~A deadly stunt~

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It had been a week since Leonard began work as Avner's bodyguard. Although he was given the responsibility, he hadn't been able to do the job properly, as Avner had made it his life goal to make it impossible for Leo to do his duties as his bodyguard. Leonard had tried all he could to get Avner to leave the house, but it was just impossible, as Avner was as stubborn as a mule. Stephen Sullivan had become tired and irritated with how Avner had been avoiding going out and holding all his meetings on Zoom calls. “Avner, enough is enough. You better get your ass up, move into that bathroom, get ready to leave for the office”, Stephen yelled as he barged into Avner's room. “Why do I need to go to the office? I'm the boss and I can be wherever I want to be and still handle the affairs of the company,” Avner countered Stephen Sullivan. “Like, as you stated, you are the boss, which is why you need to show yourself at the office to boost the morale of your employees. I don't know what your deal is with Leo and I don't give a damn, but sort it out and stop with this silly game of yours,” Stephen said sternly, and banged the door behind him as he left Avner's room. Avner hissed at Stephen as he watched him leave and continued lying on his bed idly, almost as if he weren't the one that had been scolded a few minutes ago. He had been avoiding Sophia and Harry's calls all week, for reasons best known to him. It was like he wanted to disappear from the surface of the earth, just as long as he didn't have to see Leonard nor face the feelings that he had been battling with ever since the return of Leonard Sullivan. “Avner, it's almost time for your meeting”, Leo knocked at his door, hoping that Avner would respond to him. “Go away Leo, I already told Stephen I'm going to be doing all my business calls on Zoom,” Avner said and continued scrolling through his iPad insolently. “That's it, I'm done with you acting like a child when you aren't one”, Leonard yelled and stormed into Avner's room without his permission, pulling the blankets off his body. “What are you doing? Where is your respect?”, Avner sneered at him angrily. Leonard started counting the seconds for Avner to get up from his bed. “Five, four, three, two, one, that's it”, Leonard declared, walking into the bathroom. A few moments later, he had come out with a jug of water in his hand. Avner took notice of it, but before he could utter another word, Leonard poured the water on him. “That will get you out of bed”, Leonard said after pouring him the water. “Leo!”, Avner bellowed and jumped in front of him, exhaling heavily, burning with rage. “You can get angry at me all you want. I don't care, but I won't allow you to ruin everything you have worked for just because you hate me,” Leonard stated firmly, exhaling heavily as well. “Why do you care, Leo? You didn't care nine years ago. So, what's your deal? It is my life,” Avner said. “I won't destroy your life as I did nine years ago. You feel it would be better not to forgive me, fine. I can live with that, but what I can't live with is you trying to get back at me by locking yourself indoors. Avner, countless people are trying to take your company from you. Please don't give them a reason to call you unfit for the position as the CEO of Avneraza Holdings,” Leonard said. You could feel and see how concerned he was about Avner's future. “I'm not asking for much. Just allow me to be by your side so that I can protect you, please Avner”, Leonard pleaded. “You are perfect with words. Do you think you can manipulate me like you did when we were teenagers? No way,” Avner smirked and shook his head, then walked down to the couch beside his window and sat down. Leonard couldn't believe it. How could someone be so stubborn just to prove a point? Did he hate him so much that he was willing to lose his company just to avoid seeing him? Leonard continued to question himself. He stepped over to the vanity mirror in front of him and picked up a pocket knife that was lying around and placed it on his wrist. “What if I just end it all? Wouldn't it be the best thing ever for you? At least I will be out of your life, and you will be at peace,” Leonard said with teary eyes as he focused his gaze on Avner. “Leonard, what are you trying to do?”, Avner stood up, completely bewildered by the scene in front of him. “Well, you tell me, Avner. What is it going to be? Are you getting your life back together, or am I ending it all?”, Leonard's face became more serious. Avner was baffled and confused about what to say or do. Was he going to lose him again after being out of his life for nine years? How could he be so narcissistic? Had Leonard ever thought about what he was going through, or why he was trying his possible best to stay away from him? Avner was overwhelmed with emotions as he stared at Leonard, holding the knife close to his wrist. “You are the most selfish bastard I have ever met in my life, Leonard”, Avner said disappointedly, and made his way into the bathroom as he tried to stop his tears from dropping. As he shut the bathroom door, Leonard let out his breath and dropped to his knees. He felt guilty for using his life as a tool to manipulate Avner into giving in to his request, but he had no choice. If there was any other way to do it, he would have done it, but this was his only option. “I'm sorry, Avner, for hurting you once more”, Leonard muttered as he held in his tears. After Avner was done bathing, he came out of the bathroom and saw Leonard scanning through his closet. “What are you doing?”, he questioned. “I was just picking out an outfit for you,” Leonard responded. He picked out a navy-blue suit and placed it on the bed. “Can you leave now? I need some privacy to change,” Avner requested in a low tone. It was so obvious that he was heartbroken by the stunt Leonard had pulled some minutes ago. Leonard didn't argue with him and did as Avner had told him. The moment he left and closed the door behind him, Avner threw his phone at the mirror in front of him. Leonard was about to rush back in when Stephen stopped him. “Let him be, son”, Stephen said, holding him by his wrist. “Dad, he is going to harm himself”, Leonard protested, afraid that Avner might do something drastic. “He wouldn't, trust me, and thank you for doing what you had to do, even though you hurt yourself by doing that,” Stephen appreciated his son for his help. Leonard let out the tears he was holding in as he fell into his father's arms and began crying vehemently. “It hurts badly. I hurt him again, and I don't think he is ever going to forgive me,” Leonard shared his utmost fear with his dad. “It is okay, son. I am sure he is going to forgive you. You are his best friend”, Stephen tried to comfort his son, unknown to him. This was much more than a best friend spat. If only he knew how much they loved themselves, then he would understand why both of them were in pain. “I'm ready, can we go now?”, Avner opened the door and saw the father and son duo hugging themselves. Leonard quickly pulled out of his father's arms and wiped out his tears, so Avner wouldn't see him crying. “What is this? A father and son reunion party?”, Avner asked, and walked past them. Stephen and Leonard followed behind him immediately. On getting downstairs, Leonard saw a guest he had never expected to see, Harry. His expression changed from being sad to an angry one as he wondered why that dickhead was in front of him. “Dad, is he a part of the meeting?”, Leonard whispered into Stephen's ear. “No, son. I wasn't aware that he was coming”, Harry's presence also surprised Stephen. “Good day, Mr. Sullivan”, Harry greeted. Stephen smiled at him and acknowledged his greetings. “Oh, you are here”, Avner commented as he came out of the study downstairs. “Hi, babe”, Harry greeted as he kissed Avner on his lips. That act left Leonard shocked and surprised. When did they become an item? Just a week ago, Avner had said Harry, and he wasn't dating, so what the hell was going on? Leonard's eyes were burning with fury as he watched both of them. “Listen, everyone, I have something to say”, Avner called for the attention of everyone, both the butler and the maids. “From today onwards, I want you all to treat Harry with the utmost respect and that goes to you also, Leo, as Harry and I are officially dating,” Avner declared openly.
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