
1103 Words
Gabe and Derrick are now a few months old and thee wedding is coming together nicely. Damon has been so good with the boys and with the wedding preperations. I get as much sleep as poossible when the pack has the boys teaching them to crawl and to walk. I've never been so in love with my life than I am right now. I'm so happy with how bright my future looks from where I'm standing. Damon walks in carrying Gabe and says, "Someone is hungry and needs their mamma." I smile and reach out for him. I'm just about to grab him when Ashley runs in panicked. "We can't find Derrick." Damon hand her Gabe and we both run outside to help look for him. Damon grabs my hand and we run into the forest. I pause to listen. I hear something small and take off running hoping its my son. As I push a branch out of my way I see a wolf cub scratching the ground. I stop and smile. That's why no one could find him. They were looking for a human but he had changed for the first time. I laughed and scared him. He growled then ran towards me. Damon came up behind me and laughs. We bend down as he gets closer and changes back. "Damon did you see that? He changed so fast." Damon laughed. "He's just like his mom." he says as he leans in and kisses my head. Derrick turns his head and growls. I stand up and hear something coming. Damon pushes me and Derrick behind him. An old wolf comes to a stop in front of us. You could smell the blood. He was wounded. He changes back and its the oldest of the pack. He collapses at Damon's feet. Damon bends down and puts his head on his lap. "What happened?" The old man opens his eyes and speaks softly. "The hunter is in the woods. He knows about the boys and wants vengence." I gasp and hold my son closer. "He said he'll be seeing the boys soon. So you better kiss them as much as you can now." Damon growls with rage. We both look around now wondering if he was close enough to hear us and see us. Damon picks up the old man and tells me to run. We run as fast as we can to get to the pack house. once we reach the door Ashley runs out with Gabe. "Is he ok? Where did he go?' I take both of my boys and go to our room as Damon fills everyone in on what the old man had said. Once the pack is told what is going on guards get put on me and the boys. We're not allowed to go anywhere alone. I hate feeling like a weakling but I have to care for my boys and I know Damon will be able to concentrate with me safe at home with the boys. I sigh and hold Derrick while he sleeps. His snore is so cute. Its peaceful and quiet. Just as I'm about to fall asleep Damon runs in covered in blood. I gasp and carefully put Derrick down next to his brother. I run over to make sure he's ok. As I reach him I notice a knife sticking out of his back. The hunters are here. Damon POV I will not let them near my family. I will protect them with my life. A twig to the right snaps. I go to investigate when I hear a gun c**k back. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my back. It was a trap. They're here. I need to go make sure Cassie and the boys are safe. I struggle to stay awake as I crawl my way to the door. I open it and force myself to get up and run upstairs. I can hear Derrick snoring so I quietly open the door. Cassie looks up and puts him down with his brother. I collapse once she reaches me. I can hear her yelling for help and my boys waking up crying. Cassie tries to calm them down without leaving my side. My mom comes in and screams. She runs to my side and asks what happened. As I explain what happened Cassie growls. "I will kill them with my bare hands. I'm tired of my family being threatened or harmed." I try to calm her down but its no use. She's seeing red at this point. I could kiss her and she'd still be fuming mad. She holds my head as I feel myself falling asleep. "Damon please don't leave me. Don't leave us." I want to tell her I'm not going anywhere but I'm just  so tred. Cassie POV Damon closes his eyes and my heart drops. He can't leave me and the boys. We need him too much. I have to do something to protect my family. They're doing this because of me. They feel betrayed because I chose my wolf side over my hunter side. I turn to look at Damon's mom and say, "I know what to do. Please stay with him and the boys. I'll be back in a while." She grabs my hand, "Please be careful. You need to do whatever it takes to make it back to your family. To your blood." I nod and run out of the door. I turn in time to see Damon waking up. I run down the stairs and I reach for the knob when Ashley grabs me. "I'm going with you." I look at her trying to play dumb. "I know what you're doing and I want to help." I nod and we take off runnning together. Once we reach the clearing I see him standing there with a smile on his face. "I knew you'd come once your mate came in covered in blood." I growl at him and ask, "What will it take for you to leave my family and pack alone?" He tilts his head to the side and grins. "You. I want you. I want you to come be with the hunters like your dad would've wanted." I laugh and that made him mad. "My dad wanted me dead. What part of that is unclear to you? He could't stand that I am what I am." I look at Ashley and grab her hand. "I will not leave my real family to be with people who would kill my boys." I see red again and finish, "I choose love over blood."
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