"Chapter 5" The powers of Lycaon

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Seren opens her eyes slowly, and she sees Ryan staring at her, she clears her eyes, she knows Ryan is getting on to be tough. "What went on? How do I reach here?" Her words give Ryan a strained smile. " Let me tell you how, a new guy, I don't know his creepy name, but he came to your home, surprisingly he was holding you in his arms, holding you close to his chest, and said that he found you in the forest, and then he brings you to his mansion wow....," Ryan utterances seems mocking at her. "Stop it! I know I was in his mansion, but then I fainted again," Seren closed her eyes and tried to keep her reflection again. " I tell you why this is happening to you, my beautiful lady you are sick and you need to get over it, and it is only held by treatment, and my love you are running from it, stop it...," Ryan way was clashing, but he was reckoning for her good, her health. " No, this is something else Ryan, and the considerable defect is yours because if I tell you, you never understand, where is Eva, Ash?" She calls her aunt, but Ryan looks so depressed. " So, you think I am not capable of understanding you? Seren what is happening to you, in just one day you are behaving like a stranger to me, this is because of that new guy?" Ryan's expressions turn so harsh to her. " What do you mean? Have you seen yourself? Do you feel that change in yourself? Do you realize how bad you are going with me?" Seren affirmed in anger. " No matter who is he, is he a new guy or someone whom I don't know, but he is much better at understanding me than you, you are just throwing this anger at me, let me tell you why you think that I will die, I would be not live long, after this operation and you want a break from me, after my operation, this will really happen you will get your pretty break and you will be happy, but later I don't need any operation you think I would never leave you, and you want me to go through this, right?" " So you can get over me without any doing, so let me tell you one thing Mr. Hendrick you can go any time you want," Seren finished her words and saw Ryan was still and his eyes went a little watery. After saying all this Seren realizes how bad she was, how badly she hurt him. She just lets out whatever comes into her mouth, but now she feels bad. Ryan turns to leave, but Seren holds his hand. "Ryan, I ..... I am sorry, I don't know what I was saying," Seren, pleaded but he pushed his hand she clutched it harder. "I don't mean that just forgive me, I don't know what happened to me, you know I love you, don't let Hanook come between us," she said but suddenly Ryan got out of his senses, he turned abruptly and slap Seren's face hard, she falls on the ground, blood starts oozing from her lips, Ryan's eyes were fully opened his eyes shine red, he quickly shriveled his head, then close his eyes, he sees Seren's lips were bleeding, she was peeking at him with frightening face, he fisted his hands and run out of her house, Eva was standing in the door, she was also afraid of his sudden breakout. Ryan runs out of her house, as fast as his feet can do for him. Eva went near to Seren and saw her lips were bleeding she made her sit on the bed, and ran to take a first aid box, she cleaned her lips, and peeled her eyes to see the wounded area, there she saw no lesion, no crack, nothing but there was blood on Seren's hands and also she cleaned it with gauss. "Seren, what's going on with you?" She asks. "What? What do you mean?" Seren implores with a confused expression. "You don't have any wound or even a little crack over there, but you bleed, and your bleeding is stopped as well, what is going on?" Eva asks and Seren looks shocked, but she wants to hide what is going on with her. Something strange is going on inside her. " I... I think that is inside my mouth, I have placed my tongue on it, so it won't bleed, it's okay," Seren gives her a satisfying smile, but everything that just happened was so flustering. "What happened to him?" Eva asks. " I don't know, we were together like years ago, and now he is behaving so strange I think I should give him some space, some real space, if he can hit me without any reason then he can do anything worse," Seren said, but Eva thoughts vary from her. "I think you two should talk about this, Ryan is a good person, and if you ask me I have never seen a person like him, he truly loves you, I don't want to talk in between your matter, this is your life my girl, and this should be your decision," Eva said and pats her shoulders, she leaves her alone in her room. "You are a good man, but you have completely changed into a different person," Seren was grieved to see Ryan's behavior. Ryan runs out of Seren's house, he is extremely galled, the reason he reacted with Seren. All of sudden, his eyes come in contact with the moon, and his body evolves still, he starts to breathe heavily, and his fist is pressing concurrently. His eyes turned shiny white, and his lips started to heave steadily. The heartbeat can be listened to highly and frequently from out of his body, the blood flow starts to push over his veins, and his body looks properly pumped. That moonlight was following him, and his eyes popped out when he saw the light clashing with him. " Ryan...!" A voice comes and pulls apart the happening. He saw a hard handsome and toughest guy standing, he had a pair of light brown eyes and a handsome face, and his jawline was straight and sharp. He was mature and good-looking, he looked smart and strong, like a warrior. " Hunter?" Ryan turns and sees his friend and family member, and readiest man to his Grandfather Amarok. " Ryan, what are you doing here? Amarok is waiting for you, you are busy with your other activities and this makes you completely oblivious to your family_, Hunter said with rage. " I was returning home", Ryan said with a gloomy face, he bent his head and stared at the ground. "Has something happened to you?" Hunter asks with concern. Ryan's eyes evolve watery, and he just leaped his hands over Hunter's back. "Hey, little one what happened to you," Hunter asks. " I slapped her", he said and Hunter grabbed him away while holding his arms. "Did You slap Seren?" He asked and he moved his head in yes. " Oh! boy, what did you do?" Hunter's face turns sulky. " I don't know what happened to me, my eyes fetched so clear, and I was so ruffled, then I slapped her, I feel so bad, she was crying and I hurt her so badly, I tore her lip corner," Ryan said and Hunter knows what is happening to him. "Ryan she was suffering from pain already, why did you forget you love her?" Hunter said, and make him feel guiltiest. "Yes, I know....I know but I heard another guy's name from her lips, and that got me like an explosion, and I did this, I am so sorry for this," Ryan was in extreme emotions. "There is some different stink coming from you", Hunter was feeling something new in the air and disliked that sentiment. "There is a new guy here, and he is trying to be close to her, I don't like him, I don't know but I hate him personally, when I look at his face I want to punch him hard, and please could we stop talking about these sense taste and smell talks, I am just fed up of all that" Ryan was becoming outrageous whenever he thinks of Hanook, Hunter knows Ryan is depressed, today is going so bad for him. "I was coming to see Seren, but you are here? I didn't get your call, So I came to see her, but then I remembered you will be in hospital, so I took my car back, what are you doing here? And what happened to her, is she okay, and her operation, has been successful?" Hunter asks. "No, she didn't go under any operation, the doctors said she is fine, and she doesn't need any operation then she ran away and then fainted in the forest....," Ryan said and Hunter frowned. " What? How can it be possible?" Hunter was completely shocked. "We were also shocked," Ryan shook his head. "And also how she gets to the forest, I think it is pretty far from that hospital, " Hunter wants to know more, but this is all Ryan knows. "I don't know, I don't know Hunter please stop asking me these questions," Ryan got irritated. "Okay, one last question, Can you tell me about Eva, is she okay?" Hunter comes to the main point. " Now you come to the real point, Hunter she is okay, even never been better, I am so depressed," Ryan said. "What can I do to take this depression away?" Hunter asks nicely. " No one can do anything, I just hurt the love of my life, I don't know how would I sleep now," Ryan was so sulky, and upset. " Come, boy, let's go home," Hunter takes Ryan home. They arrived at Hendricks mansion, Ryan entered the corridor and there he saw his Grandfather Amarok sitting in the hall, getting a kick out of his drink. His grandfather was a jolly person he was remarkably old, with white hair and a saggy face, his belly was fat, but his eyes had a heroic green shade, and he looked generous and kind. And the place where he was sitting and having his drink was gorgeous, a clean wooden place, where oak was burning inside the hearth, and his grandfather was humming a tune while closing his eyes. Ryan slowly moves towards his grandfather, he doesn't want to break the rejoicing of his moment, but he senses him. "So my boy is here", His grandfather said and opened his eyes. " Hey, grandpa, you were doing well, how do you sense me?" Ryan said and gave him a warm hug. Oh! My boy, I was having a glimpse of your smell when you are just away from the mansion, I am your holly jolly grandpa you know, but today my freaking little son looks tragic I am satisfied but you are not, I can smell your tears," Amarok said and he turns distressed. " Does something happen? You look sad and weak," He asks. "No, I am not sad nor weak," Ryan replied. " That's my boy, you don't have to be because you know we are Hendricks the protector of.......," Ryan cuts his grandfather. " Protector of the powers of Lycaon, and we are more powerful than any human in this world", he completed him, but in his heart, he just reckons it was a joke. " That's my son, remember you are the heart of our people, if you let down this power then everything will fall," his grandfather advised him, but he thinks this all is a myth, not truth. "I am so tired I want to get some sleep," Ryan said and strove to leave, but Amarok told him to stay. " How about your friend, Seren?" He asks. "Yes, she is okay, she is fine," Ryan said and left in a rush. Amarok was worried to see him like that, he cares about his family, and something was definitely bothering him. " Amarok, I think the time is coming", Hunter entered the mansion. Amarok turns intense in his thoughts after hearing him. " Lycaon.... werewolves, those mysterious ancient stuff blaa...blaa..blaa is just a mess, I wish I could born in a normal family," Ryan strived in resentment, he slammed the door open. He tossed on his bed and remembered the scene of how he slapped her, and why, he mentioned that the doctor said if she had some wound or injury then it would be hard to retreat because she was vascular compromised. "I am sorry my love, she was just saying that she loves me, and either replying to her I whack my hand on her face, it's ridiculous! How I am reacting so awfully? If her wound gets worse?" Ryan questioned himself. Seren was sleeping in her room, her eyes were damp as well as her pillow. Later crying a lot she falls asleep. It was turning midnight, Her eyes went open, Seren got off her bed, and started moving towards her room's door, she left her room and then her house, she started walking to that forest, she looked like she was possessed she was not moving her eyes, as well as her lashes, were not stroking.
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