
1079 Words
"Damon!" I yell crying. "Please Gabe don't die on me." Damon runs over and stops in his tracks. He reaches for me. "Cassie? Baby I don't think he's going to make it. He's lost too much blood." I get mad and start hitting him inn the chest. "Don't say that. He can't die. I just found a family to accept me." He wrapped his arms around me to stop me from hitting him and hugged me. "Cassie I'm so sorry. Spend what little time he has left to make him understand its ok." I look at my mate and for the first time I'm going through something dark but there is still a light to see. I kneel down next to Gabe and grab his hand, "Gabe its ok. Everyone is safe. No one else was hurt." I look at Derrick and cry, "He put up a good fight to protect us all. Even you Gabe." He smiled and said, "Cassie I know the wedding will be beautiful and so will the babies but promise me you will always make sure you're happy. no matter what? Even if you have to leave like your mom did with you." I nod not knowing what else to say. My heart was breaking into pieces. I looked him in the eye and could tell it wouldn't be much longer. I leaned in and kissed his forehead. "I love you Gabe. I'm so glad to call you family. I will never forget you." I squeezed his hand, "You gave me my life and family back. Thank you so much." He smiled then took his last breath. Damon walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. As I stood ready to break down the rest of the wolves walked into the yard. I growled in raged. Damon seen my face and did nothing to stop me. I howled in such a way that made the whole pack stop and whine. "How dare you all run! You left me and your alpha to be protected by only three wolves. Now two of those wolves are dead!" I wave my hand to Gabe and Derrick. A lot of them cry. That just made me angrier. "They don't need your tears, they need their pack to unite as one and to not let their deaths be in vane." A few wolves cheer and some stand silent. "So who is with me? Who is ready to let every hunter know that what happened here will not happen again?" They all cheer. I even hear Damon cheer this time and it makes me laugh. I turn to see him wink at me. Once the holes are dug we start to burry our fallen wolves. Damon's mom is a mess. Ashley, Damon and Paul hold her up as Derrick is lowered into one of the holes. I cry as I help lower Gabe into the other hole. We grieve over their deaths but unite as a whole to defend them. Their lives will mean something. Once the funerals are done we meet in the pack house. Damon and I address the pack as a whole. Damon informs them of our wedding to make us mates official. Everyone cheers and is excited to finally have a luna. I'm excited to finally belong somewhere. Later on me and Damon are getting ready for bed and I break down. Damon runs to me to make sure I'm ok. "I feel so happy but sad. I just started to figure my life out and everything gets broken. I was able to most of the pieces back together but some were to broken to repair." Damon nods as I continue, "The only thing I'm sure of is how much I love you and how I will defend the pack with my life." He hugs me and gives me a kiss. All of a sudden I feel sick. I run to the bathroom and throw up. Damon follows me concern on his face. "I'm ok babe. I think its because of all the stress." I stand up, wipe my mouth and walk to the bed. I get almost to where my hand can touch the bedpost and I faint. Damon's POV When I seen her fall my heart dropped. What is wrong with her? Did the hunters drug her or poison her? As I caught her I didn't notice and kind of spots on her neck or arms from a needle. i call for the doctor to come in and check on Cassie. Once the doctor arrives I'm told to go to the hallway. I listen as Cassie talks to the doctor then yells in pain. I run to see the doctor checking her core. I frown so confused. Cassie reaches a hand out to me. I run over and take it. "Are you ok?" i ask her. She shrugs and says, "I don't know. I haven't had a check up like I should since I was little because of my wolf side. So now I guess I'm getting a full workup since I'm the new luna." The fact that she's smiling makes my heart full. She's in pain but trying to make me feel better. The doctor finishes and makes some notes on a chart in Cassie's name. She looks at us with a smile. "Cassie is it ok to discuss what's I've found with Damon in here?" I look at her hoping she says yes. She nods. The doctor takes a breath, "Well first off your blood sugar is low. Have you been eating much?" She looks down as I answer for her. "No not really. She's been spending a lot of time with me in our room and trying to wrap her mind around us getting married." The doctor chuckles, "Well that explains the next part. Cassie and Damon you're pregnant." I swear I heard her wrong so I say, "What did you say?" Cassie looks at me afraid. I smile at her hoping to reassure her that I'm not going anywhere. "You're pregnant." I lean in and kiss Cassie and hug the doctor. "Is that why she fainted?" The doctor nodded. I laughed. "I thought the hunters had hurt her." The doctor's smile left her face, "Let me run some more tests to make sure the baby is ok. I forgot the hunters were here" I nod and tell her to get back to me as soon as she knows anything.
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