"Chapter 4" Victoria

2009 Words
Suddenly her eyes cleared out, and she found herself on the couch, she roamed over her eyes and saw a magnificent place. She saw a spectacular dwelling of a portal, it was huge and mesmerizing, beyond the couch she turned and saw a foyer with numerous chambers and a big labyrinth of huge spaces. that place was fully furnished and decorated with expensive stuff. She shook her head and saw an elegantly designed couch where she was resting. she felt an extreme span in her head and shrank her eyes, she saw the lock of that gorgeous corridor was moving. Her heart began to pound out of her chest. She was so anxious, and suddenly the door opened, she saw the most handsome man she had ever seen in her life, whom she met this morning, she became shocked and bounced off of the couch. " What....? What am I.....," she wanted to speak, but he came close to her with a startled expression. "Hey, hey don't be scared, please sit," he takes his hands over her shoulders and lets her sit. "Are you okay?" He felt her heart was kicking out in horror. After a while, she feels relaxed and her body stops trembling. "What am I doing here?" She asks and struggles to recollect. "You were blacked out in the forest, I found you unconscious in the middle of the forest, thank God I was there, what were you doing there?" He implores as he is astonished to see here and there. "As I remember you had your operation today, I am sorry, I just heard it from some guys from college, I am new here," that handsome man said and she discerned, but she was so trouble keeping her memory. " I don't know what was I doing in the middle of the forest, I don't remember a single thing, I just remember that I ran out of the hospital because no one believed me," she let out and gained his attention. "No one is believing you? What does that mean? I am sorry, but if you want to share you can tell me," he said with an amicable smile, and she groped warmth. " Your name is Han...Han...," she tried to speak but she had some striking issue with letting out his sophisticated name as kings and queens have. " It's Hanook, say it with me Hanook," he said with a smile and she repeated with him. "Hanook", she said now the correct one. "Yes, that's the way to pronounce it, I know my name is a little new for you," he smiles. "Little new? I just heard it for the first time in my whole life, it's so unique," She was better becoming comfortable with him. "Unique like your beauty, like your heart," unexpectedly his words came out, and they stared into each other eyes, the time stopped and Seren felt that he was running in her blood. " Do I know you?" She asks again, and he moves his head in no. "Then why do you feel so familiar?" she asks. "Sometimes some relations built so unexpectedly by heart," he said and her lips just opened, his breath was touching her face, and her cheeks felt the hectic sensation of his closeness. She quickly wiggled her long lashes and looked away from him. "What happened to you why did you run away from the hospital?" He changed the topic, as her cheeks were tossed out of his presence. "Today, something just strange happened, my test and my reports are clear, the doctor said I don't need any operation, and also my diabetes is gone, I don't believe it, but you know I am feeling so different, as I feel the thirst, restlessness, and that urge again and again to go washroom, I think this feels so foolish I am telling you all this, but this time I think you can be the convenient person to tell everything, I feel you are like my doctor whom I can tell what I am feeling right now," Seren words were embellishing her building trust on him. "Do you trust me?" She asks and places her hand on his hand, this time she really wants someone to believe her. "Yes, I told you I completely truly, and wholly trust you, just tell me everything that is coming into your mind, I trust you," he winked his eyes which spread his charm over her lips. "Thank you for trusting me, I tried to explain to everyone, but they thought that I was faking I wanted to just run away from that operation, why don't they understand I am not afraid I am not weak, I chose that path even I know it leads me to death or a little bit to life, but I do, why they are doing this to me?" Seren was so depressed and Hanook wanted to calm her. "This is so good, we should celebrate it, what do you say?" Hanook just changes her mood, and she agrees happily. "And how are we going supposed to celebrate it?" She asks and he asks for one minute, he walks to the beautiful small bar tracked down to the side of the hall, it looks like glass and mirrors everywhere, and he comes back with wine and two glasses. "We can celebrate! right?" He said and placed those wine and glasses on the glass table in front of them, he opened the bottle and let it out into the glass. He placed it in front of her and she stared at it with shocked eyes. "What?" He asks and she digs out of her thoughts. "I...I never taste it ever," she said and he squinted his eyes. " I... I mean, I never drink it before", she said and gasped in embarrassment. "But why?" He asks with a soft smile. "I know this is awkward, I am so sorry," she said and he got close to her to get her comfortable. " No, no I am so shocked to hear this, I thought today's generation is so into this, but hearing this from you is just remarkable," he said and pulled his eyebrows to know more. "What do you mean, I guess you belong to the same generation aren't you? Oh sorry, this is funny," she smiles. "Yes, I belong to the same," he said in hesitation. "There is a big reason behind this, Ryan," she let out his name and sudden abhorrence appeared on Hankook's face. " Ryan, that guy is intimidating," he said and she smiled. " I know he just reacts rudely, but he is a good one, he cares about me a lot, and he is doing everything for me, I am sorry because of his sudden rash out, sometimes he becomes aggressive," she said. "No, you don't have to be, it's fine," he said and sipped out his glass slowly, Seren was staring at him, he was giving her butterflies everywhere. "What are you looking at?" He asks and she shivers. " I... I am so sorry, I thought I could drink it as you are doing," she makes him smile. "You can drink it, Ryan is not here," he said and took another sip. She thinks for a second and then twice, she slowly moves her lips close to the glass and takes a small sip. She took her lips off, and suddenly her eyes went blurry. "Han....Hanook I... I can't see...," She can't complete her words and becomes unconscious. Hanook places his arm over her shoulder and stares into her face. He takes his hand and places it on the left middle of her chest, he is about to do something but he stops, and her innocence halts him. He tries to press his hand over her chest, but abruptly he jerks off from her as fast as no human can have seen this kind of speed, Seren falls on the couch in deep sleep, and Hanook gets out of the mansion. " I can't.... I can't she is so innocent, innocent than her", Hanook whispered and closed his eyes. A girl's face comes in front of his eyes, with long hair, and dark brown charming eyes, her eyes look more beautiful because of her long thick lashes, her height is perfect but shorter than Hanook he can stand straight and she has to look up to see his face, her lips shape were similar to one another this kind of lips are called to be sugar lips as she has beautiful apple cheeks, and a beautiful little nose, her smile is beautiful as heaven, and her neck is so attractive as her collarbones were so prominent and well defined, her jawline looks well sharp and clear. That girl was wearing an old high-waisted gown from the 1800s, she looked so elegant and beautiful woman of this world, Hanook remembered that beautiful face while having sensations all over his body. "Victoria!" Hanook whispered, but suddenly that face changed into an innocent face of Seren, he abruptly opened his eyes and slammed his hand on the hard tree. " What is happening to me?" Hanook said and peeked out the door of the mansion, the door was open and he could see Seren leaning on the couch. "I need some time to do this, I can't I am so afraid, I don't want to hurt her, she has already endured considerable pain, I can hurt her," Hanook said and took his steps to the mansion. He takes her up into his arms and opens the door of his car, he settles her on the seat and drives his car along with Seren. Hanook stops his car in front of Seren's house, where he finds Ryan standing trying his phone, again and again, he takes her out in his arms and walks to their home. Ryan sees him coming along with Seren, his blood burns rapidly, and he runs to take her from his arms. Eva sees Ryan and runs behind him, she sees Hanook too with Seren and gets shocked. " Seren!" She runs to him, and Ryan snatches her from his arms. "What do you do to her?" Ryan asks with extreme anger, but Hanook ignores him and turns his face gently to Eva. " She is okay, thank God I found her and took her to my mansion, I found her in the forest she got unconscious," Hanook said and Eva thanked him so gratefully. " How dare you? Why did you take her to your mansion?" He asks contentiously. " Ms. Eva, I am sorry, do I bother you, but my mansion is just near to the forest and I found her there, she woke up, and suddenly she fainted again, I don't have any of several people around there, pardon me!" He said so nicely and Eva looked so calm with him. "I hope it's okay," he finishes himself. " It's completely fine, we are so grateful to you, you brought her back, we were worried," Eva said and Hanook left while giving Ryan a c*****e look. "What are you doing Eva? We have to inform the police if he did something to her?" Ryan said and Eva rolled her eyes. " If he wanted to do something to her, or if he had done something to her then he will never bring her back here, don't worry, clear yourself when she awakes," Eva said and they moved in. " I don't know what to do with this girl, she makes me so irritated sometimes, I know his attention, and look today they met and in the night she was resting in his arms," Ryan said and Eva smiled. "Ryan, are you jealous?" She asks. " Yes, I am, I am completely jealous I don't want that guy around her, it makes me sick," Ryan was behaving so weirdly for some days, that he was unaware that something was going to take place in his life.
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