
1032 Words
I pushed Damon back onto the bed and straddled him. His member was right at my core and I wanted him so badly. Damon pulled me down to claim my mouth and rolled over so he was on top. I laughed. "I thought I was in control." He smiled. "I told you you was killing me slowly." his smile widened to show his canines. "Its my turn to be in the drivers seat but if I hurt please tell me right away." I nodded as I kissed him again. He sat up as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down. His member was now on full display. My eyes widened at the size of it. Damon chuckled and grabbed my hand. "Touch me Cassie. Please. I beg you." I grabbed him and he tilted his back as he growled. I could tell he was enjoying himself as I ran my hand up and down it. Damon growled again and the pulled me to him. "Do you trust me?" he asked. "Yes." I said. he cupped my ass again and carried me to the bathroom. His member was right at my core to the point I could feel it. He opened the shower and carried me in. He turned the water on and he felt so good on my skin. I looked down at him and he was looking back at me. "Are you ready?" You could tell he was trying to be a gentlemen. All I could do is nod. He slowly lowered me onto him. He slowly filled me as he lowered me more. I gripped his shoulders tighter and moaned louder. He chuckled and lowered me the rest of the way. Once I was all the way on his lap he stopped and looked at me. "I'm ok." I said. "Keeping going. It feels good." That was all he needed to hear as he move in and out of me. The pain felt so good. I dug my nails into his back and cried out. Damon moved faster as he growled louder and louder. All of a sudden I felt this tear and then this shockwave that made me shake everywhere. That's when I noticed Damon was shaking too. Then it was silent except for the running shower. We sat there just holding each other when we heard a knock at the door. "Damon? Honey? Its your mother." Damon laughed when I froze. "Its ok Cassie. Do you want to meet my mother?" I smiled even though i was scared inside. "Sure sounds fun." He saw right through me and kissed the top of my head. "Let's dry off and get dressed." He dried me off and I dried him off. Any time my hand slipped off the towel he'd growl and shiver. Finally we got dried off and he answered the door. "Come in mother. I want you to meet someone." His mother looked shocked but excited. I came around the corner and she froze. I stuck my hand out, "Nice to meet you ma'am I'm.." "Cassie. Cassie White." I let my hand fall. "That's correct. Do I know you?" His mother bowed to me like the young man did that let me out of the car. "Mother what's going on?" Damon asked. She grabbed his arm to make him bow too. "Mother stop. Talk to me." She finally got up and glared at him. "Young lady could you show me the back of both your shoulders?" I turned and showed her my birthmark. She nodded and went to grab a book off the shelf. She thumbed through it a little before she found a page with my birthmark on it. Damon looked at the picture then back to me. "What does this mean?" His mother looked at me when she spoke. "You're a very rare wolf Cassie. You come from a very royal family pack." My jaw dropped. She continued. "There is only 1 other member of that family left and his in this pack as well." I looked at her in shock. She turned and left while me and Damon just stared at each other. His mother returned with Gabe. I was stunned speechless. "He has 2 brothers and a sister." She nodded. "They're my children. I adopted Gabe when he was a baby. It was only when I seen his birthmark later that I knew where he came from." Gabe looked at me confused. "Cassie what's going on?" I turned so he could see my birthmark. Damon growled at the fact another man was looking me almost topless. Gabe ran over and rubbed the mark. Damon grabbed his hand and growled. "If you want to keep that hand I suggest you don't touch her. I don't care if you are royalty." I turned to see gabe crying. I looked at Damon's mother. "So what am I to Gabe?" She looked at her son then to Gabe and back to me. "Gabe is suppose to be your mate but I think you've already found a mate." She looked at Damon and he nodded. Gabe looked pissed. "So I don't have a say in this? We're the last of our blood line. We need to be mates to bring blood line back." Damon stepped in front of me. Gabe walked towards him. I pushed Damon to the side and grabbed Gabe's hands. "I can't explain it but my inner wolf does nothing when you're around. When I'm around Damon she gets happy and excited. Whimpers if he leaves my side or is mad at me." Gabe looked defeated. I give him a hug and I hear Damon growl so I let go. Gabe looks at me and smiles as he walks away. Damon's mother looks at me and her son, "So you're mates?" We both nod. She smiles. "So when is the wedding?" I look stunned as Damon deflated. "Mom I haven't even explained that to her yet. Can you give us time?" She nodded as she turned to leave. Once she was gone Damon shut the door and kissed me. "Finally I have you all to myself." he says as he spins me in a circle.
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