Story By Elnette Pretorius

Elnette Pretorius

Im a farm girl, that live in my own dreams and fantasies... The world needs a little magic, and sometimes we need to see the good in people. i would love it if you take time to read a little bit more everyday.
The expensive mistake.
Updated at Mar 25, 2024, 07:38
The hidden warrior
Updated at Jan 8, 2024, 10:09
Zaria Johnson was having a getaway with her friends on the beautiful Bali islands.It was magical until Zaria started to lose her mind. A voice in her mind, questioning her sanity, Zaria tried everything in her power to ignore the voice, but when she met Elion Alexzandria, a whole new unnatural world was opened. The voice in her mind was not her imagination. It was her wolf Aniyha. Not knowing her werewolf heritage and not knowing the danger that follwed her, she could only put her fate and trust in Elion, a stranger that called himself her alpha mate. How would she survive in a world she did not understand? How could she protect herself, not knowing her own past. Should she give herself to the handsome stranger with the dark brown eyes that could turn golden, or should she run from the darkness that waited in the shadows? She also did not know that her past would soon return and send her in a whole different direction, tearing her away from all the things she holds dear.
Feathers of the red bird.
Updated at Dec 19, 2023, 19:37
Anne Jackson had a country home. Her father and mother had a small piece of land until disaster struck. everyrging was taken from her. her rescuers were the least unexpected.