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Zulu:     Since meeting our former beta, Payne has been restless. He sits closer to the windows, stares out of them when the pups all get out of school and start heading home. He's been doing really well and it's obvious his wolf is ready to come out and great the world. My mark on him has given him quite the boost.     "Want to go to training today? We'll be about ten minutes late if we go now," I asked. He looked at me and nodded. A part of me wishes I can keep him to myself a little longer.     I quickly stood up and put on some shorts, a sports bra, and a tank top. I handed him a pair of black basketball shorts and a white v neck. With a pair of matching running shoes. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and grabbed a sweatband. We drove to the backfield where the alpha and Austin are training.     "Zulu," Austin shouted running towards me. He picked me up and spun me around.    "If you don't put me down now. I am going to beat you so hard...." he set me down before I could finish. I lost my footing and fell. I didn't get a chance to get up and hit him when Payne growled and shoved him knocking Austin down.    "Don't touch her," he growled his wolf very present. I stood up making space between the two of them.    "It's okay Payne he was just playing around. So was I," his dark gaze turned to me and then slowly faded.    "I'm sorry," he said looking at Austin.    "It's cool man," Austin said trying to mask his shocked expression. Richie and Ray started laughing. We all started laughing except for Payne he obviously didn't find the dark humor in all of this.     "Wow, this is Payne?" Nate asked coming over to us. "He's gorgeous. I thought you said he was super hairy,"    "He was. I cleaned him up," I said. "What are we doing today?"     "Well everyone is out of shape. Suicide drills," Alpha Ray said.     "Cool. Is it cool if we join you?"     "Get in line, Zulu. You'll lead them. Thanks for coming down," he said. Everyone groaned as the alpha made his way to the packhouse leaving me in charge. They all know I push them as hard as I push myself.     "Alright, we're going to start with a mile. Five-minute break. Two miles. Seven-minute break. Suicide drills," I shouted. "Let's do some stretching first," I looked over at Payne. "Find a spot with everyone. I'll show you how to do this,"     "Alright," he said with a smile and joined everyone.     A few introduced themselves to him and he nervously introduces himself. As we stretched he followed every move and every instruction. Never taking his eyes off of me.    "He's doing good," Austin said. I looked over at him taking my eyes off of Payne for a second.     "Yeah," I agreed. Payne's growl startled me. It wasn't a low warning growl like it had been earlier. I looked over to see Harper was in his face. Payne didn't seem to like how close he is to him. "Harper!"     "Harper!" Austin shouted as we both made our way to him.     "What the f**k are you doing?!?" I shouted and shoved him.     "He doesn't belong here Huntress,"     "Get out of my f*****g face before I beat the s**t out of you," I growled.     "What pretty boy can't fight his own battles?"     "Zulu he isn't stable," Austin said behind me. I turned to look at Payne his body vibrating his wolf wanted out. The heat coming off of him is going ot stir up the other wolves.     "Did you challenge him, Harper?" I growled. It was the only explanation for Payne's violent reaction.     "He did. He called him worthless and shoved him," Jerry said. He was helping Austin hold Payne back.     "What's going on here?" Alpha Ray finally showed up.      "Harper challenged Payne," Austin said. "Payne had accepted,"      "Get out of here Harper," alpha Ray said.      "p***y," Harper said.     "Let him go," the alpha demanded.     "No," I shouted but it was too late. Payne shifted into a light almost silver-grey wolf. Everyone moved out of the way as Harper shifted into a tanned wolf.     Payne's wolf Darren is a lot bigger than Harper. This is the first time Darren was let out since the first time Payne shifted. So, it doesn't necessarily mean he's stronger. Harper has been training since he first shifted at sixteen like the rest of us.     Harper charged at Payne my wolf wanting out to protect him but the alpha grabbed my holding us back. Payne dodged him easily and charged back knocking Harper on the floor as a growl ripped through him. I stepped forward now afraid he might kill one of my best fighters.     "Darren, don't," I shouted when I saw he was going in for the kill. The Alpha let me this time. "I know he's an ass hole but he's a good fighter," Darren snorted like he completely disagreed and pulled away. He came over and sat next to me.     "Get that i***t out of here," Alpha Ray said. "Let's get him through basic training Zulu. He's joining the pack once you come back to work kid,"     "You kicked his ass," I said looking at Darren. He let me scratch the back of his ears before he shifted back into his skin. I handed him a pair of shorts, he quickly slipped them on. Austin took his shirt off and handed it to him when he saw he was trying to cover up his scars.     "I'm sorry my wolf didn't like him,"     "Don't apologize. He deserved that. Now get back in line we have training to do," I said placing my hand in his stomach as I walked back to the front of the crowd.      A part of me is proud but the bigger part is worried. Darren is dangerous and Payne just lets him completely take over when he's afraid. 
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