell me not to come back? Why should I not speak to anyone in the woods? What is the importance of the necklace you insist I keep on?” I asked. “For safety reasons, there are certain topics that I am unable to discuss with you over the phone. The woods they are not safe, they never have been, but when your mother was alive, she kept you safe. Right now, it is crucial that you trust my judgment and heed my warning to refrain from conversing with or trusting anyone who emerges from the woods. The necklace I gave you was always meant to be yours. It’s a charm to keep you safe V. I’m coming, I’ll be there in a day’s time. Do not leave the house until I get there,” my father responded. “Is it the wolves who make the woods dangerous?” I asked him. “Wolves? Are they coming near the house? Have you been near any of them?” My father snapped. I couldn’t understand why he was keeping something from me, but it was clear that he knew something. “Yes, they have been close to the house. I heard them howling and fighting.” I explained. “Keep the doors locked and blinds closed. I will get there as fast as I can. It’s not safe for you to be alone.” My father informed me over the phone. “I can’t say that I am entirely alone, as there is a guy who I met at the bar where I recently started a temporary job, and he is currently staying with me. I thought it best to have someone stay since the wolves were so close to the house.” I told him. It was not in my nature to be untruthful. However, the situation of having a werewolf as a guest changes things. “WHO?” my father’s voice boomed over my phone. “His name is Kash. He is harmless, dad.” I responded. Following my response to him, he muttered a series of words that were difficult for me to understand. “What have you gotten yourself into, V. Your mother and I have spent your entire life trying to avoid this very situation? Is Kash in the house with you right now?” My father sighed over the phone. His voice now seemed strained. “I hate being left in the dark. When I was born, you left me, and it was only when I went searching for you that you came back into my life, so there has been no effort on your part to stop certain things from happening in my life. It is wild to suggest that my mom has done anything for me; her focus was always on her new boyfriend. I highly doubt she even cared when I left.” I snapped over the phone. “V, it’s not like that. I understand you have no reason to believe or trust me when I say we sacrificed to protect you. I will tell you the truth when I see you, but I need to know if Kash is in the house with you right now?” My father asked. “Yes, he is,” I responded “Give him your phone.” My father demanded. “You want to speak with him? Does that mean you know him?” I asked. “Yes, I know him. Give Kash your phone V,” my father responded. “Fine, but you owe me a huge explanation before I allow you to be part of my life again.” I snapped as I left the room I was in to surprisingly see Kash in the hall. I wasn’t even happy with Kash now. If my father knew him, that may mean Kash knows more about me, then he has a lead on. At this point, I started to have doubts about Kash. If my father was acquainted with him, that could potentially imply that Kash was aware of more information about me than he had previously let on.. “My father wants to talk with you. Apparently, the two of you ar buddies.” I snapped, handing him my phone. Although Kash appeared slightly shocked, he still took my phone and proceeded to speak. As my father engaged in conversation with him, I kept my eyes fixed on Kash, unable to hear their discussion. His emotionless face only served to increase my frustration. As soon as our eyes met for a brief moment, Kash’s expression finally began to change. In his expression, I was almost certain that there was a subtle indication of fear. “I understand. I will keep her safe.” Kash spoke before ending the call on my phone and handing it back to me. “Care to explain how my father knows you? Does he know you are a werewolf, and why the hell did he want to speak with you?” I asked, not hiding my current anger. “I have never met your father, but I am aware of his existence. Yes, he knows what I am. In order to protect you from my kind and others who lurk in these woods, he wants me to keep you safe. It is not a safe place for a human.” Kash responded. “So he is afraid for my safety because he knows werewolves are in the woods, yet he just told one to keep me safe. What are you not telling me, Kash?” I hissed, my anger continually building. “It’s not my place to tell you right now,” Kash responded. “Fine, I’ll find out for myself.” I snapped as I walked away from Kash toward a backroom, closed the door and locked it. Wasting no time, I swiftly opened a spacious window in the room, which conveniently provided a good exit towards the rear of the house. I had reached a point where I couldn’t stand people keeping things for me anymore, so I made up my mind to find out why it was extremely dangerous by myself, regardless of whether it would trigger the house arrest bracelet on my ankle. Kash knocked on the door. “Venus, I’m not trying to keep things from you.” He spoke. Despite his attempts to explain through the door, I chose to disregard him completely. Instead, I forcefully removed the necklace from my neck, flung it onto the ground, and proceeded to make my exit through the window. As soon as my feet made contact with the ground, I immediately dashed out into the dense woods. Despite being in the woods, the ankle bracelet allowed me to cover a short distance, and surprisingly, Kash seemed oblivious to my departure as he made no attempt to follow me. Within a short period, I became aware of a twig snapping, which immediately caught my attention and directed it towards the source. To my surprise, I noticed a pair of piercing yellow eyes fixed upon me. “That was faster than I expected,” I muttered as I locked eyes with the wolf. “Let me guess, you're another werewolf. If so, cut the crap and become a person so we can talk.” I snapped at the wolf. As the wolf gradually approached me, I maintained my position without backing down. Closing the distance between us, the wolf underwent a striking transformation into a naked man, who then proceeded to give me a thorough once-over. I refused to back down and stayed firmly in place, still standing my ground. “Impressive. Most would have run by now,” the man spoke. I recognized him from the bar. “I’m not most. Tell me why you are near my property.” I demanded. The man leisurely strolled in a circular path around me before pausing to seemingly take in the scent of the air surrounding me. As he did, his eyes flickered and transformed into a bright amber color. “Very interesting indeed.” He spoke. “Answer my question.” I demanded. “You haave someone I want with you in that house, human, but my plans have now changed.” He spoke with a grin and then made a move to grab me, but I easily dodged his attempt. “Cute, but you can’t outrun me.” He snapped as he attempted to grab me again, but I hit him, causing him to falter backwards. “Someone trained you. Can’t say I’m surprised, but it won’t help you. I can’t believe you have been hiding right under our noses,” He smirked. “Great, clearly just more mystery.” I muttered. “You don’t even know who you are, do you?” He laughed as he made a move to get closer to me again. “Tell me and I’ll consider coming with you.” I responded. “You’re coming with me either way.” He laughed as he once again made a move to get me. This time, I did not dodge him fast enough and in the process, I twisted my damn ankle, causing a sharp pain to greet me. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” I hissed as I fought in his arms, making it hard for him to hold me and just as I broke free, a loud growl sounded from behind me as I saw a wolf lunge towards the man. “Looks like I’ll get you as well, Kash.” The man laughed and then shifted back into a wolf. As a result of the excruciating pain in my ankle, I lost my balance and stumbled backwards, ultimately falling onto a sizable branch, which unfortunately added to my injuries. The aggression of Kash in his wolf form remained unabated as he continued to attack the other wolf. Although I believed in my capability to solve this problem on my own, I was foolish this time. Being resilient and confronting my problems head-on has always been a part of my character. Nevertheless, the present circumstances have now shown me I truly was in some sort of danger. Despite the fact that I am now aware of the potential danger that surrounds me, I refuse to hide or withdraw. Instead, I am determined to persist and uncover the truth that everyone seems to be concealing from me. With determination, I pushed myself up despite the pain, and it was at that moment that the sound of a wolf whimpering met my ear. Standing next to a lifeless wolf on the ground, Kash, who was still in his wolf form, suddenly transformed back into his human form, once again completely naked, and made his way towards me. “Don’t come any closer.” I hissed, trying to hide my pain. Kash’s eyes scanned me over. “You’re hurt, and it’s not safe. I’m taking you inside your house.” He demanded. “I’m not going anywhere with you until you tell me the f*****g truth.” I snapped. “I’ll tell you what I know inside.” Kash sighed. “Fine.” I responded as I tried to walk, but my damn ankle completely gave out on me, causing me to fall again. Growling audibly, Kash swiftly grabbed hold of me and effortlessly lifted me off the ground, carrying me away before I could protest. Once we were inside the room, he gently placed me on the couch and then swiftly disappeared, only to return shortly after having changed into the pants and shirt I had provided. “Do you have a car he asked?” As he bent down to inspect my injuries. “Tell me the truth, then I’ll answer you.” “It’s only a matter of minutes before we are surrounded by them, Venus. I promise I will tell you, but I need to get us somewhere safe.” He responded as he effortlessly snapped the house arrest bracelet off my ankle, causing it to beep. “Well, now the cops are going to come.” I snapped. “Car keys?” He asked. “In my car, in the garage.” I responded, and he instantly picked me up again. “Put me down.” I yelled as I slammed my hand against him. “You broke your ankle. You can’t walk and we need to go now.” Kash explained it was clear he was trying to remain calm with me. Although I had the desire to fight back, an inner voice persuaded me to have faith in him, and I followed that intuition. Kash quickly got us into the garage, opened my back door and placed me down before closing me in and getting into the driver’s side. In a matter of seconds, my car was accelerating down the road and then veering onto a path that was completely unfamiliar to me. For now, I was going to have to allow myself to put trust in Kash. I needed to know the truth.
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