
1052 Words
The hunter's smile fades. "How dose them over us. We're your real family." He reaches behind him pulls out knife and whistles. A hundred hunters come out. I turn to Ashley and say, "Run! Go get the pack and Damon." Ashley turns to run but hesitates and looks at me. I nod to her before she leaves. The hunters start to follow, "Let her go. We have who we need to break the pack." I hear someone behind me and get hit in the head. Damon's POV "She'll be here soon boys." I say worried Cassie has been gone so long. Ashley bursts through the door out of breath. 'They have her. They hit her and dragged her away.' I stand feeling sick. My gut is telling me that I may never see her again. "Who has her Ash?" I knew before she answered me. "The hunters. They plan to kill her as soon as the sun sets." That only gives me a few hours to get the pack ready and find her. "s**t. Ashley go let the pack know the hunters have our luna." She nods and runs out yelling for everyone.  I yell for my mo to come watch the boys. "Damon they'll kill you both. Please be careful and make sure you both make it back to these boys." I nod and hug my mom. I walk over to my boys and kiss them. As I turn to walk away they both whine at me. "Its ok boys. I'm going to get your mom. I'll be back soon." I turn and run out before my boys can do anything else to keep me here. As I run down the stairs the whole pack is ready and waiting for me. "I'm not going to force anyone to go who doesn't want to." I take a breath, "So those willing to go with me please step forward and lets go get Cassie." They all step forward. I nod with a smile and lead the way with Ashley by my side. I just hope we make it in time. Cassie's POV The sun is starting to set and I know it won't be much longer before they cary out their plan to kill me. I hope Ashley made it there safely to let Damon and the pack know what's going on. I think of my boys and how much I'll miss. Their first steps, first words. First time at school. Their first love and first heartbreak. It brings a tear to my eye. the wind blows across my face and a catch a familiar smell. Damon is near. Hope fills my chest as the hunters come to untie me and stand me up. I growl at them hoping they're close enough to hear me and come rescue me. "Shut up." he says as he slaps me. "I gave you a chance to side with us. Now you will die as one of them" he spits on me, "an animal."  I can hear his heart beat. Damon is close and he's not alone. He has the whole pack with him. I smile inside but I glare at the hunters in front of me. "I hope you know that this will not end well for any of you. When my pack and mate get here you will be sorry for taking me." I smile now because I can almost feel him.  The sun is almost down, its time. He walks towards me with the knife. A smile slowly creeps across his face. I laugh and he stops. "What's so funny? Not going to plead for you boys' lives? Or your mate's?" I growl at him. "Never speak about my boys again." He takes a few more steps and then the night is filled with howls from everywhere. "They have us surrounded." he grabs me and holds me as a shield thinking I'm weak. I bite his arm and begin to change. Once I've changed I go to run to my pack but stop. Something the hunter said made me pause. We have the way to weaken the pack. They was going to kill me in front of my pack to weaken them. Maybe if i kill their leader they'll be weak. I turn to see him still kneeling on the ground holding his arm. I run at him and drag him away from the others. No one has noticed. Once we're clear of the other hunters I release him and wait for him to fight back. "What? You going to kill me now? If you do you're no better than an animal." I laugh and lunge for his throat. A sharp pain in my side makes me yelp. Then I feel it again in my stomach. I've been stabbed. He goes to stab me again when Damon runs over and tears his throat out. Ashley is behind him. They change back. "Damon she's hurt bad." He strokes my face. "I know. Take his body back to the hunters. Tell them to leave or we kill them all." She nods and runs off. He picks me up and runs me back home. I can feel my strength weakening. I change back and reach for his face. "Damon?" He looks down at me with tears in his eyes. "Don't you leave me Cassie. We need you." He drops his head a little. "I need you. Please hold on. we're almost there." Once we reach the house half of the pack is already there waiting to see how I'm doing. They gasp as he runs past them with me in his arms. I'm covered in my own blood and very pale. I can hear some whisper, "She's not going to make it." "She doesn't look so good." or "She'll be fine." The doctor comes in and does an exam. She looks at Damon and says, "The next few days are critical. This will tell us if she'll pull through or not. I'm sorry I don't have any better news for you." Damon puts his head in his hands and screams my name. I can feel the darkness closing in on me. I don't want to give in but its so hard not to. I let myself fall asleep. So close to death and I can feel it.
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