~Countered emotions:Two~

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Sophia didn't know how to react to the sentimental situation, or what to say to Avner to comfort him. This was the first time she had seen him in such a devastating state. The Avner she knew had never shed a tear in front of her nor had he ever shown any weaknesses, but here he was, crying like his life had been deeply altered. This only made Sophia more aggravated towards Leonard. “Oh, Avner, I had no idea that you went through such pain because of him. Now I understand why it is so difficult for you to open up to anyone easily”, Sophia finally spoke after deciding to be honest with her feelings. Avner turned and looked at her, letting out a teary smile, while Sophia wiped off his tears with the ends of her sleeves. “Sophie, I know you are terrible at comforting, but I'm honestly trying to understand how not opening up to people easily stems from making me heartbroken”, Avner chuckled as he teased her about her attempt to comfort him. “Really?”, Sophia rolled her eyes at him, irked at his teasing. “What? It's the truth, everyone knows that”, Avner continued with the teasing, which led to both of them laughing. Although he was laughing at her, it hadn't been his intention to tease her. He had done so because she was spot on with what she had said. It was really because of Leonard that he had built such a gigantic wall to prevent himself from getting hurt or heartbroken again. They continued to laugh and tease one another until they heard a loud noise coming from outside his room. It sounded like a heated argument was going on. Avner and Sophia rushed out of the room and ran downstairs to see what was causing the loud noises. “What the hell? Move out of my way”, Harry yelled at Leonard. But Leonard didn't budge an inch, he stood in front of him and continued to stare at him fiercely. “What is going on here? Harry?”, Avner asked immediately he arrived at the scene. “This bodyguard of yours has refused to let me see you. Even after all of my explanations to him about who I am and that I brought food for you, he still won't let me through”, Harry explained. Avner turned around to Leonard, waiting for him to explain his side of the story, but Leonard didn't say a word and instead feigned obliviousness. “Please move out of his way”, Avner said calmly, but Leonard gave him deaf ears and still stood in front of Harry. Avner chuckled in disbelief. He walked over to Leonard and held him by his arm, pulling him out of the way. “Goodness, where did they hire such a dumb bloke from!?”, Harry commented as he moved over to Sophia's side. “I would watch my mouth if I were you”, Leonard interjected sternly. “What exactly would you do if I didn't? Huh? You are going to beat me up? Your boss's friend?”, Harry questioned. He had enough of Leonard's character. “Being my boss's friend doesn't mean I won't beat you up for disrespecting me”, Leonard stated calmly. “Avner, are you just going to stand there and watch him talk to me? With such a manner?”, Harry asked incredulously. “Harry, you are done, I think it's time for you to leave”, Avner said. “You are taking his side over mine? Sophie, are you seeing this? Unbelievable!”, Sophia tried to signal to Harry for him to calm down, but Harry didn't heed her signal and continued talking. “Shut the hell up, Harry! Get out of my house immediately!”, Avner shouted decisively. Harry was shocked at how Avner was handling the situation. He scoffed in dismay and handed Sophia the soup he bought for Avner before leaving. Leonard couldn't hide his amusement as he watched Harry leave. It was so satisfying to Leonard to see how despondent Harry looked and felt as he left. “Really? You haven't even spent a day as my bodyguard, and you are already fighting with my friends?”, Avner questioned as he let go of Leonard's arms finally. “What did I do? I only asked him to give me the soup and come back later, because you were with Sophia. You don't expect me to allow him to walk in on you while you are with her, do you?”, Leonard questioned, pretending not to be aware of who Harry was to Avner. He knew what he was doing. “And why wouldn't you allow him? Hold on, do you think I'm dating both of them?”, Avner scoffed, shocked. He couldn't believe what Leonard was accusing him of. “Do you think I'm a scumbag like you? Who breaks people's hearts and plays with their emotions? How could you think so low of me? You think I would want to date anyone after what you did to me nine years ago?”, Avner exploded and began to yell at Leonard. “I can't believe you”, Avner said, and walked out on him burning with rage. Sophia ran after him, so she could calm him down. Leonard had a big, gummy smile on his face after Avner had left. He finally got the answer to the question that had been on his mind. He knew Sophia wasn't dating Avner from what Charles told him, but he wasn't sure about Harry, so he needed to know whether they were an item or not, so he would know what challenges lay ahead of him. “I saw what you did there”, butler, Charles commented. “What? I don't know what you're talking about”, Leonard feigned ignorance and went into the kitchen, humming happily. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Bloody swine! An insolent dickhead!”, Avner cursed out, throwing a punch in the air. “Avner, do you still have feelings for Leonard?”, Sophia asked, straight to the point. “What? Why would you ask me such a dumb question? You know what? Yes, I still have feelings for him, and it is nothing but hate”, Avner screamed. “I don't think so, I think you still love him. Avner, you asked Harry to leave and not Leonard. I noticed how you reacted when Harry was being disrespectful to Leonard. You clearly could not stand it, it was as if you were the one being talked down on and not Leonard”, Sophia stated her observation to her friend. She knew what she saw and needed him to be sincere with her and his feelings and not hide it from her. “I didn't ask Harry to leave because I was angry at him for talking down to Leonard. I did it because Leonard is Stephen's son and…”, Sophia cut him off, irritated. “Oh, stop with your silly excuses, Avner. Anyone in that room could see that you still love him, and the sooner you accept that the better for you, because this pretense you have going on isn't working. We both know that Harry loves you a lot and has been patiently waiting for over three years for you to accept him, so this situation you have going with Leo needs to be sorted out. Although you are my dearest friend and I love you very much, I won't allow you to hurt Harry”, Sophia advised, handing him the bag Harry had given to her before taking her leave. Avner opened the bag the moment Sophia left and saw a flask in it with a note telling him to drink the soup as it would help with his hangover, and it was from his favorite African restaurant. He heaved deeply after he finished reading the note, filled with guilt over how he had treated Harry earlier, and cursed himself for being so weak when it came to Leonard. Sophia was right, Avner was pissed at Harry for the way he spoke to Leonard, and it wasn't because he was Stephen's son, but because of the love he felt for him. No one was entitled to talk down to him, only he could do that, which was why he got annoyed at Harry and asked him to leave. “Oh Leonard, you haven't spent a day in my life, and you are already causing countless problems for me”, he thought out loud. “Young master, can I come in?”, the butler, knocked at the door. “Come in, Charles”, he answered. “What is it?”, Avner asked as he opened the flask. “It is almost time for your meeting, young master Leonard asked me to inform you”, Charles informed him. “Tell me, Charles, do you work for me or Leonard?”, Avner asked. “For you sir. Why do you ask?”, Charles asked, surprised. “Well, I'm trying to recall when exactly I made you the spokesperson for Leonard”, Avner raised his head and glared at Charles. “I… I… I…", Charles stuttered with his words, but Leonard came to his rescue and asked him to leave. Avner rolled his eyes at them and started drinking the soup Harry had bought for him. “Don't blame him. I was only doing as you said. You requested that I keep my distance, which is why I asked Charles to come to you,” Leonard explained. Avner ignored him and continued with his soup. “I see you prefer his food to mine”, Leonard added. Avner put his spoon down and inhaled deeply. “What do you want, Leo? Charles has earlier told me what you wanted him to say to me, so what are you doing?”, Avner asked, vexed. “You know what I want, Your forgiveness”, Leonard stated. “My forgiveness? Leonard, you haven't spent a day as my bodyguard, and you have already fought with my friend. You are interfering so much with my life and yet, you say you want my forgiveness?”, Avner shook his head and continued drinking the soup. “Tell me whatever you need me to do, and I will do it,” Leonard said. “How about you telling me where you have been for the past nine years? You can't answer that, can you?”, Avner asked. “It is not like I want to avoid explaining myself to you about what happened and why I disappeared all these years. Trust me, Avner, I wish to tell you everything. But some factors are stopping me from explaining myself to you”, Leonard responded. “I don't care about you or your foolish explanation, just don't meddle with my life. You are only my bodyguard because of your father and nothing else, so don't think you are any special to me. Besides, there is nothing to forgive you for being a coward,” Avner put down the spoon and stood up, making his way to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for his business dinner, but Leonard grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to him. “This is the last time I will allow another man or anyone in question to bring you a meal. They don't have the right, only I do, and if you don't like it, then you will have to fight with me about it,” Leonard whispered into Avner's ear. Avner quickly pulled himself out of Leonard's arms and ran into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
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