"Chapter3" The Miracle

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"This is all for me?" Seren glimpses at Ryan, and he nods with a smile. " Everyone is here for you, 'cause everyone loves you," he said and her eyes filled with tears. " I don't want to die, I don't....," she cried, Ryan cleaned her eyes and face. "You will live, believe me," he said and gave her the strength that she really needed. Seren saw a girl coming close to her with a bright gleaming smile, her face was beautiful with white skin, blonde hair, sharp lips, and blue tiny eyes. " Hey, girl how are you feeling?" She gives her a warm hug to Seren. " Feeling good, thank you for coming, Iris," Seren said with a smile. She was along with a wide handsome man, named Tim, his height was not too long but normal, and with the same heroic jawline. " Hey, Tim, how are you?" Seren asks. " I am fine beautiful, get well soon," he took her hand and placed a soft kiss on it. Seren's eyes fall on a new guy, she feels some attraction to him, prevailing some connection between them. He comes to her with red roses. His grey eyes were similar to hers, and those pinkish smirking lips were making her remember something. " Hello, Ms....," his heavy voice let out in front of her. " My name is Hanook", he said and she got engulfed in his features. " Wait a second, Seren he is Hanook, a new guy in college, and Hanook she is Seren," Iris introduces them, she looks so into him, that's simple he is so handsome. "Get well soon, I think you are doing well," Hanook said but Seren was sleeping in a daydream. "Yea....yeah, I mean yes, I feel good, thank you," she said and they both smiled softly. " Do I know you?" Seren asks. " No, we don't, I am new here, when you feel better you can come to my place, I'm living in the beautiful mansion of Orlok", Orlok's are the great rulers of the valley, people say many things about them, but the truth is they were filthy rich and possessed lots of property. The ancient Orlok's known to be vampires. Hendricks and Orlok's are the ancient families of the town, but the reality is they hate each other. " Orlok's mansion this place is quite beautiful, I really want to come," Seren said. "Yes, Orlok's are my ancestor, you should surely come," he said. " Wow....," she was about to say, but Ryan cut her off. "No, I think she can't come, she needs to rest", Ryan said quite harsher. It was clear he didn't like him. " Once she feels better she can come anytime," Hanook said and took his intense eyes to Ryan. "No she w.....", Ryan was bringing up a scene, but Seren cuts him off. "I will, I will Ryan, what's wrong with you, relax", Seren alleged to curb the situation. Ryan quits them alone. "Hey,..". Seren tries to stop him, but he comes off irritated. " Let him be," Seren's eyes turn to that handsome man, and he abruptly turns his pointed eyes which were discerning Ryan. "It's okay, don't get him wrong, he is a fine person, I don't know why he is reacting......," she sees him staring at her. "What?" She asked, and he bent his knees over her. " You look okay, don't you? How are you feeling?" He asks generously. "I feel so good, I don't know why but everything has shifted, all the pain, all the feeling is gone, I don't know, and no one is believing me", Seren said and Hanook placed his hand softly on her hand. "But I believe you...," Seren stares into his eyes. "Tell me," Hanook said and Seren's thoughts want to trust him. "Last night, Ahhhhnn," She gasped and said. "Last night was strange, I think there is some connection between me and this middle of the night, every night my eyes opened at the same time, and that last night, I thought I met someone, someone who doesn't belong to this world, but I think that was a dream, I don't know how to explain," Seren's impressions were flustering. "Okay, okay, relax," Hanook presses his hand on her hand. " I know you think I am insane, I am sorry, so sorry," she takes her eyes off him, but he takes control of her chin with the other hand. " No, I don't think you are insane, I completely, truly, and wholly trust you, believe you, and trust me I will protect this belief in you", Hanook's words spread a smile on her lips. " Are you looking at this?" Ryan's friend Tim said. Ryan pressed his fingers in his fist. " But it's okay, who knows if she will survive or not, I think her chances are only one percent," Tim's words made him abrupt and he clenched his collar. "Don't you dare to think or say something like this", Ryan's eyes were filled with blood, and Tim was useless under his troops. "Wow....wow friend, just kidding relax...," Tim brings him about calm. Ryan moves to her and takes Seren's hand under Hanook's hand. " It's time to go," Ryan takes her into his arms and leaves the house, he places her in the front seat of the car and settles down on the driver's seat. "What were you doing?" Ryan's face looks flashy red. "What was I doing?" She asks, with an uncertain face. "That man, I don't like him, he is so frustrating, "Why he is frustrated? He is nice", " I don't want to hear his virtue, I don't like him, so I don't like him stay away from him," Ryan said and saw Seren staring at him in shock. " Okay, I am sorry", he gasped and placed his hand under her chin. "Sorry, I scared you," he touches his head with her head and she closes her eyes. He drives them to the hospital. Seren wants to stand and walk, but Ryan forbids her to stand. " Ryan, I'm okay, I can walk", " No, you can't stop pretending that you are okay, you know your condition, last night you were dying from pain", " You don't believe me, but I feel different, I can walk, no pain, no stress, nothing," Seren's eyes were wide open to explain her condition. "Seren, stop it I don't want to shout over you, let me do everything," Ryan said. " Ryan why don't you believe me, I am not fooling around," Ryan rolled his eyes and saw a tall young man coming his skin was pure white, and eyes were light green, and his lips bloomed like the first flower of spring, he sees them with his kind eyes, and his young cheeks spread in a big smile. he was Seren's doctor Louis Brown. He was an endocrinologist, dealing with her autoimmune disorder. "Good morning, Mr. Hendrick, and Ms. Valentine, how are you, you look good," He asked Seren. " I am good, I am so fine," Seren replied. " Don't take her seriously, she is acting so strange", Ryan said, and she grabbed him. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Not strange, it's insane and dramatic," Ryan's words were so harsh suddenly his words became aggravated, and Seren was so shocked to see him like that. "Don't fight, relax," The doctor tries to make them calm. " Ms. Valentine, You need to undergo some tests, this is important to test your physical activity, and what would be the strategies for surgery," The doctor said with a smiling face. " Don't worry, everything is fine," Louis said and she smiled. She goes for her test, and Ryan waits outside, Louis is also standing outside, he is a doctor but he is allergic to blood, and he stays away from those kinds of places where blood screenings come in contact. "Nervous?" He asks Ryan and he nods in yes. "Suddenly, everything gets out of control, I don't know how to manage her illness, I am so sorry for her", Ryan said. "Her condition is not normal, all this is so abrupt out medical science can't look into what happened in one night, This is not normal, and she smells not normal," Louis's words make Ryan shrug out of his thoughts. "What do you mean she smells?" He asks, and Louis blinks his eyes instantly. " I was just using paraphrase you know it's just an idiom", Louis said with a smile and Ryan turned his eyes to the door again. "She smells so good, and only I can have it", Ryan said and Louis's lips got wider. " Just feel first whom she had walked with, then you will recognize how she smells now," Louis said and left for something, but he left Ryan astonished. Seren comes out from the laboratory, and Ryan gets hold of her wheelchair. He smiled but she rolled her eyes off. " Seren stop showing me this attitude", Ryan said and kneeled in her wheelchair. "I am not into anything," Seren said. " I don't need anything right, I am okay, it's not a joke, I'm serious", Seren wants him to trust her, but he thinks she is pushing herself away from all this. "You are not understanding Ryan, If I go under the surgery there is a one or more percent chance to survive, but if I don't need it then, isn't it great?" "Seren, let doctors decide it", Ryan said. " I don't know why they are taking too much time, the operation timing is up", Ryan was worried because the doctor said to him that they needed some tests to do before, but it was taking too much time, Eva, Ash, and Jason was waiting outside, praying for her, and inside they are taking too much time, after some time the nurse leads them to the doctor's room, where Seren's takes over in observation. "Mr. Hendrick, Ms. Valentine, I want to tell you something," The doctor and they put up with whole attention. "This is a miracle, but your reports are clear," The doctor let out and Ryan's jaw dropped, Seren's lips got wide in a big smile and she stood from her wheelchair without stumbling on her feet. " I said I am okay," Seren said, and Ryan stared at her in confusion. " What is it? Are you fooling us?" Ryan couldn't believe what was going on in front of his eyes. "Yes, Mr. Hendrick, everything is clear, we are shocked, that's the reason we take too much time to validate the reports, but all the time everything was the same" " said a doctor and he was shocked. " Ryan, I am okay", Seren said and bound her hands around his back, he took her close to his chest. " So, what do we have to do now?" He asks. " Just go home, she is safe, her diabetes is also clear she doesn't need any insulin, injectables nothing" The doctor's words were shocking but that was the truth. " I think something is wrong, you should observe again," Ryan's words make Seren break their hug. "What is wrong with you, I am saying that I am okay, I can feel it, why don't you understand? Why do you want me to die?" she becomes frustrated and irritated. "You are so unbelievable," Seren said and ran out of the observation room, she came out of the specialized ward and saw everyone looking at her in amazement. "Seren, what are you doing here?" Eva runs to her and holds her in her arms. "Eva, I am fine, this is a miracle, my reports and my test are clear", Seren's eyes were watery and Eva was shocked with tears, she didn't believe her ears, but everything was not understandable. " Seren! What is all this?" Ash and Jason ask with frowned faces. "Eva, doctor said I don't need any operation, I am okay", She tried to make them believe but they didn't. " Seren, look you have to sit down, don't waste your energy I know you are afraid but you don't need to be, we all are with you," Eva said and she frowned at all of them. "Why don't you people understand? I said I am fine so I am fine, what's wrong with this?" Seren growled and Saw Ryan coming out with her reports. " Asks from him, he is the one who you trust", Seren said and everyone turned their eyes to Ryan. "Ryan, what she is saying?" Eva asks. "Yes, she is right, but I think these doctors are insane, we should check out some other centers, there are many kidney centers, but sorry this was the best one, I don't know what happened to them?" Ryan said and she made a disgusting face. " You all are unbelievable, you all want me to die," Seren said and ran away from them with tears in her eyes, suddenly something happened and she ran really fast even though Ryan couldn't catch her. "Seren!..... Seren,....." he was shouting her name to stop her, but her speed was remarkable. Seren runs as fast as she can, her speed goes down when she reaches the middle of the forest, and her ears are crammed with numerous voices. " Who is it? Who is in my head?" She cried and placed her hands over her ears. "You need to get her heart, take her heart from her, take it," these voices were coming in her head she kneeled while placing her hands on her ears. "I love you, take her heart, she is the only one, find her, find her........" a scream crammed into her head and she fell to the ground, in the middle of that forest. Seren was blacked out, but suddenly some footsteps were heard coming toward her. A muscular man lifted her into his arms and took her away from that place in his car.
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