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Sitara "Who is the dumbest person in our gang?" "Gaurav and krishika." "Hey, I'm not dumb... Joel is dumb." Gaurav argued as I rolled my eyes. "Smartest person?" this question is directed to Sung now. "Hmm... Sitara, Joel and me." "Yup, Joel got brains in books but brains of other matters is zero!" We all laughed agreeing to it. Basically Joel is the shy out of boys in our gang. "Craziest?" "Definitely Sitara and Abhinav!" krishika said. "Why do you guys take my name in every answer." "Because you are an all-rounder." "Lamo." "Who is going to lose their virginity first among all?" I thought about it as I looked at everyone's face. "Aryan and Gaurav maybe." I said while looking at them. "Abhinav." sung said. "Sitara." Gaurav said "Where did that thought came from man? Like my mother would allow me to date any guy." I gave him a weird look. "True." Abhinav said laughing out loud. "But tell me, why is your mumma sweet and serious at the same time?" Sung asked. "My mum likes it when I follow her rules and regulations. She will love me and give me everything I ask for but she would never accept if I did anything out of the box or like you know the crazy stuff." "Woah." "Yup!" I said licking the ketchup. "Your home is cool and spacious." Joel said. "Next year summer in your home in South Korea." I said. "Sure. That would be a great idea if you all visit Seoul." "I will visit no matter what. Now that I'm addicted to those cute and handsome oppas." I said chuckling when the boys made a face. "You really think you have a chance of dating a Korean celebrity when the whole nation is crazy about them. Especially girls." Aryan commented while I threw a pillow at him. "Shut up, I got Joel beside me who would help me in setting up. Won't you do it for me, Joel?" I turned to Joel to see him with a horror look on his face. "You need to ask my parents as they are well known about celebrities and all." "Why do you need a Korean Oppa when you such hotties in your home." Becca said who was silent all this time. "What do you mean?" my eyebrows were crocked as I didn't understand her statement. "Ohoh..." krishika made a noise looking at something behind me. Raising myself on elbows I turned around to see my sister Elora standing in the front garden with her best friends. "They are idiots. And way too old for us." "You mean hot?" Becca said, her eyes aren't leaving the site. "Gross!" Abhinav made a puking action. "Yuck!" "Shut up." Once again I tilted my head to where they stood to see Aarav talking with Elora while the other one David, the doctor speaking on his phone. I don't find them hot, why they are hot to these girls? Before they could spot us, I turned back to the gang and finishing the other questions. I met Aarav last week when he came home. He is arrogant but somewhat friendly. I spoke a little before he left as he got some work to finish. I didn't meet the other best friend of my sister whom I dislike from day one. I don't know why but I always get into my snappy mood. I don't understand why he is always calm and silent. He is my mumma's favourite and she admires him so much that I had to listen to her every day babbling about David did that... David helped me in this.... David is such a blessing... David... David... Ugh, kill this David... So I decide not to meet him this summer and thankfully he is busy. "I like your sister." I looked at Aryan. "Yup, I love my sister." "How I wish my sister behaves and supports like your sister." "Chill out bro, you got us!" I said smiling at him. "He fell asleep." Abhinav is sleeping. We are in the garden area with blankets and pillows. We wanted to spend our time in the backyard. We all will be leaving tomorrow, our train tickets are booked and I'm excited for the new year to start. It's our senior high, it's sad that we had to leave our school and I don't think I would be very much happy about it. I just decided and made one rule, I would enjoy my last year in my boarding school to it's fullest. I won't sulk around and make it f*****g awesome. "Let's go out for dinner." Gaurav said. "Nah, it's my last dinner so mumma doesn't allow us out as we will be leaving tomorrow." "Then we will go out in an hour and return back." Joel said. "Yup!" "Did your parents called?" I looked at Aryan. Aryan's parents are doctors which is why they sent him to boarding school. They hardly stay home and I don't think they called him. "As usual, they forget or they didn't have time to call." we all nodded our heads. Our parents are touchy subjects for us. The main reason we all went to boarding school is because our parents don't have time for us and there isn't anyone to take care of us while they are busy at work. Even though my mumma tries to make time, she can't as her schedule is always busy with board meetings and all. Now Elora is helping with the work but I know how hard it is for my sister to take care of the files and work then attend the college. • "I will miss this chai for sure." Aryan said as he sipped the hot tea. "Yeah." "He makes the best Chai(tea) bro." Gaurav moaned closing his eyes. I chuckled but even I agree, we found this Chai tapri(stand) near the main road where they serve best Chai and biscuits. "Remember the times when we used to skip the morning exercise to drink chai and fried banana." Abhinav says. "Yeah... Yeah... I remember getting caught and we had to do twenty laps around the ground which was crazy!" Becca said. "And guys this year our Aryan sabh(master) decided to finally confess his feelings towards Aditi." Abhinav said. "Waah!" I let those word out in mock surprise as Aryan rolled his eyes. Krishika looked at me with a message and I turned to Becca whose gaze is far away looking at something. I and girls knew that Becca crushed on Aryan but he got his eyes on Aditi Naidu who is a fellow volleyball player. Aditi is in section A while we belong to section B. I was actually a student of section A but I couldn't sit without my friends. "So Gaurav to whom you are going confess?" krishika asked trying to push the awkward moment away. He looked at her with a serious face which made us all look at him with the same seriousness. "What if I told you, that I will confess to you?" krishika's eyes widen comically as well as ours. Abhinav coughed on his air. "What?" Gaurav laughed pulling her for a headlock. "I'm joking idiot." "Oh." "Am I the only one who didn't find anyone in our school interesting?" They looked at me. "That's common. We all knew everyone from fifth grade, that's why you don't find anyone interesting. You are one crazy girl, finding a guy for you is difficult and hard." Abhinav answered my question. "I don't think she would find someone who would match her level of craziness." Aryan said. "But they say opposites attract." this time it was Becca who said. "Only in your novels babe, in reality, opposites can't stay together." Aryan told looking at Becca. "That's not true, sometimes the philosophy of 'opposites attract' works out well." Joel said. When we are done we walked back to home while laughing and talking. I would never forget this summer as it is one of the best summers with my friends. We wandered around the city and travelled to places where we heard so many unknown stories which inspired us so much.
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