
1124 Words

Zulu:     "Do you mind if I go work out with Austin Nate and Ray?" I checked the alarm clock next to me. Four fifteen a.m. I smiled.     "Of course not. I have to check in at the hospital anyway,"     After a few minutes of getting ready, we both ran downstairs and I fixed us both protein shakes. After marking one another, the only time he came close to me was when we went to bed and even then he was distant. I decided on giving him some space. I probably came on to him way too fast. The guys took a liking to him. They all work out, train, and play video games together. I love how everyone just likes him and I'm surprised how he hasn't felt overwhelmed by all of it.      "Yo Zulu a little overdressed for a workout," Alpha Ray started walking in with the guys. I looked down at my white

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