
1313 Words
As Ashley's words sink in I turn to see Damon lock his jaw. "Gabe go check on everyone else and get them ready. If the hunters want a fight we'll give them one." I grab Gabe's arm. "Please be safe. Don't do anything without help. We don't know how many there are." Gabe gives me a hug and runs out of the room. I help Ashley to the couch and make sure she's ok. "Is any of this blood yours?" She shook her head as tears ran down her face. "No its not mine. Its...its" and she looks at Damon who runs over. "Whose blood is this Ash?" he yells. She drops her head and says with a sob, "Its Derrick. I found him with his throat cut by a tree." Damon stands up and howls in pain. Now knowing everything the pain of loosing his younger brother is ripping him apart. I run over and grab his hand, "Damon! We will make them pay for this. Do you hear me? They started a fight with the wrong pack." I lean in and kiss him before I run out of the room. All I hear behind me is Damon calling my name. I had to find Gabe. My gut was telling me this was all a trap to see how many wolves they could get to come outside. As I reach the door to go outside something makes me pause. I use my sensitive hearing to notice its quiet on the other side of the door. Too quiet for my liking. There isn't a single wolf in the pack house. I go to look out the window and I see Gabe tied to a tree looking at the door. His face is bloody and bruised. I notice blood coming from his stomach. Oh my god he's been stabbed, I thought. As I'm about to rip the door open Damon stops me. The look of rage on his face was not hard to miss. He puts a finger to his lips telling me to be quiet. He leans in and kisses me. "Please if you love me you'll stay here. I can't help Gabe if I'm worried about your safety." I start to protest when a whistle breaks the silence. It was like someone calling their dog. My inner wolf growled in anger. I wanted to change and rip their throats out. A young man walks from the trees behind Gabe with a smile on his face. "Oh come on Damon. Don't make this harder than it needs to be." He walked up to Gabe pushed on his stomach making him scream in pain. Its taking everything I have at this point not to run out and kill him. Damon winces not liking to hear Gabe in pain. "Now do I need to take this further and force you to come out Damon?" At the moment we hear a woman crying. As I look up I already know who it is. "Damon don't look. Please? Its a trap and you know it." Damon looks out the window to see his mom being led with a rope around her neck like a dog. Her hands are tied behind her back and she's only wearing a bra and pants. "I'm going to kill them." Damon says through clenched teeth. I grab his hand and say, "Let's go together. You're going to need someone to watch your back." He looks at me thinking it over before he nods. Damon opens the door with me following behind him. He won't let walk beside him. The hunter smiles and says, "Well now," he leans to look around Damon but he won't let him. "who is this you brought to die with you?" I growl and he laughs at me. "She sounds like a fighter. Maybe I'll keep her as my pet." I growl again wanting him to try and touch me. Damon looks over his shoulder to calm me. I just nod. "What can I do for you hunter?" The hunter spits pn Damon's shoes. "I heard a pack was growing somewhere in this forest so I had to look for myself. I never thought I'd find a compound with so many wolves." He grinned and continued, "So I went and told my family what I'd found. We couldn't resist the urge to pay you a visit." Damon's eyes move to his mom. The hunter noticed and says, "Your mom is a fighter. She's been begging us all night to leave her kids alone. So of course I had to hurt them first." He nodded to Gabe then to the lifeless body of Derrick. Damon's mom let's out the most agonizing scream once she sees her son dead. I can feel my heart break and my inner wolf whines. "Now as for the girl he was with we've already had someone go in and grab her. I can't have her getting away." I turn as men are dragging Ashley outside to us. She is kicking and screaming at them. I try to reassure her but she doesn't notice. All of sudden I feel someone grab my hair and pull me away from Damon. Damon turns as he hears me yell. "Let her go! PLease! Please don't hurt her!" I try to get him to calm down but he's on the edge of breaking. The hunter laughs as he turns to see me then his smile fades. "Oh my god. We thought you was dead." He walks towards me. "Let her f*****g go! Do you not know who this is?" The guy holding me shrugs but releases me. I turn and punch him breaking his nose. The hunter walks up to me and gives me a hug. I push him away. He looked hurt that I did. "Cassie? Do you not remember me?" I shake my head. "I'm your dad's best friend. When I went to the house and found your parents dead I lost it. I tore through that forest looking for you." He turned and glared at Damon. "Did they take you? What have they done to you?" I look confused and say, "No they didn't take me. My dad didn't tell you what he was going to do that night?" He looked confused as he shook his head. I grit my teeth as a tear runs down my cheek, "He attacked my mom so she'd scream for me to come home. He planned to kill us both." He shook his head in disbelief. "He loved your mom and you. He wouldn't do that because family meant everything to him."Now it was my turn to smile and show off my canines. He jumped back and said, "What the hell? You can't be." I laughed, "That's why he wanted to kill us. My mother was a wolf and so am I. So you see you aren't rescuing me." I stepped forward and leaned in, "You're just pissing me off!" I lean closer and rip his throat out. I kick him away from me as the guy behind me lunges with a knife. I grab his arm and flip him breaking his wrist. He screams in pain as two other guys rush me. Damon easily takes them out before they could reach me. I run to free his mom. "Run get Ashley and go!" She nods and runs to Ashley. They both look back at me before running into the forest. I go to gabe who looks so pale and is cold to the touch. "Gabe? Can you hear me?" He lifts his head to look at me and makes a weak smile. "I'm glad I found you Cassie. I have the family I've always wanted. It just sucks I won't be around to see the wedding." he coughs and spits blood out. I untie him and scream for Damon.
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