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Sitara POV "Ahh..." "My legs hurt." Becca groaned as I lay my sweaty body in the soft grass. "I'm done for the day," Sung said. "I have to practise, you guys go to dorms," I said. "You will be there for dinner?" Krishika asked me. "Yup." I closed my eyes as I have twenty minutes before the practise starts. Tomorrow we have a sports match between the players of every senior section. The person who plays well is going to be the captain, it's fair play. I can't lose my captaincy, it's my pride in Hebron. I'm not planning to lose my captaincy in the last year of Hebron. The boys are off practising for tomorrow. The senior year started with seriousness, everyone is warned to stay out of trouble and conflicts. I know every parent warned their kids to get high grades for their college selections. I got up, dusted off my grass walking towards the court. There were girls playing which is why I decided to practise when everyone returns to their dorms. "What are you doing here? Didn't return to your campus?" I turned my head to see Manav sir. He is the basketball coach of the boys' team. "Hi sir, Nah. I will return when I'm done with my game." "With Abhinav?" "Yes, sir," I said with a smile. "Okay then, all the best. I know you won't lose your captaincy but still, practice is important." He walked away while Abhinav ran towards me. "Let's start babe." By the end, I'm covered in my own sweat. Abhinav went to his dorm while Nasim kaka is here to drop me at my campus. I took a bath and ran to the mess(canteen) for my dinner. If I didn't run I know I would've missed my dinner. As the mess is closed after ten. * "You need to score one point, Sitara." I heard Rupani ma'am yell. The game started, it is of 40 minutes divided into four quarters as we are four girls. It's a one-on-one play. I'm playing the final quarter, Sidrah from Section-A is giving a tough competition. She always gives a tough competition to me. I know she wants to have the captaincy this year just like me. But I ain't going to give it to anyone no matter what. We heard the buzz indicating that the break is ended. I stayed focus and played off well, I did a jump shot shooting the ball in the basket. "Yes!" I fist-bumped into the air looking at the scoreboard. "Congrats!" Rupani ma'am squealed as she rushed towards me. The girls are here to support me as they aren't in any sports. "Thanks, ma'am," I said hugging her before hugging the girls. "The captain for Hebron high basketball senior team for the year is Sitara Chindam of Section-B." The announcer announced. Everyone clapped while I looked at a pissed off Sidrah. She is pissed off about this because section-A wants to have the upper hand in everything. Losing to Section-B is something that stings. "What about Abhinav?" I asked Krishika. "Abhinav won and the boys are with him." "I want to rest because my legs hurt and I'm tired," I said to the girls as I took my bag. "Won't you call your sister or mum?" Becca asked. "Thanks for reminding." I left towards the warden office where we have the land-line. I entered the office to see the second warden. Good thing the main one isn't here. The second one is much friendlier than the first. "Hey, parents ko call Karna hain." (I have to call my parents.) "Thik hain, Vo land-line se karo." She pointed towards the land-line which is on the other table. (Okay, you can call from that land-line.) I dialled my mumma's number but she didn't answer the call. I called for another two times before ending the call. I dialled my sister's, even she isn't lifting. I hate it when people don't answer my calls. It's tough to call and when I hardly call them, they won't answer my calls. I was about to end the call when she answered. "Kitna time lethi reh call answer karne mein?" (Why did you take so much time to answer my call?) I heard a chuckle from the other side which isn't my sister's because it's a man's laugh. I looked at the number to see if I dialled it wrong. "Kon hain? Meri Didi ka boyfriend ho kya?" I asked the person who answered the call. (Who is this? Are you my sister's boyfriend) "I'm David, Elora went to use the restroom." I choked on my breath because I wasn't expecting it to be him. His voice changed so much... Because the last time you heard his voice it was long back ago... "Oh." We both stayed mute as I don't know what to say and he must've felt the same. "Sitara is on call." I heard his voice say which means my sister returned. "Hey, Sitara. How are you?" Elora asked. "I'm good, Accha listen I didn't lose my captaincy. The match was cool and good." "That's great babe. I will inform mum." "Cool, bye and take care." We ended the call. I took a shower in the dorm washrooms which are super cool and good. The thing I like about our school is we have super clean restrooms and shower stalls. But I'm jealous of the teaching staff's sauna room, they have a sauna hall. Throwing my bag on the ground, removing my jacket and shoes I threw myself on my bed as I felt tired and worn out. I don't know how much I slept, but by the time I woke up, it was pretty late. Krishika left a note saying they are in the entertainment room. I wasn't interested in hanging out, so I stayed in bed going through the last year's book. We are allowed to have a camera in the senior year but no mobiles. I'm happy with it, I can take pictures but the only thing which makes me sad is that I don't wanna leave this place. "Wassup?" I turned my head to see Becca. I showed her the yearbook as she plopped down beside me. "Where is Krishika and Sung?" "They went to see the boys." "Why didn't you go?" I asked her. "Aryan brought Aditi to where we usually hang out. I don't wanna be there when he is lovey-dovey with her." "Woah! Didn't anyone tell him that it's our spot and we feel awkward if anyone of us brought others?" "I don't know." I nodded my head looking at the ceiling. "But Becca why do you love him?" I braced myself on my elbows to look at her. "He was my crush and it turned into something strong as days passed. I exactly don't know how I fell in love but I did somewhere along the years." "Are you going to tell him?" Her face reminded me of my sister when her boyfriend cheated on her. A flash of sadness and anger reflected on her face right now. "The way I feel for him, he feels the same for Aditi. Even if I tell him it would make things awkward and it's quite clear that he don't feel the way I feel for him. He is happy with Aditi and that's okay for me. If things between him and Aditi didn't work out then I will tell him." The day we returned back Aryan went to see Aditi. He even brought flowers and a gift when he confessed his feelings. I felt bad for Becca because I know how she felt for him. He and Aditi started spending time with each other. We don't have any problem though because I was busy in my practice while the boys were busy in theirs. We would've said something if he skipped meeting us. "But tell me about you and Abhinav?" I frowned at her. "What's there to tell bro?" "Nothing is going on between you both?" She asked with genuine interest. "Nah, I don't think there would be something going on between him and me. I ain't his type nor he is my type." "Cool." Sung walked in with a sulking face. "What's with the sulking face?" I asked as soon as she sat on my legs. As there wasn't much place felt for her to sit on the bed. "Abhinav is sleeping, Krishika is helping Gaurav in his math. Joel is in the library and Aryan is busy with Aditi." "Oh." "Get your thick ass of me. I don't feel my legs anymore." I pushed Becca. Becca and Sung shifted places. "Oh really." She threw all her body on me. "Kutti!" (Dog) I tried to push her weight off me but Sung decided to join as it's fun. They always do this just to irritate me, good thing Krishika isn't here, I don't think I can handle three bodies on me. "Woah, without me?!" speak of the devil... "Kuttie... kamine..." (dogs... Rascals...) I groaned out as they started laughing. I pushed them off while trying to get on their back. Krishika ran away to the other side of the room, our giggles resounded in the room. Becca let out a loud yelp when I twisted her arm not hard. "Uh-huh." Sung threw a pillow at me. Soon we started a pillow fight. "What's happening here?" We four froze until I turned around facing the door to see our dorm warden Karishma ma'am glaring at us four. "Nothing ma'am, we were just having fun," I replied and her gaze shifted to me. "You call this fun? Do you know how much noise you four are making? You four always cause trouble. Mainly you." She pointed her finger in my way. I hate it when people point their finger at me. My face scrunched as I tried hard not to snap at her, I don't wanna see the principal this soon. "Ma'am, teachers didn't give us any work today and we don't think we were disturbing others," Becca said. "You four think you didn't cause the disturbance? Seema couldn't concentrate on her studying." I rolled my eyes. "We don't have anything to do with her not having friends to enjoy and that i***t is always jealous of our happiness," I muttered under my breath. "What did you say? Say it loud if you want to say anything." the warden narrowed her eyes at me. "I said if she isn't that uptight and starts making friends to have fun, she wouldn't see this as nuisance and disturbance." Seema gasped as I said that. "Enough, I'm going to complain about you and your behaviour to the principal. Get prepared to change the room." Karishma ma'am said as Seema smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at both of them which made the warden even angrier. Seema is our dorm president and warden's favourite so obviously, she will complain to the principal. They left the room while I groaned again. "Bro, was that necessary to rub those words on her face? Come-on now you have to face principal in the first week itself." Sung said. "Chill out, good thing she rubbed those words on their faces. They both behave like they own this place." Becca said wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "What about the principal thing?" Krishika asked. "No big deal. I will handle it." I winked at her as Becca laughed.
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