
1082 Words
The sun is shining in the window on my face waking me up. I roll over to find Damon staring at me. I smile to myself. I've been so sad that to finally be happy feels amazing. I know it won't last long though. The happiness always fades. I'm use to it by now. Once the smile leaves my face Damon frowns. "What's wrong? You just looked happy and now you look sad." I looked in his eyes trying to figure out if its ok to be happy. All I see is love and concern. I smile and say, "I was just thinking about how happy I am and how long will it last before it fades." I quickly add, "I'm not trying to ruin it but its what I'm use to. Once life is going great something bad happens to ruin it for me." Damon looks at me with sad eyes. I know I just hurt his feelings but I wanted to be honest with him. "I know life has been hard and scary for you Cassie, but you don't have to be afraid to be happy with me. I'll spend my last breath trying to keep that smile on your face." He looks down blushing. "I love you Cassie. I know we don't know each other well enough to say that but that's what my heart is telling me. I love you and being with you is as easy as breathing." I feel my heart swell with joy. It feels like it might burst from being so happy. Then I hear a voice tell me, "You know this won't last. You're half hunter. Its who you are." I push the voice away because I don't want to believe that. I slide out of bed and Damon grabs my hand. "Where are you going?" he says with an evil grin. I giggle and lean in to give him a kiss. "I'm going to take a shower. Do you want to join me?" His grin grows as he says, "Of course I'd love to join you." I run to the bathroom before he can get out of bed. As I'm getting undressed I can hear him runnng my way. I start to giggle as I try to get in the shower first. Just as I'm about to get in I'm grabbed from behind. Damon his chuckling in my ear. "I really do love you Cassie. Do you feel same?" I spin around with a frown on my face. Why would he think I don't love him? After the night we just had, how could I not. "Of course I love you Damon. You're mate. You make me so happy my heart might explode out of my chest." I reach up to touch his cheek and add, "I'd love to marry you. I just have to be asked first." I stretch up and kiss him. I turn around and get in the shower leaving him shocked. Once we finish our shower and get dressed Damon rushes out out of the room. I wonder where he's going in a hurry? I think to myself. I go to the closet to get my shoes when I feel someone come into the room. I turn around to see Damon down on 1 knee. I gasp in shock as tears roll down my face. "Cassie, will you marry me? Will take me as your mate and be mine for life?" Damon asks with a grin on his face. I cry harder."Of course I will marry you and be your mate." He slides the ring on my finger and picks me up in his arms. I kiss him with so much passion that it takes his breath away. Before long we're both breathing heavy as we hear a knock on the door. "Come in." Damon says with a sigh. In walks Gabe. "Am I interuppting anthing?" he asks. I stick my hand out and show him the beautiful ring. Princess cut diamond with smaller diamonds around the band. Gabe grabs my hand for a better look and smiles. "So I take it you will be our Luna now?" I nod at him with huge smile on my face. Gabe gives me big hug then turns to shake Damon's hand. "Congrats you two. I'm happy for you." I tilt my head at him. "Damon can I talk to Gabe alone for a moment?" Damon gives me a look but nods and leaves us alone. I turn to Gabe. "Are you sure you're happy for us? You wanted to fight him on being my mate last night." Gabe nodded. "I know but that was before I talked more with Damon's mom. Me and you wouldn't able to marry." He pulls a picture out of his back pocket and hands it to me. "We would be cousins Cassie." I look at the picture of me and my mom with another man and a little boy. I look at Gabe. He points to the boy and says, "That's me and that's my dad behind me. Next to him is his sister, your mother." I gasp and start to cry again. I look at Gabe in a new way. He's the family I never knew I had. Now I have so much family that I'll never feel alone ever again. I give him a hug as Damon walks in. He sees the tears on my face and runs to my side. "WHat did you do to her?" he asks with anger in his voice. I show him the photo. "That's Gabe with his dad and me with my mom. We're cousins." Damon grabs the photo and smiles. "I remember your dad Gabe. He was a funny man." Gabe nodded as tears well up in his eyes. "Thank you for your words alpha. It means a lot to me." Damon puts his hand on Gabe's shoulders. "Please call me Damon. You're even more family now." he says as he smiles at me. I smile back. Now this is what family is. I look at Damon and Gabe as they talk about the wedding. I really am loved and nothing could ever ruin it. As I walk over to talk to them Ashley runs in with blood on her shirt. "They're here!" She screams. We run to her to make sure she's ok. Damon is the first to ask, "Who is here?" I already knew the answer before she even spoke. "The hunters! They're here!"
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