~Avner’s crazy decision~

2039 Words
“What?!!!”, Leonard yelled as he stared at the man whom he had left everything he had worked hard for over the past six years for because he loved him. “Leonard, why are you screaming like someone just died?”, Avner questioned. He had a gigantic smile on his face, almost like he had anticipated this reaction from Leonard. Stephen noticed that the atmosphere was beginning to get a bit heated, so he decided to change the subject immediately. He congratulated his young boss and his new lover. “Oh my goodness, congratulations!”, Stephen said cheerfully and moved closer to Avner and Harry's side. “Thank you, Mr. Sullivan, at least someone seems glad that I have finally decided to be in a relationship”, Avner stated sarcastically. “Babe, shall we leave now? It's almost time for your meeting”, Harry informed Avner. Avner nodded in response to what Harry said, and both of them walked out to the garage, leaving Stephen and his son to follow behind. “I am trying hard to understand why you suddenly look so furious after Avner's announcement, but I believe you would have a good explanation for it and I will wait for you whenever you are ready to talk to me about it, but for now, let's get our asses to work”, Stephen said as he turned his attention briefly to Leonard before walking out of the sitting room. Leonard looked overwhelmed by what Avner had just announced, it was too much for him to wrap his head around it. What had suddenly changed? Why was he dating Harry because he knew that Avner felt nothing romantic for him, or was it just his imagination? Was that what he desperately wanted himself to believe? He was deep in thought as they drove down to the office. He looked on from the rearview mirror, watching the two new love birds talk and get touchy towards each other. “Disgusting!”, Leonard blurted out subconsciously. “I'm sorry, Mr. Sullivan Jr, but do you have a problem with my man and me?”, Harry questioned, his voice laced with dread. “Not at all, Mr. Foley”, Leonard responded impertinently. Leonard was still being rude to him, even after Avner informed them that they were together, Harry thought in disbelief after hearing Leonard's response to him. He let out a deadly smirk as he stared at Leonard, looking like he was concocting a plan fit for only the devil's ears. Forty-five minutes later, they had arrived at the company and Leonard informed Avner of their arrival. Leonard was about to get off when Avner stopped him and asked Harry to go on without him. He needed to speak to Leonard in private. Harry was hesitant about leaving at first, but he finally gave in. “I will wait for you in your office”, Harry kissed Avner on his cheek and got out of the car. “Leonard”, Avner called out despondently. Leonard turned around and looked at him, waiting to hear what he had to say. Avner inhaled deeply before he continued, “I want you to understand that my announcement today has nothing to do with what happened this morning. Harry has been asking me out for the past two years, so…” Leonard interrupted Avner, stopping from finishing what he had to say. “Avner, it's fine, I understand that your life doesn't revolve around me nor my return. I am just going to do my job as your bodyguard and stay out of your life and if, in the future, you do not require my services anymore, just inform me and I will quit”, Leonard said, hiding his pain under a fake smile before he got out of the car. “Unbelievable!”, Avner exclaimed. He couldn't believe Leonard's response to him. Leonard's statement had been mind-boggling to him. It seemed like he didn't care nor was he affected by it, like everything was nothing but a mere game to him. “Had he meant it when he said he wanted his forgiveness and wanted him as his man? Or was it just him playing the typical Leonard Sullivan tricks on him?”, he questioned himself as he got out of the car. “Why am I the one getting worked up when it should be him getting worked up? Why does he still have such a hold on me? I can't believe this, I'm the one in a relationship, and yet am the unhappy one and not him?”, Avner asked himself these questions as he walked down to the office with Leonard following behind him doing his job as his bodyguard. “Good morning, Mr. Avner, so glad you could join us today”, Avner's secretary, greeted him as he walked out of the elevator. “Morning, Jules”, Avner responded hoarsely and continued walking to his office. “Mr. Foley is waiting for you in your office, and you have a meeting with the regional branch managers in an hour”, Jules informed him of his schedule as they walked to his office. “Thank you, Jules, please get me the documents that need my approval and also prepare some gifts for the regional managers”, Avner stated. He held the doorknob and was about to open it when he stopped and called Jules back. “Jules, this is Leonard Sullivan, my new bodyguard, you will need to get him his ID and also clear out an office for him. I don't need him constantly hovering around me”, Avner opened the door and went in, shutting the door on Leonard's face. Leonard turned around and smiled at Jules. He told her he didn't need her help with cleaning his office and volunteered to do it himself, since he wasn't doing anything currently as Avner would be busy with the documents he asked of her, but the main reason he had asked to do it himself was that he needed to keep himself busy and take his mind off Avner. Jules thanked him and was about to direct him to his office, but Leonard was already ahead of her as he opened the door to his office. It was as if he already knew which one was his supposed office. “It seems you know your way around”, Jules said, standing at the entrance of his office. “Let's just say this used to be I and Mr. Avner's secret spot from a lifetime ago”, Leonard answered warmly with a smile and continued dusting off the office when Sophia walked in on them. “Well, look who is finally doing his job”, Sophia appraised sarcastically as she stared at Leonard. “What do you want? Are you here to gloat that he picked your cousin over me?”, Leonard said. He wasn't one to control his mouth, he would say whatever he wanted to without minding the consequences. “What are you talking about?”, Sophia asked, confused. It was obvious she wasn't aware of Avner and Harry's newly budding relationship. “Why don't you go into his office, then you can see for yourself what I'm talking about”, Leonard replied, and continued with what he was doing. Sophia immediately left Leonard's presence and strutted into Avner's office. “Avner, what is this news I'm getting about you and Harry dating? What's going on?”, Sophia asked, the very moment she entered the office, not noticing Harry who was seated on the couch beside her. “It's true cuz, Avner and I are officially dating”, Harry responded on behalf of Avner, which got Sophia startled a little. “Jesus Christ, how long have you been sitting there?”, Sophia yelled, placing her hands on her chest. Harry didn't answer her question and instead shrugged his shoulders and then continued playing on his phone. “Avner, what is going on?”, Sophia asked yet again. “Baby, can you help get this document to Stephen's office? Please tell him I said his signature is needed on it. I would have asked Jules, but I sent her on an errand”, Avner asked of Harry, but it was just an excuse for Harry to give him some privacy to speak to Sophia. “Okay, babe”, Harry stood up and left to do as his boyfriend had asked of him. “What is going on?”, Sophia asked yet again, but this time she was calmer. Avner explained all that had occurred earlier, how Leonard was able to manipulate him into coming to the office as he knew he wouldn't be able to sit still and see him hurt himself. But Sophia wasn't getting it, as she was attempting to understand how that led to him dating Harry. “Avner, that still doesn't explain why you and Harry are suddenly dating,” Sophia asserted, taking a seat. “I discovered that it was because I haven't been willing to open up to others, which is why I can't seem to let go of my past with Leonard, so that's why I am dating Harry. I'm giving myself the chance to be happy and forget about Leonard, besides you said that I shouldn't hurt Harry,” Avner explained the best way he knew he could. “I accept the fact that I said you shouldn't hurt him, but I didn't ask you to start a trauma-cleansing relationship with him,” Sophia countered Avner's statement. “Trauma cleansing relationship? What the hell is that?”, Avner questioned. “It means you are using your relationship with Harry to ignore whatever traumatic experience you have had with Leonard in the past. Also, you don't seem to know how dangerous Harry could be when he is… you know what? Just forget about it,” Sophia stopped herself from finishing her statement. She was hiding something important about Harry. “I know he gets a bit dark and off-putting when he is jealous, but that doesn't mean he is dangerous. Don't be silly. You should be happy for me and not chiding me,” Avner chastised, dismissing Sophia's words. “Oh, Avner”, Sophia said out loud. If only he knew what he had gotten himself into, then he wouldn't be saying this, she thought as she shook her head. She had a worried expression on her face. “Why do you have such a solemn look on your face?”, Harry asked as he entered, placing the document on Avner's table. “None of your business”, Sophia responded rudely. “Whatever”, Harry replied as he rolled his eyes at her with the same energy. “Avner, Jules asked me to inform you that the regional managers are here and Leonard is waiting for you outside,” Harry informed him as he arrived. Avner thanked him before he stood up from his chair and picked up his iPad. He walked over to Harry and told him he needed to go for the meeting, and he would be back shortly. He placed a kiss on his forehead and left. After Avner had left, Sophia got up from her seat and was about to leave as she was pissed at Avner, but Harry grabbed her hand, stopping her from moving. “Harry let go of me, you are hurting me”, Sophia yelled at him, but deep down she was frightened as she realized how he was staring at her. “What are you playing at, cousin?”, Harry questioned, his nostrils flared up. “I don't know what you are talking about”, Sophia said, as sweat drops trailed down her cheeks, her lips quivering. “You had better be careful. You don't want what happened to your brother to happen to you or do you?”, Harry tilted his head sideways and let out an evil scowl.
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