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Once the doctor left I could hear Damon pacing back and forth. What is he worried about?I sat up as he walked past me. "Are you ok? Why do you look so worried?" Damon stopped and hurried to my side. "Its nothing you should worry about." He grabbed my hand. "Are you ok? You've been asleep for hours." I turned to look out he window and noticed the sun was setting. I must've been really tired. Wow. I hadn't felt tired. "I'm fine Damon." He looked away from me. That wasn't like him. "Talk to me. What's going on with you?" No sooner had I asked the doctor came in. I finally remembered that I had fainted. She came in with a blue folder with my name on it. I was think mayne I had cancer or something because Damon was waiting patiently but was anxious. I looked at her and nodded. She opened the folder and pulled a long strip out to hand to Damon. He looked at it with the biggest smile I'd ever seen "Someone talk to me please. I'm getting scared." The doctor turned to me with a smile and said, "Cassie, you're pregnant. Congratulations. I'd say about four and a half weeks. So about 2 months." I was stunned as Damon handed me what he was looking at. It was a sonogram strip with my name on it. I'm pregnant? What?! Is that why I've been so cranky and hungry? "I have a question?" The doctor turned to me, "Yes Cassie? What's your question?" I looked at Damon then said, "Is it healthy? Everything that happened didn't effect it?" She nodded, "The baby is fine. Completely healthy." I let out a sigh of relief and took Damon's hand. She smiled as she excused herself. Damon kissed my hand and asked, "You ok? You look like you're in shock." I nodded still a little stunned. The door came open a little and Ashley poked her head in. "Can I come in? I wanted to see how she was doing." Finally noticing I was awake she ran to me. "I'm so glad you're awake. I was so worried that something had happened to you." She elbowed Damon and continued. "He was a wreck. He was talking about all the things it could be and scared me." Ashley finally seen the strip in my hand. "What's that? Is it your heart?" I smiled and handed it to her. She got tears in her eyes when she looked at me. "You're pregnant?" then she turned to Damon, "I'm going to be an aunt?! Oh my gosh!" She wrapped her arms around her brother and laughed. Then came to me and hugged me too. "Have you told mom yet?" We shook our heads as their mom came in. "What's going on? I could hear Ashley screaming and laughing downstairs." I showed her the strip and she reacted like her daughter had. "I'm going to be a grandma? Oh Cassie you really are a blessing to us and to my son" she said as she touched Damon's cheek. "Well then we better get this wedding planned sooner than later." she winked at me as she walked out. 3 weeks later "I'm so huge! I can't even see my feet anymore." I yell. Damon laughs at me as he walks me to the chair so he can put my shoes on my feet. "Are they even there anymore?" Damon just shakes his head and keeps laughing. As he laughs I start to cry. Suddenly he stops laughing and looks concerned. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" I shake my head as I sit down. "No! You're being mean by laughing at me. PLus you didn't disagree when I said I was huge." He tried not to laugh as he leaned to kiss me. "Cassie, honey, i didn't disagree because if I did you'd argue with me. I laughed because you was laughing too." he grabbed my hand, "I'm not trying to be mean but I'm also not trying to get you worked up either." I sniffled and nodded.  Damon's mom came in and looked me, "What did he do?" she smacked him in the back of the head. "Why is she crying?" he turned and laughed which made me cry again. He stood and raised his hands in surrender as he walked away still laughing. She came over and patted my knee, "Hormones?" I nodded. She chuckled. "Its normal honey. It'll pass soon." I sniffled and stood up. I wobbled a little feeling dizzy. Damon ran to me to catch me. "Cassie you ok?" I shook my head as I sat back down. "I feel dizzy and sick to my stomach." Damon turned to his mom who agreed to get the doctor.  Once the doctor got there everyone but Damon had to leave the room for my exam. Once it was done she didn't have a smile on her face. "Your blood sugar is really low so I'm going to have to put you on bed rest until you're at the four month mark. Then we'll retest your blood and go from there. Ok?" I nodded not liking the idea but I knew there was no way I'd win this argument. She left and Damon filled everyone in. They agreed with her and began to bring me everything. They brought food, drinks, books, tv, dvd player, and movies. I was not going to be bored any time soon. Damon walked me to the bed and got me comfortable. "Is there anything else you need before I go talk to the pack about everything?" I shook my head and asked, "Everything? About me and the baby?" He nodded, "That and to tell them I'm going to be here with you until its ok for you to get off bed rest." I shook my head, "No Damon. I can't ask you to do that. You have your alpha duties to handle." I smiled and added, "PLus you and your mom have to finish planning the wedding before the baby gets here." I rub my stomach. "I've been having dreams that its a boy." He grinned. "I've been having dreams its a girl." We laugh and he leans in to kiss me. "I'll fill them in and come back but I'll have to lave later to meet other packs to fill them in on what's going. Plus they have updates on the hunters whereabouts." I frowned as he added, "I want to know where they are so when this baby makes its entrance I'll know if they're near or not." I nod agreeing that's a good plan. 5 weeks later I'm so uncomfortable at this point and can't wait for the doctor to get here to tell if i can leave this bed. She knocks and then comes in. "Are you ready for your exam?" I nod eager to get up and walk around. She laughs as she begins her exam. Once done she brings a sonogram machine in to look at the baby. Damon comes in quietly and sits down. I look at him and you could tell he was sorry for being late. I knew it was alpha stuff. She turns the screen so we can see and says, "Right on schedule. Great length and weight so far." she nods and continues, "Mommy can now get up and walk around but you still need a lot of rest." I look at Damon concerned. "Why what's wrong?" I asked. She zooms in on the screen. Not one heartbeat but two heartbeats. I gasp in surprise. "Twins?" she nods at me and laughs. "I guess a double congratulations is in order." she smiled and pat my knee. I sit up as Damon asks, "So what does this mean? Will this change anything delivery wise." She nods, "I'll have to deliver them early but I'll try and leave them in as long as I safely can." We nod as she leaves but stops. "If you turn the screen back on you can see what you're having." She winks and walks out leaving us alone with the monitor. Damon looks at me as I'm reaching for it. He laughs and turns it on. We both look and then hug each other. Damon's mom walks in and asks, "So what did she say?" Damon motions for her to look at the screen. She gasps as a tear falls down her cheek. "Twin boys?"
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